>try to play NIER after 2 weeks straight of zelda
>lose interest after 2 hours and go back to starting a new game in zelda
What is going on? NIER is great and I was looking forward to it a lot, when zelda wasn't even on my radar.
Yet when I play my mind goes "I'd rather play zelda, I'd rather play zelda, I'd rather play zelda"
Try to play NIER after 2 weeks straight of zelda
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Opposite for me, I was about 3/4 of the way done with zelda when nier released then I rushed to the end to play nier.
Zelda is good but its just a big sandbox at the end of the day, so much repetitiveness.
Automata is far more unique, Yoko Taro is weird in the good way and it shows in his games.
>I was about 3/4 of the way done with zelda
How did you measure that?
I think you may have autism
Depends on what you're doing in Nier
Doing sidequests? That shit is boring
Playing the main quest and more and more crazy mindfucks are occuring, now that's the fun part of Nier.
Yeah same for me OP. The artificial difficulty in Nier keeps putting me off, compared to Zelda.
>Doing sidequests? That shit is boring
Fuck off secondary sidequests have some of the best moments in the game. You would know this if you played the first Nier.
>Doing sidequests? That shit is boring
Well I figured I was supposed to do that, turns out the world is boring and static.
Would you recommend just sticking to the main quest and ignoring all side content?
>Doing sidequests? That shit is boring
I bet you didn't even do Hengel sidequest
Don't get a new game if you haven't beaten the one you're currently playing.
>Yeah same for me OP. The artificial difficulty in Nier keeps putting me off, compared to Zelda.
I really loved revengeance so the difficulty is a bit too low for me.
>Yet when I play my mind goes "I'd rather play zelda, I'd rather play zelda, I'd rather play zelda"
I think you may have autism
I don't like sidequest in most games, Nier isn't really an exception. The main scenario in Nier is damn amazing though.
Opposite for me. Played Zelda for a bit and had some fun. Decided to start Nier and now I can't even put it down.
When I got back to Zelda to finish it it just felt like a chore. I don't think I'll finish it any time soon.
I play both and I love them both. The only reason why I don't play Nier as much is because the PC version seriously needs a patch. Also, I might pick up Horizon: Zero Dawn after I finished both games.
I didn't pay attention in Nier and I'm wandering arround between the destroyed city, resistence camp and desert and I'm kinda lost as to what my objective is. The resistence camp lady only tells me to talk to the npc.
>When I got back to Zelda to finish it it just felt like a chore.
Really now? What is a chore about zelda? You can go straight to ganon if you wish so.
If the game is a chore it's because you're playing it like one. It's not like you have any set way to play the game.
You probably aren't heavily depressed and therefore can't understand Yoko. Good for you OP.
>Also, I might pick up Horizon: Zero Dawn after I finished both games.
Bored me to tears after literally 20 minutes. Can't compare with zelda or nier for that matter.
>What is going on?
Another fake rivalry setup thread on Sup Forums.
>the PC version seriously needs a patch
Kaldaien is gonna fix the broken GI in his next patch.
The game on PC uses 5 times the GI sources than the ps4 version, that's why the performance is so atrocious.
Is NIER supposed to be that easy?
Stumbled upon two level 25 robots and just circlestrafed them for 5 minutes each. without getting hit once.
>Would you recommend just sticking to the main quest and ignoring all side content?
You're gonna miss out on a lot of cool little narrative moments/npc/world interaction. If that doesn't interest you I don't know why you're playing an RPG.
The actual activities of most of the side quests are what you'd expect so I get getting burned on that, at least there is fast travel.
>What is a chore about zelda?
Pretty much everything. I've been playing it since the Wii U leak ignoring the main quest as much as I could and exploring, but at a certain point it just becomes boring. Once I finished exploring the world I went straight to finish the main story, which took me around 5 hours or less? Everything in the game just screams "Unfinished"
you have bad taste user thats all
>how to spot a contrarian
I understand that some things are subjective, but man your opinion stinks or you didnt even play the game.
>Circlestrafed for 5 mins
Yeah you can do that, but it's supposed to be fun, fighting them how they're supposed to be fought, itd take a minute tops
Nier just feels really unexciting.
The tutorial was great but as soon as it lets you in the "open" world it completely loses steam.
Fuck off, I spent 2 weeks on that game to only end up with 20% completion. 85% of the game is literally filler content
this is a game we can play in two
>her name is 2B
I'm ashamed over how long it took me to get it
I mean, it's not like the sidequests in zelda are much more complex than fetch quests so I'm not seeing what's the issue.
At least Nier's sidequests have interesting snippets of story.
The stamp quest alone trumps anything in BOTW.
posting in nintengaf bait thread
>saying you don't like zelda and prefer nier
enjoy the new asshole
But Zelda is all about artificial difficulty.
>Et tu
The side quests in Zelda are shit too, the shrine quests are pretty cool
I just really hate fetch quests, doesn't help that the fast travel on Nier feels kinda slow, I might have to reinstall it on my SSD.
>shrine quests are pretty cool
No, they're not
>The side quests in Zelda are shit too
>trying to be contrarian this hard
>the shrine quests are pretty cool
You mean the ones that all look identical, have 3 puzzles worth a damn between them and reward you with exactly fuck all for completing them?
This is too much even for a bait, user
>how to spot people who didnt even play the game
No, the quests that require you to do something specific in world, solve a puzzle, or survive an island without any equipment
You're thinking about the actual shrines.
ITT people praising discovery in zelda is only because there is almost nothing but vast expanses of nothing - compared to the clutter filled maps of ubisoft open world.
of course you'll find stuff because it's so spread out, how the fuck can you do that with semi-accurate recreations with italy/jewland/france etc
people saying 'oh i just found this' - isn't because shit pops up literally from thin air/dirt after you talking to npcs? it's not like you actually missed it.. it's literally artificial exploration because you cant find it otherwise.
Do you want me to screencap it?
dumb memer New Zelda will be shit on by the contraian fags.
not them, but they are right dude. Zelda's openworld is barren as fuck, makes about for a weeks worth of gameplay before getting boring as shit.
This is the vidya equivalent of
>OMG she didnt text back in 2 seconds, does she hate me?
No faggot, sometimes you just want to spend time with another game. You can easily come back to Nier when you feel like it. Who the fuck cares.
>Zelda's openworld is barren as fuck
Not really because all the game's mechanics tie into the world.
If you wanna talk barren and static, Nier would be a great example.
>mention zelda
>sonygers immediately start bitching and crying about "barren" and "shit sidequests"
>when defending fucking nier
Nier is a great game, but holy shit that overworld is barren and the sidequests are actual garbage.
Like what is even your point anymore?
I want to do all the Divine Beasts before like you're "supposed to" and Zelda seriously suffers from the same issues all open world games do in that the meaningful content is spread so far apart that you spend so much time picking up random collectibles and debating whether or not its worth using up weapon durability on the random enemies you come across or run around them. There's just so much tedium in between the legitimately entertaining portions of the game
Fuck you Chad. Take down your review.
Is it really that barren in nier?
I just got to the base of the resistance and im already bored traversing through the overworld
>Like before you're supposed to
You can do them whenever you like, you don't need to go to Impa
Exactly, you can shit on the zelda's soundtrack compared to Nier, which is excellent.
Regardless both games are easily contenders for GOTY
NIER came out 7 years ago and didn't have a large budget. Just give it a chance.
It's not great, but it's not that big either, so it's not as much of a pain.
Plus it gets populated by some interesting enemies and other stuff later.
>There's just so much tedium in between the legitimately entertaining portions of the game
Only because you chose to.
You probably fast travelled between spots to farm content.
This is the criticism that applies to zelda the least.
I agree that endgame there is not much to do except to find koroks, but none of that is forced upon you. You can literally go straight to ganon with a wooden mop if you desire so.
If anything broke the game for you it's your completionist autism.
>bitching about durability
You're a lost case.
Because you seem to be the type of person who wants a loot game inventory full of 1000 swords where you only use the best and most recent one.
Zelda showers you in weapons, so if one breaks it's not a big deal.
But if youre playstyle is autistically hording items, not using them and farming rupees I can see how you sucked the fun out of the game for yourself.
Zelda might just not be the game for you.
>You can literally go straight to ganon with a wooden mop if you desire so.
That's kind of the problem. The game could have used more structure instead of making literally everything optional.
it's tiny compared to other games, moose/boar makes it even smaller the only bad thing is the invisible walls and not enough vertical platforming/hidden chests
It's really fucking barren and hardly interactive.
Why even bother putting in an open world hub if you're falling asleep while traversing it.
Game would have improved by either filling the open world with meaningful content or going for a more compact dark souls style thing.
But at this point it's unbearably boring, the only fun part is discovering corpses of other players in really piss easy enemy camps.
I've always wondered that, are players playing very hard also appear in your games dead?
You don't seem to care about good combat.
>idequests are actual garbage.
spot the retard: the post
Because Yoko is a one trick pony and it's gets boring after the third game or so.
>That's kind of the problem.
No, it's not.
Its the main reason why people love it so much.
If it's not your thing because your playstyle is not suited for a non handholdy gatekeeping experience that's your thing, you can always replay OoT.
I like both games, but I felt more "lost" in automata, even though I had a "clear" objective.
because it ludonarrative something
He probably meant he did 3 of the 4 divine beasts.
>You don't seem to care about good combat.
Comming from revengeance I found nier's combat to be really easy, unless you artificially difficult it for you with masochist difficulty settings.
It's not balanced very well and the pace is really off.
>I just wanna SLIDE
Or he found 300 koroks.
Again, how do you even measure that in a game where the only goal is to defeat ganon and everything else is up to you?
Nobody's talking about handholdy. The problem is that by making everything tacklable right from the start, the difficulty curve just gets fucked to hell and back.
And zelda games are already easy enough.
It's not as involved as Platinum's full on action games but then again it isn't one.
I agree tho: It was a shitty idea to make sidequests on the first run that require you to be at least level 40 with upgraded weapons if you don't wanna spend 50 minutes on single enemies but then have the entire Story for 2 Playthroughs be a complete joke at that level.
You seem to be a special case, so its safe to discard your opinion as garbage.
botw is the hardest zelda since zelda 2.
If you chose to cheese it by investing 200 hours into collecting every item to make you overpowered and then complain about lack of difficulty then it's clearly your fault.
The game is so suited for every individual playstyle, something completely lost on you it seems.
balanced well enough for 3 playthroughs not like tryhards who play on hard and moan and drop the game after route A
>cant stop eating glue
maybe stop eating glue
Your problem is a self-created one.
trust me im not defending nier's open world. it is also very empty but the difference is in nier you can run from one side of the map all the way to the other end in about 7 minutes, so the openworld doesn't feel annoying in the least. and more importantly nier actually has a story, and a great one so the game actually makes you want to play it, find all the weapons and upgrades for the weaponstories, do all the sidequest for the story, while in zelda the only fun thing were the gimmicky stuff like the "snowboarding" and the getting you bomb kicked back to you
BotW is just a superior game through and through. Currently playing through it on CEMU in 4K and it's beautiful. Meanwhile Nier looks like a piece of shit PS3 game even though it was developed for PC/PS4. And the music and writing sucks. Literally high-school tier. After I'm done with BotW I'm thinking of picking up Persona 5 after Steam processes my refund for Nier.
Is this you?
Your opinion is objectively shit.
But yeah, have fun. Nobody is forcing you to play zelda.
Your taste is obviously lacking.
>botw is the hardest zelda since zelda 2.
It's really not hard. Are you actually serious?
I mean, sure there are enemies that can one-shot you, but they're so easy to predict and your combat moves are so shallow that the only variable is if your weapons will last the fight.
How long is this going to go on?
Are we going to get threads a year down the line about Nintenshills talking about how they tried to play so-and-so game but just gave up and instead booted up a fresh save file of BotW?
>try to play PC after 2 weeks straight of switch
>lose interest after 2 hours and go back to starting a new game in switch
What is going on? PC is great and I was looking forward to it a lot, when switch wasn't even on my radar.
Yet when I play my mind goes "I'd rather play switch , I'd rather play switch , I'd rather play switch "
Its impossible for me to fap to 2B anymore after Nier Automata. My heart started to ache when 2B died.
>robots with thicc thighs
i mean, it's hot but still makes no fucking sense in combat unless 2B is supposed to be a "spy" android as well.
dude there's plenty of freshly manufacturered bodies
>have Zelda & Nier A
>still going at working place
Whats going on? I thought i was going to have the japanese flu and will be 2 weeks away from work.
conversely why not make combat robots look like mass effect characters?
how is nier not repetitive? 90% of side quests are fetch-quests and escort missions, and the game requires multiple playthroughs to get all the endings.
dont get me wrong i like nier, but if you think zelda is more repetitive you're on something
yeah just like zelda right? objectively sht indeed
>requires multiple playthroughs to get all the endings.
How to spot someone who never played NierA.
>side quests
them gut punches
You have utter shit taste and suffer from Nintendown syndrome
Nier was protrayed as being a game that it isn't. It's got the hack and slash, some action, but it's mostly about wandering giant empty spaces with pretty music for 50 hours. You probably were expecting Revengeance or something.
>It's really not hard. Are you actually serious?
Compared to WW where even darknuts only did a quarter heart of damage, yes it is.
Is there any dynamic music?
Cant get into fights if the tranquil elevator muzak keeps playing during fights on the overworld.