>Finding it though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go
Finding what? Letting go of what?
What the fuck is he talking about?
What was the message or moral of this dlc?
>Finding it though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go
Finding what? Letting go of what?
What the fuck is he talking about?
What was the message or moral of this dlc?
Sometimes, you need to let go of ideas and objects that you desire the most. Like how I let go of any hope that obsidian might make another fallout game.
Obsession can be a dangerous, and sometimes counter-productive thing. What you want is sometimes not what you need,
I think this DLC has it's flaws (like the starting convo getting a bit dragged out and boring) but the characters are just great.
also can we all agree Fallout 3 DLC is better than New Vegas DLC?
I never beat any of them due to boredom.
Objective dlc ranking
Dead Money>Honest Hearts>Old World Memes>BEAR AND BULL BEAR AND BULL
Fucking this
How Sup Forums is incapable of letting go of NV is tragically ironic.
>finding what
The sierra madre casino
>Letting go of what
Advanced pre-war tech
>What the fuck is he talking about
The large amount of salvageable pre war tech that litters the sierra madre, but is too dangerous to scavenge.
>What was the message or moral of this dlc
that sometimes pre-war tech is more hassle than its worth, and you're better off staying in your bunker fiddling with old laser rifles.
But it's the only thing we got to live for! I'm not abandoning it in that cloud of F4 shit!
>operation Anchorage
>also can we all agree that corridor shooters are better than corridor shooters?
The DLC was basically a playable blogpost by Obsidian with the theme of letting go because they were busy bawling their eyes out that they had to give up Fallout and go back to making other mediocre isometric RPGs.
Accept it and go home.
He's talking about the game. Getting through is easy, but putting the game down is hard.
It's hard to move on when you have nothing to look forward to.
Fight me
>Honest Hearts
Lolno. Completely unremarkable unless you're really into scouring every inch of terrain so you get all location markers. It's better than lonesome road at least, I'll give you that.
Huh. All I want in the world is to be with someone who I'll never get the chance to be with. I know that letting her go would free me from this, let me live my life. I just don't know how.
Please tell me Fallout didn't just make me realize that I have to stop pursuing what I can't have.
*heavy breathing*
Maybe you should stop living in the past, then.
Never, I'll bring it back to Obsidian and wipe out Bethesda scum out of the franchise!
>tfw dropping everything you have and loading up on drugs and stealth boys to escape with the gold
So what are ghost people anyway? Did I miss some important information on them?
Construction workers of the Sierra Madre, got stuck in their hazmat suit because of the cloud and slowly became the inhabitants of the place.
We're holding on to NV, but we already let go of the piece of shit calle Fallout: 4
You'll die trying
The holograms should have been killable t b h
finding the Sierra Madre and realizing that it's not worth the risk in the name of blind greed
Story time?
>anything about F3
>better than anything about New Vegas
>light should be killable
How is Sup Forums this fucking stupid?
it's a hologram
you would have to shoot the projector but they are invisible for some reason
even so why would you attempt to hit a hologram
You're a retard, the whole game has this theme in it.
>tfw no one ever talks about OWB
My favorite DLC, not limited to NV DLCs. Lots of people tend to be put off by the humor and the general craziness but I like it especially since it becomes darker the further you advance.
You can't always get what you want.
But if you try, you might find what you need.
the projectors aren't invisible, you can turn them off to stop the holograms
i just didn't like it because of how empty it was and how if you didn't use energy weapons then you could go fuck yourself
The vendors don't have projectors
Aside from the reddit humor and "craziness" of the setting that gets old after the first time you play through it, the entire dlc was filled with bullet sponges, pointless backtracking, and empty space with nothing to do but kill enemies. I did like the final conversation with mobius and the general conclusion though
I thought he was talking about the security holograms, not vendors. why would you want to kill the vendors
Switch OWB and DM and you're solid
thats what i'm asking
the exact same thing can be said about old world blues. dead money was the best dlc by far
The dark age of games user.
Some grew up in that time and grew attached to the fledgling industry.
The industry has improved from those initial stuttering steps and much of what worked then is not coming back.
It was a loveletter to their fans telling them to let go.
Short story. Met a girl, love her with laser focus, don't care for anyone else this way and never have. She's taken, extremely committed. I knew this from the start, she was always out of reach. Not an hour passes that I don't feel it. She shows up to me when I'm trying to see anything else in my head.
Letting go is what I need to do. It's also the only thing I can't bring myself to do. I'll keep my hand in the trap till I starve to death, unable to unclench my fist.
>the entire dlc was filled with bullet sponges, pointless backtracking, and empty space with nothing to do but kill enemies
Sounds like DM for me, except the space is pretty cramped.
Well, letting go is the hard part after all...
OWB is kinda weird since it's great talking about the individual aspects, missions and loot but everything together is kind of underwhelming and sometimes even annoying. It gets less fun every playthrough.
You need to let go.
There's a bright future ahead of you, user--stop looking at the clouds behind you
First playthrough:
OWB > HH > LR > DM
Next playthroughs:
DM > LR > HH >>>>>>>>>>> OWB
I love OWB and I go back and forth on whether I like it more than DM or vice versa everytime I play through them.
My only gripe is having to repeat the high school quest like 5 different times to finish it and same with upgrading the stealth suit.
>What the fuck is he talking about?
your childhood
jesus dude its just a girl. give it up and move on, I guarantee you there are plenty out there that are almost identical to her
Pretty accurate for me, except I have a soft spot for HH over LR.
OWB didn't lose it's appeal as much as HH though
Honest Hearts is really lacking in most things, I usually just do the Randall Clark things and team up with Joshua and destroy the White Legs.
Baking Cloud and Follows-lines could fuck off for all I care
But that might be because I'm a sneering imperialist most of the time
nice blog
get the fuck out of here
you too fag
>How Sup Forums is incapable of letting go of NV is tragically ironic.
because it's the last proper AAA cRPG ever made
we've been just getting high budget cutscene simulators or low budget isometric games since then
Realizing that all the DLC is shit and it was time to let NV go.
>What was the message or moral of this dlc?
It was obsidian's way to tell us to let go of the series
you do realize that you can actually shoot the projectors for most hostile holograms in DM, right?
>gold is too heavy to steal
>use teleporter from other dlc to steal it
>learn no lessons from dlc but become rich
>>use teleporter from other dlc to steal it
But that doesn't work. Why would you lie on the internet, user?
>doesn't work
mods, dear child.
Well if you are gonna use that argument I can just console comand myself a billion golds.
no one did
I've started playing nethack about 6-8 months ago and haven't ascended once.
Should I just give up at this point? Closest i've gotten is the graveyard in Gehennom.
Fuck, wrong thread.
So is it true that JSawyer makes the gold bars almost worthless? If so, what's even the point of going through it?
Best nethack is?
bragging rights
In real life post-apocalypse setting, wouldn't gold be worth the same as scraps?
It depends on the person.
It's heavily implied to be aimed at the players oneits irl and is reinforced by the Sinclair plotline but each character is different
Elijah couldn't let go of his lust for power
Dean couldn't let go of his will to petty revenge
Christine couldn't let go of her pursuit of Elijah
Dog/God couldn't let himself go
You couldn't let go of the gold
I want to do a Gordon Freeman playthrough
Any tips on the build? SPECIAL stats, perks to pick?
>talk to my brain
>trying to get it to come back
>make it remember the good old times and come to a compromise
>it remembers Jason Bright
>then the Helios One
>then Jason Bright again
>then helios again
>then Jason Bright again
>my brain is stuck in a loop and the conversation never ends
>there's no fix for this
It's like Sup Forums with New Vegas
I mean gold is used in electronics so it is really good for rebuilding
The JSawyer mod is worthless. It is a satirical joke aimed at the people who mod the game.
I like how, in retrospect, its incredibly obvious the think tank were evil
well aside from maybe 8, but thats sort of symbolic as well: nobody can understand the voice of reason
NCR and presumably others have been using gold as currency for decades before the events of DM.
Oh god I remember getting that bug and my last save was 40 minutes ago.
I was so pissed.
What the fuck are you talking about?
They dropped the gold standard after the Brotherhood set off a dirty bomb on their gold reserves
Don't worry user I know how you feel. I too have the same feeling for somebody. I won't let go even if it kills me.
thing is New Vegas and the fallout universe as a whole are NOT post-apocalyptic in the traditional sense
especially New Vegas where a nation-state with close to 1 million people has emerged that's in the process of re-industrializing
there's coinage, there's economy, larger scale trade, luxury goods and services etc.
Add onto this the fact culture wasn't erased so most people would give gold an innate value and you got yourself a ready market of gold.
In fact the destruction of the NCR's gold reserve was the biggest economic disaster to hit the nation in its entire existence.
Jsawyer mod, retard.
S - 5
P - 7
E - 5
C - 1
I - 9
A - 7
L - 6
Guns/En Weapons only
Someone can't be this stupid, right?
How is it a joke? I've seen this occasionally in threads, most people here like JSawyer and his mod, I'm guessing this is just bait?
Am I the only one who unironically liked both Honest Hearts and Lonesome Road?
To be fair, without Joshua Graham, HH would have been significantly less interesting; and Ulysses is a bit up his own ass when it comes to spouting his pretentious "philosophy lessons," but I still enjoyed both of them enough as characters to find each of those DLC enjoyable.
Also, the unique items added by both were pretty cool.
>you couldn't let go of the gold.
Why gold tho? Most players are usually so rich at this point that makes the gold kinda pointless
They should have changed it to you could only bring back 1 dlc item or something. Holorifle or assassin suit, etc etc
I hope you're not serious. Just because there's no government & government-backed currency doesn't mean that people stop believing that gold has intrinsic worth. Gold and silver have probably been used for currency for thousands of years.
...you know what... if we ever encounter end of civilization, and you happen to own some precious metals, just send them my way- they're useless at that point, right?
Cowboy Repeater, Hunting Rifle, Trail Carbine or Brush Gun?
In terms of aesthetics, I mean we all know Medicine Stick is the best
>You couldn't let go of the gold
Wrong you fucking retard, player's supposed to let go of Fallout.
>wasted an hour trying to sneak past Elijah with all the gold on me
>already had everything I really wanted and 30000 caps in cash + whatever items I had stowed away at the Lucky 38
>drop all the gold outside once I leave Dead Money and never look back