*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*


Do it fag

>destroy as many monster you constrol as possible
Was there ever a card game with worse wording than YGO?

I got this

*blocks your win*

>instant draw card
What the fuck. I swear it's the first time seeing it

What the FUCK were they thinking with that card

Some monsters are immune to being effect destroyed.

this has got to be banned

>Foolish Burial
>Backs to the Wall
>Self-Destruct Button
Is there an easier way to piss someone off?

Tossing coins in a card or boardgame is a really distracting and annoying mechanic. Rolling dice is far superior.

The best card for pissing your childhood friends off

are there any spell cards that up wind monster attacks in duel links?

Is Bakura actually a good boy at all or is he always just pretending?

And the rulings should take care of that, saying which effect wins over the other, just saying something like "immunity and negation effects win over the others unless stated otherwise".

Way better than bloating every card with text like that.

can you repeat the question

Good kid. He fought against his evil self in the original manga.

Is there a spell card in duel links that makes wind monsters attack higher
how do i get it

Cards can't block your path you bunch of brainless monkeys

*Clear Mind starts playing*

Dice are shit too.

5Ds was the best.

gust fan from the card trader. generic equip spell, shitsux

Say that to my face and see what happens!

That's not penguin soldier

How does one confront such a beast?

>Not giant soldier of stone

*makes your friend stop playing against you*