Cemu 1.7.4 has grass in zelda

>cemu 1.7.4 has grass in zelda




If they work on performance so that it doesn't require an overclocked i7 6700K to reach 30fps, I think I'd probably sell my Switch, since the 2nd hand stores here are offering the exact price it costs new as trade in value (since for some reason they're selling Switches for above retail value).

Yes, I'm sure they'll magically "optimize" a game that could barely run on the original console to run well emulated on an i3.

Not an i3, but I have a 4590 and would like to play it. I managed to get pretty good FPS when I briefly dicked around emulating Mario Kart.

nigga did you seriously only buy a switch for zelda? lol

I also bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne, but ended up keeping the system because I enjoyed it.

I'm not enjoying Zelda as much.

Mario Kart is not a heavy game to run, I can run it at 60fps with an fx 6300 with a full shader cache, BotW goes down to the single digits on original hardware, keeping it at playable speeds will take more power and that's something that can't be "fixed" without buying a better PC.

Now make the grass cast shadows. That would be impressive.

Looks like the 2 month prediction holds up

It doesn't cast shadows in the game.

I wanna get a PS4 for Gravity Rush, God of war, and horizon zero dawn

It already have better FPS than the switch


What happened to these threads? I thought PC was gonna have BotW at 60fps and 4k. Man those threads were just filled with retarded shit posters who had never emulated in their lives.

I'm sure it'll be playable eventually.. With some minor issues like cracking and popping sound just like WW still has.

Yes, and?

Some kind of rom hack could do that
Also improve the textures because the ones in the game are shit

It's already in 4K, now they fixed the collision so there's grass.

sorry user all those games are utter shit

you can't add something that does not exist in the game unless you do this


The game will be fully playable in a year with a bunch of minor hiccups that they never bother to fix, and parts that need hacks to get through.

Still, it's going to be nice to have all this shit figured out, so future emulation is easier.

Many Wii U games run at full speed for me. For reference, I'm using 1.7.3. Woolly World and Captain Toad are great fun to play. Sadly, no one had a full shader cache for Captain Toad, but I'm almost finished with all the bonus levels so maybe I'll upload it somewhere. But in BotW, I only get 15 fps. It's great that the Cemu guys have worked out the bugs and made Zelda playable, but I'm not even going to bother with it until they get the performance under control.

remember to report CEMU threads.

they just need to remove double buffered v sync so it runs at a stable 30. you can already do this with cheat engine if you continuously enable and disable the speedhack.

The Switch version has grass too though?

I was running Mario 3D World in an old i5 and it ran at 60 FPS for the most part.

The problem with emulating something in 60fps that was originally running at 30fps is that you will fuck up many of the in game physics

You didn't play them

where's a good place to dl shader caches?

On the last version of CEMU, physics were bugged so that grass fell under the map. This was always what Nintendo fans shitposted about in CEMU threads.

Unfortunately I don't know of any one good place. I had to look around.

I got mine from Roddit CEMU board

I'm a Nintendo fan that already bought this game I'd be stoked to also be able to play this game on my computer.

>and parts that need hacks to get through.
1.7.4 is fully playable from start to finish. The only thing left to fix is framerate.

I have it for Switch but honestly I'd happily play on my PC purely to be able to use my XB1 controller instead of forking out for a pro controller.

>Pirating from the only worthwhile game company


Can anyone explain why the Wii U, which runs on the same processor core as the GameCube and the Wii, isn't emulated via Dolphin?


It's a different CPU in the Wii U. It's the Wii that uses the came CPU as the Gamecube.

the courts have held that emulators are legal time and time again, and there's nothing Nintendo can do about it.

Holy shit, grass!

Nintenbros literally BTFO!!

No, I.... That's not-- You're wrong! You... you're wrong... you have to be wrong. Just... just stop it. Please, just stop it. Stop it.... stop it.... stop it......... I said STOOOP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT *darkness overflows and I turn into a demon* EvERYtHinG MusT .... . . .. DiiiiIIIIiiEeEEEe..!! hHheehehe HhahahahhahahahahaaaahHAHHAhahahahahahAhahah!!!!!!!!!!!!! *unleashes yami no satsujinken and destroys all existence*

Holy fucking shit that framerate is absolutely laughable.
Jesus Christ I knew you peecucks were scraping the bottom of the barrel but this is on another level. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
Thanks for the chuckle.


Looks like a stable 20fps to me, so it's already slightly better than the Switch.

Pretty sure that because the devs are directly earning money from actively developing the software they can potentially be put away.
Slimeball lazy devs deserve whatever they get.

Its for the accurate experience.

They can charge for emulators legally. Infact the emulator used in the big court case against them was a paid emulator.

The only thing that's illegal is to use stolen code, so no bundling ripped BIOS's or games with it.


It doesn't take an overclocked Skylake system to get decent frame rates. I've seen a stock Ivy Bridge i5 with a GTX 760 play the game with solid frame rates in the overworld.

Happens every time I go into woodland or large towns. Unless I run in portable mode but I shouldn't have to do that to get a reliable 30.

Looks the same.

Sounds like your system is faulty then.
No persistent problems on my unit, only the odd dip here and there.

>in a year WiiU emulation will be as fleshed out as the PSP
>PS3 emulation making tremendous strides as well
2017 is pretty much the best year ever.
Only way it could get any better is if 3DS and Vita emulation took off.


>your system is faulty because I don't notice framedrops as much as you

And I suppose Digital Foundry's unit is faulty too?

So how many more weeks until the game can be played with nothing missing and running at 100% with no glitches?

Define "100%". Because 100% accurate emulation is almost impossible to achieve, it's only in the last few years that 100% flawless emulation of the N64 became a reality.


No missing effects or visual/sound glitched while maintaining 60fps
Otherwise it's completely pointless.

Oh boy, look at that, i guess PC gets the definitive version once again, haha PC wins again!

/r/CEMUcaches has a collection