What if kojimbo's game bombs?
What if kojimbo's game bombs?
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Then everyone realizes Konami knew what they were doing when they kicked him, and he'll get no support from any company to fund his next overly ambitious project. A few years later, he'll remain as a memory of a demented man.
>implying sonygers won't eat it up
>knowing what they're doing
This, it literally cannot bomb under any circumstances.
Honestly even if it does it will probably get good critical reception because of who he is. He could hype up the game and release trailer after trailer and then take all his shots from the last 3 years put them in game boxes release it as a fuck you to his fans and have the game be well received by critics at this point.
It won't
He could just make a 30 minute movie, call it a game and Kojimafags will eat it up
I wouldn't say that, He already pissed a lot of people off by making the decision to make this random ass game action/humor instead of horror like everyone wanted.
Never underestimate a man wronged.
Kojima is motivated. Vergil motivated.
So far it looks higher quality than Andromeda and they have only shown stuff that has taken 6 months to develop and it is in-engine and running in real time.
On this board it will bomb regardless because nutoddlers can't let Sony have anything.
As late as yersteday i saw some people trying to rewrite history and pretend like bloodborne is a shit game.
why does she have thumb drives on a chain, around her neck?
It is though.
It won't. Then again people like to say shit flops or bombs when they personally don't like the game or it gets negative reviews. Will it sell well (not a flop or bomb)? Yes. Will it get negative reviews and be a terrible game? Possibly.
not everyone likes souls games. I find them boring. don git gud my ass I beat dark souls, played some of 2 and its just meh. the game is hard because your character is gimped. stamina and that long delay after attack. dont know how people get so worked up over these games
Death Stranding won't bomb because Kojima's name is a brand in itself.
It's like Tarantino movies, his name alone makes his movies successful. After MGSV and the whole Konami fall out Kojima made a big mainstream splash.
>there is people that actually defends konami
Are you people retarded?
are you kidding? ps4 finally has a second game. instant purchase for everyone who's got one.
What if Kojima for once makes a game that's actually good?
doubt it if t does worst it will be will be like zone of enders and get a 70 percent but kojima faggots will lap up that shit and eat it
picture so fing related
>Revolver Ocelot
>Shotgun Siamese
>Rifle Liger
>Mac-10 Jaguar
>Ruger Cheetah
>Pistol Panther
>Bayonet Bobcat
>Mossberg Puma
Kojima is the only true celebrity in the video game industry
>It's like Tarantino movies, his name alone makes his movies successful.
Bullshit. Unlike Kojima, Tarantino is a good writer.
Kojima storyline s are fucked, but gameplay is solid. I'm sure he'll be fine. He'll keep coming.
ZoE 2 is one of the most perfect games I've ever player
what if its just a cgi movie?
Shotgun Siamese has an early 20th century pulp novel kind of cool to it, I guess.
they are far more successful now
But what if not?
But I do hope kojima's game is good, after horizon got shit on by a game running at 12fps on a tablet sonypοnies deserve to win one.
i'm kinda okay not having zoe3 now that nier:automata came out
>bloodborne is bad
>i haven't played it but its bad because i have played something else that i think is the same thing.
It's a ps4 exclusive, it being a cgi movie was already implied.
That's stupid and makes no sense, but I'm glad you Enjoyed Automata.
Those pachinko machines are selling like hotcakes.
for a long time i was looking for a game that plays like zoe and automata did it. zoe 2nd runner is my favorite game of all time
Have any other argument to defend it besides "you didn't play it"?
The demo of Automata played nothing like ZoE2. Does the combat change drastically later on?
Do you have any argument that can't be refuted by not having played it?
How about looking at how it plays and after playing enough other games, you know what you want out of a game and can say "yeah that game doesn't look fun to me"
then again you fags can only be objective
I have no issue with this approach but you can't make any judgement claims on the game you FUCKING SKIPPED you ingrate.
>it's a FIB is a mentally ill faggot who complains about the president episode
But what if?
But Bloodborne is a shit game, user.
>yfw you realize tarantino ripped off good movies to make create good content
>just like hideo
>implying kojima is not the sony equivalent of Nintendo
>Kojima game bomb
this isn't Horizon SJW edition that barely managed to hit 3 million sold copies.
Kojima is to well known in the industry and has a track record in history and his games. Even if this game isn't that popular, which is very unlikely cause of all the actors, recent trailers and upcoming E3 trailer and gameplay. The hype is set already and every single Sonymemer will be hooked and sold.
>make this random ass game action/humor instead of horror like everyone wanted.
>sony just gives out free funds to random ass games
since autist like you live under a rock and forgot that P.T got cancelled and the demo was taken down by Konami even though it went viral as fuck and downloaded millions of times.
Because they finally found their market: gambling addicts.
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
to make it clear
even if it bombs Kojima could give a fuck
he is already multi millionaire and in his 50s
He is doing it out of passion to games and movies. He dedicated his life to games.
There is literally nowhere a more based director than him.
it would honestly be pretty funny
the guy's a goddamn whacko
then in 20 years it'll be considered a masterpiece cult classic or some shit
all things considered I hope it's good, at least it seems unique from all the other shit we've had recently
Kojima sales, never gonna happen
>Then everyone realizes Konami knew what they were doing when they kicked him
>Making Pachislot and Zombie DLC for MGS