>kills your entire team
Kills your entire team
Autistic people really are special
Haven't played in a while. Does her microwave still have ridiculous range and instamelt?
if i saw any of these irl i'd lose my shit, except maybe the hot chick and the squirrel
People on Sup Forums cry about Roadhog constantly when this is the real issue
It's not even that she's op, but she absolutely sucks the fun out of every game she's in god dammit I hate symmetra
Laser should reset damage if she loses or switches target
No matter which side she's on, the attacking team is not going to have a fun time.
She's a broken, overpowered crutch of a character with the most unlikable personality in the game.
Yep, and her stupid turrets still stop you in place at the chokepoint so you can't break them with prairie-dogging. And her shield generator still stacks with other Sym generators in No Limits.
when did OCD become autism?
why do i get the feeling that some people want to get diagnosed autism? wth is going on
OCD can be an autism symptom, speaking from personal experience.
autism is a made-up disease to make retards sound better than they truly are or for people with inexcusable behavior to get pity by being placed on a spectrum that to this day keeps changing like a wikipedia article.
>autist who believes this because he can't accept his autism
>pharah main
>literally never have to deal with this retarded bitch unless im playing her
feels good man
I want her to fart in my face
>pharah main
kill yourself
itt Platinum ranked shitters
Autism is a real condition but it's used as a crutch in diagnosis to make parents feel better about not raising their children well and gives them peace of mind. This is bad in the long run because they now think it isn't their fault and don't actually try and help their kids to not be retarded and this makes actual autism cases seem less legitimate and decreases the quality of treatment that kids who actually DO have autism receive and just compounds the problem. This cannot be solved in the current social climate in the first world, particularly America.
Americans don't want to admit they raised their childs poorly and blame it on autism instead. There's a documentary where a mother went to heaps of doctors for years who said "no, your kid doesn't have autism" then went to ONE when the kid was 14 who said she did and instantly (and only) took this doctors advice, who was known for just diagnosing everyone with autism anyway.
They even believe that vaccines can give you autism.. Anything to excuse they're shitty kids or their shitty parenting
lmao u mad faget
could be worse. at least you're not a widow main.
I'm a Pharah main too and Sym still bugs me. If I take cover for whatever reason there's usually a poo-in-the-loo running around the corner at me, and the stupid beam keeps shredding you a second after you use the jump jets.
>I can't aim up
>aim at phara
>shots miss thanks to bullet velocity and her erratic movements
>finally get a lock
>she falls from the sky and i miss or she activates her jet boost and i miss
>this is the real issue
maybe if you can't aim
roadhog can ruin anyone instantly regardless of skill level
symmetra is only good if your teammates suck or you suck
>shots miss thanks to bullet velocity
>__________ is only good if your teammates suck or you suck
That could be said about every character including Roadhog.
Shitty argument
>Tiny as fuck hitbox
>Gun that does 1,948,128 damage that you don't even have to aim
>2 ults
>6 turrets that give you ult 1 second after the game starts
>Projectiles that can go through walls
>Sheild Gen & Teleporter have shitloads of health + regen health
>Can just throw a fuck huge shield out so she can't get hit and it tanks a billion damage
A simply epic hero to say the least
She sucks dick. Isn't played in competitive and the only way to be effective with her is to hide and catch someone alone which never happens and hope they panic in a 1v1.
Mei does what she does ten times better. Teleporter and shield generator are okay.
The whole games fucking cancer to begin with. If you're looking for skill fucking go somewhere else. But all other shooters are fucking casual as fuck now a days and don't really reward skill.
When you grind in this game you just fucking kick a brick wall till you chip it a little. Even the highest ranked overwatch players only have a 60% win rate.
Her shield generator is the only ultimate in the game that puts your team at a temperament disadvantage unless a flanker goes out of their way to stop it.
And even then, it's most likely protected by her and her turrets so good luck dealing with that as any flanker in the game.
Mr silver
If a good Tracer knows exactly where it is, she can blink into the turret nest, drop a pulse bomb on the generator, and recall out.
But yeah, the other flankers are fucked if they tried.
Well Tracer isn't meta since just about everyone can drop her with stray fire and her fire does next to nothing to armor.
Ana to the already shitty balance, threw it out the Window and Blizzard is more worried about Lucio for some reason.
Agreed, something is wrong if the only counterplay you have is some out of meta niche.
What does FFVII have to do with anything?
Hello autist
I would agree with you both, but usually Symmetras won't create a nest around their teleporter/generator.
They usually set them around chokes, which makes it easier to take out their ultimates.
Still though, the possibility exists that she /could/ build a nest with her ultimate in an enclosed area in a more secluded part of the map, and there really is no good counterplay to it aside from a quick pulse bomb.
At least with a teleporter, if your team can last, it'll go away, but the generator is there to stay unless someone takes it out. That seems like a problem to me.
>W+M1's and jumps around you
Woaaaah what skill!
It'd be much less annoying if its extendable range wasn't so fucking ridiculous.
They need to fix that and Mei's bullshit as well. Once they get close to you it's over.
Sym is still only really good in low as fuck ranks. Just turn around and shoot her in the face.
>Just kill her bro!
Wow what great advice
>Just turn around
>You die in seconds before that
Amazing advice from him.
It's also not even true in the first place.
Symmetra's good even in masters on maps like Eichenwalde and Hanamura.
Ok, sure, but what's the reference? I don't play OW.
Don't blame Symmetra just because she's good at what she does. Blame Blizzard and their shitty map layouts.
oh god. Have you ever tried to take point B on Hanamura with a Sym/Mei core? Just hand me the fucking loss once they pick them.
Does your pencildick feel a little thicker yet?
Mrs Silver
Is that your Battle.net account?
>poops in your loo
>Don't blame Symmetra just because she's good at what she does.
I don't know what she does good but the main problem is her gun is just too good.
How's it look for Symmetra after the change made to Eichenwalde recently?
I'm a Sym main, and I'm hoping that she can keep a place in high ranks.
How is the booty of the game determined?
>Autistic Indian
What do you expect? Fucking racist Blizzard.
It'll hurt her effectiveness at least a little on that map.
It hasn't gone live yet I don't believe, but I can't see it hurting her too much when it does. Probably not enough to make her unusable in masters, but we'll see.
>Don't blame Symmetra just because she's good at what she does.
He's not entirely wrong, though. A few maps make Symmetra a living nightmare to deal with.
I don't get why you would post FFVII enemies in response to the OP.
>playing a first person shooter where it is literally impossible to solo carry
this was your first mistake
>he doesn't know
*blocks your plumbing*
>That could be said about every character including Roadhog.
No, it could not. Rein and Lucio for example are always good and require basically no skill to accomplish their main job.
*blocks your path*
no but really, you pretending to be retarded or is there a link?
>And her shield generator still stacks with other Sym generators in No Limits.
That's the biggest sin right there. Makes running Attack a fucking endless nightmare.
Of course there's a link but like you said, you don't play OW
yeah i'm just pretending
i don't get it either
people still play this?
Ok, so there's no link and you're a liar. Got it.
I played Symm before she got rebuilt.
People hated me.
>caring about balance in an arcade mode
Dead game
They need to nerf one of the following for Sym:
>Magazine/Charge capacity
Which one?
Pro tip: don't get close.
>there's no link
>You will never hold hands with Symmetra
>You will never teach her to shit in a toilet properly
>You will never share tendies with Symmetra
>You will never lather globs of peanut butter between her asscheeks and eat the booty like a Reese's peanut butter cup
why live
none, make it so if you lose contact the damage resets
Glad to see that you admit it. At least you're a self aware troll.
My boy if you took a quick fucking google you would have the answer you need
Sombra removes it one clip or can EMP it
Well in this scenario, the generator/teleporter is guarded by Symmetra and all her turrets.
You're right that Sombra would work, but she'd be hard pressed to make it out alive if Symmetra herself is there.
I think it would be a sacrifice worth making, but Tracer is a safer and easier option.
the main problem is that her beam stays attached even if you get out of range or behind a wall for an entire second, which if she has fully ramped up is 120 damage. that is unacceptable. if you leave the ridiculous 7 meter range or go behind cover it should disconnect instantly. I can't tell you how many times I've put up a mei wall and still lost another 120 health because it shoots THROUGH the wall. this is not good game design.
a decent phara counters her hard, but that's assuming the entire enemy team can't deal with her, which is usually not the case.
and as for hitting her when she does get close, her damage ramps up FAST to the same as genji during his ult, forever, locks on to you without aiming, and can jump without losing power to a new target.
you are not likely to hit her small hit box enough no matter what hero you are playing before she fries you.
oh and her range is 2 meters more than genji's ult range, and again, locks on. and is available any time. so. yeah, the beam needs to go back to 5 meters I think. and not keep locked on after you disconnect for a full second.
Once her laser snaps off someone make the damage reset. If she fucks up and loses a target but then reattaches make the damage reset.
If you keep saying it maybe it'll be true.
i bet she loves to rotate that polygon
Pharahs always die to her turrets in diamond
Actually I'm wrong. It would take Sombra 2.5 seconds to from when she begins shooting to take out a Symmetra ultimate after EMP.
Assuming Symmetra starts shooting Sombra at the same time Sombra begins shooting her teleporter/generator and Symmetra has no charge, Symmetra would only be able to do 150 damage to Sombra before she translocates out.
So yeah, Sombra would work just fine and escape alive.
I always wanted to make her work, even if it was an uphill struggle
>the teleporter still only has 6 charges
This assumes that Sombra doesn't get lasered during the delay after she becomes visible again and that Sombra translocates immediately as the generator is destroyed, both of which are very unlikely.
Sombra would get fucked
I'm a loser that uses Sombra ensuring my team almost always loses and, yeah, a Symmetra turret nest on Anubis Point B is hot death. Whatever you destroy and teleport from Symmetra will replace. It's an endless loop. Since EMP can be charged super fucking quick throwing that out and killing the Shield Generator is *the* best way.
I STILL DON'T GET THIS. Someone please explain it to me. I googled "Symmetra FFVII" and like seven other combinations adding "enemies" and stuff and got nothing.
Road hog is dead. Long live orisa
>STILL doesn't get it