Whereever i go, i must PURGE THE UNCLEAN
Whereever i go, i must PURGE THE UNCLEAN
>Imperium of Man
>Not the Galactic Empire
>Not saving your IoA playthrough until the expansion release in a week
I don't want to play Stellaris as it is now but the expansion sounds legitimately good. Will it finally actually ascend to the status of "good"?
>in a week
2 weeks.
I wouldnt consider the imperium to be spiritual ... Fanatic Xenophobia and Militarist maybe
I got hundreds of hours on it already but Im saving myself since january.
>Can choose biological path for making adeptus astartes
>Spiritual to make possessed cultists or just use the warp without having your people possessed
>Can make adeptus mechanicum
>Hivemind for proper tyranids
>All these features
I believe they want to turn it into warhammer simulator
post heresy imperium is spiritual af senpai
>no option to tell them to eat shit and get out of your fucking way lest you reduce every world of theirs to a smoking husk
Nigguh, this is the most W40k thing outside of W40k
It's already good, just kinda barebones. The xpac will add some desperatly needed things to do in the midgame
What game is this? Is this the new mass effect?
Just found out about the expansion >eating slaves
Wow, a human supremacy race in Stellaris, how original.
I found that you definitely need a collectivist trait if you want to play that way
Otherwise you can't genocide liberals and alien lovers once they stop appreciating the God Emperor
>woman isn't wearing a hijab
>not a desert world
Way to go faggot.
That guy fucked up the European faces mod so much
Should have stayed subtle and called it "additional diversity mod" or something and not referenced multiculturalism at all, as to give no leverage for the easily triggered Swedes and leftists to cry out "muh racism" and gotten it removed, stupid baka
Have they fixed the balance of propulsion systems yet or is the only fun way to play still to force everyone to use hyperlanes?
Everyone on Sup Forums was making Militaristic Xenophobic races when the game was launched, either 40k themed or Third Reich themed.
It's like that one autistic kid you knew in highschool who thought he was being cool and edgy by drawing a swastika on his notebook.
Just brainwash them with propaganda and entertainment so their ethical divergence becomes negative.
Hell, that's practically mandatory no matter what kind of race you play. Either that or you genocide everyone and replace them with robots, which of course has its own downsides. Otherwise, you'll inevitably end up with a whole load of fringe-dwelling non-conformist chucklefucks who think it'd be cool to get triggered by literally everything your entire race stands for.
>Not making a ultra-xenophile militiristic race that captures and rapes other aliens.
I made a xenophile collectivist pacifist that did something similar but it didn't really work as expected
>Not Materialist
wait what?
Sorry, I'm stupid. Disregard this.
>played the fuck out of Stellaris when it first came out
>now I can't keep interested long enough to make it past early game
that's just too easy
How hardware-intensive is this game? It looks like there's a lot of units and particle effects on screen in battles.
Why would imperialists be nationalist instead of spiritualist? Literally entire imperium revolves around having faith in the imperium and drawing power from warp (in form of ´´miracles´´)
Not at all, from my experience playing it for a few hours.
Please tell me there's a Borg-like way of playing in the new expansion.
I hope you have a toaster too
I just ran a clean on my little netbook/notebook and I'm trying to see what it'll run now that svchost and Superfetch aren't hogging CPU all the time. To my surprise it runs STALKER passably, but that shit is old and Russian, and this shit is new and Swedish
The art and UI remind me a lot of Endless Space, which felt very nice to play when it was running smoothly. But I get the idea it's more sophisticated.
Hivemind ethos
>I hope you have a toaster too
I was using a GTX 970 and i7 3770 at the time, but I was
a) running on Linux
b) running at 4K resolution
If you're on 1080p and windows you should have no problems whatsoever
That's good to hear. I'll be sure to check this game out tonight. I want to make a space society so unlike our own that I forget what twitter is
> Literally entire imperium revolves around having faith in the imperium and drawing power from warp
No, the entire imperium revolves around numbers.
How many people are expended to stave off enemies, how many worlds are lost vs. how many are gained each decade, how many psykers are culled or tithed to the astronomicon.
The imperial government is a purely materialistic and collectivistic bureaucracy, religion does not enter the workings of rule here, it is only used to pacify and manage the unruly masses who would panic or dissent otherwise.
Spiritualism is completely lacking in the functionaries of the government, and the church is actively forbidden to have any real power.
You can still get it, Paradox backed down :)
Nigga do you know about the Imperial Cult?
What makes it so Grimdark is that the Imperium became what one of the initial Traitor Primarchs wanted it to be and what the Emperor vehemently fought against.
You mean in like two years when the game is actually playable and not spore 2
Later on in the end game the performance takes a nose dive, and processor speed starts to really matter
But can you play as monstergirls?