What made you think this was worth a thread

I'm genuinely surprised how much Toukiden 2 improved over the first one. I thought the first one was a bore but played 2 today for 8 hours straight and am about to jump back in.

It still has some flaws like the AI making things too easy, but the weapon revisions and open world work really well. Exploring is super fun.

>40 million dollars

Please only read the message below in 20 minutes
redditor will flood this thread saying ME:A don't deserve the shit it gets

And I gave them 90.bucks

>45 ratings

>masses are waking up

Sup Forums bombed the reviews with low ratings. i was here when the threads were up.

wtf is a toukiden?

>for a 3/10 game that everyone knows it's shit but they don't want to harm the franchise

I still buy it, I just wait until it costs 30 bucks (maybe in 1 or 2 months).

>45 Ratings compaired to the 1390 Ratings
Yeah the masses. Learn to read dumbass

you do know gamespot,ign etc are normalfags? and other normalfags actually listen to their opinions? same with youtubers. when felix makes fun of your game his brain dead fans will follow.

Is toukiden fun?

You realize that pointing out that someone who actually played the game instead of joining the meme club and can give a reasonable review to the game isn't some fantastic prediction right?

western reviewers giving a AAA Sjw garbage less than 8.5 was unthinkable about 3 years ago

Yes, but not worth 60

monster hunter clone

*tips, fedora*

Monster Hunter-lite. This one tried to make itself different with open world.

Even in comment fields on facebook when it's something Andromeda related you see people criticizing it. Even reddit seems mostly negative. I'm seeing it but not really believing it. Comment is a response to bioware posting a picture of the three dev teams along with this comment
""Three studios, five years and hundreds of people made mass effect andromeda a reality, and we can't wait for you to explore this new galaxy. From all of us at bioware, thank you for sharing the journey with us. We hope you enjoy this next chapter in the mass effect universe."

Thats not what were talking about

was sjw (the way we see it now) even a thing 3 years ago?

of course it is. IGN/Gamespot shape the public opinion. 3 years ago even if a AAA SJW game had flash graphics it would get at least 9.0/10 no matter what.

>45 ratings
>1390 ratings


doesn't matter what toukiden's score is, no one will buy it

Wait, what?

Since when is 7.4 just "average".

4-6 is average.

What's the difference between Toukiden and MonHun, anyways?

Is it a straight clone or are there RPG stats/different systems?

yes. marxists/feminists and college drop-outs working on gaming websites have been a thing since early late 90s. The thing is that it wasn't openly publicized like it is now.

I-it's faster

It's MM with better weapons, more enemies, more cute characters and decent frame rate.
*early 2000s late 90s

>metacritic user reviews

also, "Finally" - DA2 was like 5 years ago and had roughly the same user score when it came out

really shows the state of their studios if andromeda was what came from all that supposed effort
Diversity hires doing them good now huh?

MonHun is slow and calculated, less controls and more about learning enemy behavior and positioning

Toukiden is more combat heavy and has you darting all over the place to sabotage the monster and attack from different angles.

Toukiden is the better game.

>4-6 is average.
Not for modern reviewers. AAA games are only rated from 50 to 100 unless they fuck up spectacularly.
I don't know what a game would have to do to get below 50. Probably fry your PS4 or infect your computer with malware.

>he doesn't know about the review scale

7 is the lowest score you can give anything without it straight up meaning "unplayable trash"

It's a poor Monster Hunter clone for people who have no MH on their platforms to fill that itch. Doesn't quite manage to do it but it's not awful either. It's just nowhere near as good as MH.

Hello youngfag, welcome to game reviews. They work on the scholastic A-F scale. 74 is a low C

let's face it, normies and SJWs are not saying the game is 10/10 like they did with Undertale and Gone Home because they don't have free-pass to shill for bad games anymore like they did in 2014/2015.

Not entirely sure what Monster Hunter does better than Toukiden 2, it really outshines it in every conceivable way.

No matter how much a failure you are, you never going to be a redditor defending Mass Effect Andromeda.
That alone is enough reason to postpone your suicide.


45 ratings, only manages a 7.6 among hardcore weebs.

1390 ratings, 4.3, the weeb game would be lower with that many people rating it.

The normies waking up is worth a thread though as it's something that never could've been predicted.


people defended no man's sky, why is this a surprise in the slightest?

>this is what the 27 people playing Toukiden 2 tell themselves so the lack of MH on their ps4 or Steam doesn't hurt as much

took a photo of you


despite being made by hipsters NMS don't have leftist propaganda. It was defended because it was popular.

It's like Nioh was to Souls.

It's faster and more stylish, some people prefer it, others don't.

>45 vs 1390
>1 website

This is what you call a Mass Effect.

i don't know why it was defended.. i would have chalked it up to identity politics (people made friends over that game and identified with it and shit), then hardcore buyers remorse

The point is a bad SJW game got lower reviews finally. I was expecting 10/10s from IGN, Gamespot and Destructoid.

Gamespot game 6/10 and Destructoid 6.5/10

Also the users are not defending it like they would have done if this game was released after Gamergate

What does it take for a normal, non shill person to do this? Like how do you become so beholden to a consumer product that you will blindly shell out $60 for it before you even know it's quality, and then vehemently defend it against criticism once it gets revealed it's a piece of shit. Is there a psychological term for this behaviour?

Yeah, buyer's remorse.

I don't think that has anything to do with SJW-ism, tbf. The game is just a spectacular trainwreck and you CAN'T defend it without looking like a complete clown. MEA is probably the single worst AAA game released in the past 10 years, maybe more. That's why it's getting shat on. You can only get by on SJW-ism as long as the game is at least semi-decent, which MEA isn't.

a normal person wouldn't do that
this is the result of living in a bubble and being raised by a shit family

More like Sup Forums metabombed ME and 45 fans of that game upvoted it

What about an actual debate rather than shit throwing I was looking forward to the comment chain on this comparing the two. But the Nintendo fag went full console warrior and ruined it.

It's totally related to SJWs. Gamespot and Destructoid didn't chose their pro-SJW reviewers to review this game like they would have done 2 years ago.

>asking about Toukiden
>On Sup Forumsintendogaf

>It's a poor Monster Hunter clone for people who have no MH on their platforms to fill that itch. Doesn't quite manage to do it but it's not awful either. It's just nowhere near as good as MH.

Not really. I think all MonHun clones do things differently on their own. They just employ familiar structure. Entire deal is like calling every hack & slash RPG a Diablo clone and assuming that means it's a carbon copy of the game.

>lamergate trolls brigade the ratings because there was a woman on the dev team

what made you think this was worth a reply

In gaming it was probably at its peak 3 years ago.

To be fair, 95% of the people in every dev pic you see are men. The Bioware tranny lovers meme is a bit exaggerated.

ME:A was a big disappointment but to give it 0 is just idiotic. Guys really don't know what a 0 score game really is like.

BOTW is just 10's being dragged down by shitposter 0's.

If you ignore dialog and animations ME:A is a solid 4/10

Soul Sacrifice was pretty damn good for it's time but I thought toukiden was pretty bad if the second one surpasses monster hunter I want to hear about why. I also did not enjoy monster hunter very much but like the set up the game has suggested.

You say this EVERY TIME you idiots brigade the user review section and every time any moron can tell the bad reviews are a meme. People don't take 1's and 0's seriously because they are more likely to be a sign of extreme butthurt than an honest assessment of anything. You people complain that reviewers use a scale that goes from 6-10 but is there anything between your 1 and 10?

To be fair I think it is Sup Forums and reddit trolls spamming the ratings like they did for FFXV it's hard to trust consumer rating since so many people take video games to a personal level and will pan shit they have never even played before.

this is weak bait

Stop trying to fit everything into your internet war against the SJWs. Sometimes things are just as they appear and not part of a hidden agenda.

Normal people arent even posting reviews about it. This is a legit autistic person who is attempting to fulfill their desire to belong to a group by latching onto a big budget game like this. It's the same mentality that goes into autists playing Runescape.

He is right though read
Maybe the context he was using was a joke(jokes are not bait faggot) but it is most likely people who never played the game spamming it with bad reviews. This has happened with many Sup Forums meme games.




This isn't your hugbox faggot. I'm not required to toe the line here you hypocrite.

>Stop trying to fit everything
I was just saying about 1 specific review. And it's related. No amount of "hahaha back to Sup Forums! xD" will change the reality.

You are the hypocrite here. And worse: you are trying to sell yourself as a pure and honest user.

>No amount of "hahaha back to Sup Forums! xD" will change the reality.
I didn't mention Sup Forums. I did however mention the actual reality.

yeah, nah

You think you are fucking funny faggot? Well get this no one is laughing no one thinks you are cool for shit posting and no one want to be your fucking friend. Not get off my board you nasty fuck .

This really doesn't mean much. Normies will still buy bad games as long as they look pretty and have good marketing

>S-stop being paranoid!
>s-stop being so obsessed with SJWs!

That's hysterical reaction of users who see Sup Forums everywhere

found 'em!

No, it's a simple observation. And I think your reaction shows I'm right because you're trying to fit me into the same narrative right now.

Wow not him but you just went 300% reddit, please leave

Point me to one SJW AAA game that's as bad as MEA.

These nutcases were gaining steam back when I was a kid in grade school, and I'm 26 now.
They've been around for a long time.


Probably based off of school grading scales.

>Reddit: The Post

Took them long enough to get Bioware killed
I swear, if people uprised back when Mass Effect 2 (yes, the second one) got that shitty ending ME3, DA2, Inquisition and Andromeda wouldnt have happened

I play Runescape because it's comfy, though.

No, the masses are acting like masses. They saw all the mockery and they're voting based on that instead of the actual game.

Overwatch, the new Deus Ex and Dragon Age: Inquisition are slightly better.

thats a boy


Anyone have the "and then I saw her face" YouTube video for ME4? I lost the link

Dragon Age: Inquisition is actually worse than Andromeda and it got an 88.