2 page assignment due next week

>2 page assignment due next week
>cant stop browsing Sup Forums

What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO??!!

>50 word essay due in an hour

>350 word essay due in 3 days ;_;


>free steam key due right now

This, except unironically. I fucking hate writing.

>10 word essay due in 20min

is that you? You're ugly

I'm at work right now and I'm still on Sup Forums.

>2 pages

Fuck the fuck off you fucking child.

Fuck off and stop cluttering the board with these shit threads. Sage goes in all fields.

>huge ass programming assignment due in a week
>haven't gotten any piece of it working
>having too much fun at work
Why the fuck do people have to go to uni? Literally haven't learned a single thing that I've used at work. I feel ripped off. Thanks, Jewish corporate overlords.

>haiku due today
>haven't even started yet
>waste my time on Sup Forums

>newfags don't even know Stanley


i never understood this until I actually taught kids in a classroom


Good cake.

>2 pages
> due in a week
Are you motherfucking serious?

I've got 2 programs and midterm due by Friday and I'm still browsing Sup Forums. You piece of shit, a week two write two pages is nothing.

Come back when you actually have a problem


>TFW cumulatively had 11k words for Friday
>TFW i finished them in advance through planning
>TFW i can just relax, enjoy the rest of the week and play Tides

Just do yourself a favour and get it done user, doesn't have to be a lot, but a little everyday is better than nothing. Set yourself goals to work too.