Wow now those are some games
Wow now those are some games
>Darksiders and Revelations
Neat, I'll be sure to pick'em up.
Absolute shit
I would maybe check out Darksiders but the rest is lame but people will pretend it's good because they're “AAA”
3 out of the 4 games I already own/have played, and ryse looks mediocre at best.
Shit month teebeeach effaym
How can Sony even compete?
Darksiders is garbo on console. It has ugly screen-tearing problems.
>4250 in gamerscore
>for free
sheesh time to buy an xbox
David Jaffe's new game
>say this on Facebook
>get a bunch of Xboners telling you to kill yourself
Sup Forums is the only place with good taste.
i guess i got some more shit to download and then delete after twenty minutes, next month
Already own it, good for one playthrough.
Already own it.
Is it good?
Would rather have AC3, it's the only one missing on xbone.
Good month overall.
>Sup Forums is the only place with contrarian taste
>not owning a 3TB external hard drive
>Is it good?
I thought so but people seem to call it shit.
I think the only haters are Zelda fanboys.
i have a 360s with a removable 250gb
fite me
>all those people on YT pretending Ryse is good
Sup Forums has shit taste, newfag.
Honestly looks better than PSN most of the time. Kind of interested in Drawn to Death coming next month on PSN but usually the games have been trash. At least Drawn to Death looks more entertaining than Frisbee Tennis from this month.
>Last month
>Xbox gets Evolve
>Playstation gets Tearaway
Am I out of touch or something?
Btw I own both
Its shit because you boght the games already. Imagin if you didnt and got these for free. Its fucking great
It's good but it has 0 replayability and definitely not worth full price.
Xbox owners have to convince themselves of any old bullshit.
I don't have an XBone, but do you get credit or a discount if you happen to own any of these already? With PSN you're shit outa luck in that regard, if you happen to buy a lot of stuff digitally.
Well for starters i never heard of that literal who game on PSN.
It was an Xbone launch title. They had to take anything they could get.
Like they give you credit because you own them? No
Really if there's one thing i don't regret with xbox is buying the 1 year gold sub. I manage to play games I would never even think about getting and had a blast, way more fun then some games I hyped for tbhwyf.