Why does the Ps4 keep selling?
Why does the Ps4 keep selling?
>last weekend
Because it's the only console currently on the market.
Better question is, why does Xbone keep selling?
This. This is even more disturbing.
Because it's essentially the same as the ps4.
It has even less games
It's basically a worse PS4 with less game
With less games and support?
It's got the exact same games actually.
(remember normies who make up most the target audience only actually care about and buy PC/nintendo exclusives, and use the ps4/xbone for multiplats)
because despite the memes it actually has games that people want to play
SeeThey're practically the same. (desu if I had to buy one I'd buy the xbone if I already had a 360 for backwards compatability)
xbox one totally has bloodborne, horizon, uncharted, and persona 5
Except it doesn't
Nioh, bloodborne, Gravity rush II, Yakuza 0 and horizon can't be played on the xbone
Most people don't give a shit about those going by sales even if they're good.
Load up the ps4,xbone,pc,nintendo game sales and see
>(remember normies who make up most the target audience only actually care about and buy PC/nintendo exclusives, and use the ps4/xbone for multiplats)
for yourself.
But Xbone plays those games at a lower resolution and costs more than PS4. It's objectively inferior
If you're the AVERAGE PERSON it does see
the ps4 is an exellent video game console
>better controller
>backwards compatability (kind of cancels out the price difference)
>games with gold aren't complete shit (kind of cancels out the price difference)
>xbox live is less cancerous
They are practically the same. Only reason it did shit was because of a terrible launch.
American retards are willing to buy an inferior product to support local companies, what miserable cucks.
Uncharted is the forth most sold game (and clearly made for normies), but i agree with the other ones
>that one guy in Japan who bought an Xbox 360 in 2016
Terrible doesn't even begin to describe it, only thing worse in video game history was sony and their FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS
>Japan's Xbox sales
Jesus, I didn't think people were being serious when they said Xbox doesn't sell over there.
Also where is the switch?
should I upgrade to a PS4 pro for the dark souls 3 patch on friday?
They bundle uncharted with the ps4s in the UK, and I bet they do everywhere else in the world.
What is the difference between $250 + $60 a year for online vs $600?
Absolutely fucking nothing. That's why the ps3 was so expensive, and I'd honestly prefer to pay $500 for a normal ps4 and then not pay the yearly internet fee.
That chart is from february.
The xbone's cheaper now. It's pretty much the same as the ps3 in 2009. The inferior device with a laughably atrocious launch and now they're scraping by with whatever appeals they can get.
If you already have a 360 why would you need a Xbox One for backwards compatibility, do like Mattrick said and keep your 360.
I kept my PS3 after buying a PS4.
Takes up space, less convenient, if your ps3 breaks it's hard to get a replacement and it's a pain in general
>Selling your consoles
>Letting your consoles break
>Not having space for a small rectangular box
>Hard to find a replacement for a console that is still in production
It's a fucking pain no one wants to deal with. Sony full well know this or they would of allowed backwards comparability, but instead they don't so people have to buy the games again.
I think you get a free burger when you buy it in murrica