What do you guys think of Pathologic? Did any of you play the demo for the remake?
I just started playing Pathologic HD. I'm only at day 2 now. Have the art designers worked on anything else?
What do you guys think of Pathologic? Did any of you play the demo for the remake?
I just started playing Pathologic HD. I'm only at day 2 now. Have the art designers worked on anything else?
Hey, I'm actually starting a Pathologic HD run myself too!
>Did any of you play the demo for the remake?
Marble Nest? Yeah, I thought it was really rough but interesting - It definitely grew on me as I thought about it after the fact, but man it has problems; even after getting the True end I didn't really understand why or what led me to getting it.
But what I found the weirdest of all is the start, because the first like 10 minutes are clearly the worst of the entire demo by far.
I thought it was going to be some PT knockoff shit or something, but once it opened up I was pleasantly surprised. If I didn't know a bit about Pathologic before going in though I probably would have dropped it before though.
>Have the art designers worked on anything else?
I don't know shit about the ruski designers so I can't tell you that, but Ice Pick Lodge made both The Void and Knock Knock
Knock Knock is pretty straight forward, but The Void is some abstract shit - Way more so than even Pathologic's standards, expect to basically be playing a surrealist painting.
Its amazing
Try The Void, their other games are subpar
Also, Aspity is the best waifu
>Did any of you play the demo
Yep, New mindmap, inventory and combat features are really good in theory but all of them have some flaws when it comes to practice. Hopefully they'll fix those.
RagnarRox made an analysis video about The Void, worth taking a look, spoilers though.
Pathologic is like playing one of those Majora's Mask creepypastas.
I always felt that playing Pathologic was akin to playing something you're not supposed to. Like finding software that was supposed to be destroyed but holds countless mysteries.
Redpill me on Pathologic.
Life sucks and then you die if you're lucky
I've only played the demo, but it's like Shenmue and the promise of every BioWare game had a stillborn baby that slowly destroyed their relationship.
I lost
is the HD version better?
It's alright
Y'know, I tried Pathologic, but it wasn't at all what I expected. Seemed okay so I decided to give it a chance, made ut a little ways into the story and just kind of got fed up with it. Not sure what exactly set me off.
Maybe I'll revisit it. I've always wanted to play the Void though.
What the fuck is the point of having a clickbait "does it live up to the hype? let's find out" tagline when your review title literally says it is "plagued by mediocrity"
terrible journalism
Game shows you how you will act when some close to you dies.
Better than 2005 version, yes.
I hated the game at first and called it a meme game.
Then I played it and loved it despite it small flaws.
But what killed the game for me and any desire to play it again was the true ending and learning the truth of the town and everything.
It felt like such a cop out and it ruined the entire experience and mystery that was built up over those days.
All those feels and emotions I felt at the messed up shit I felt I had to do to survive and the death of certain characters was just nothing and pointless.
>go here and talk to this guy
>go there and talk to that guy
>go there and talk to these guys
Fuck you guys and tricking me to buy this.
2 hours and all ive done is talking to people.
This would have worked better as an VN.
>paid to review game
>plays less than 1/12 of game and says it's shit
We have to go back
I have contact with Pathologic translator of HD version. All Ice-Pick are fucking great people. HD Demo is pretty fucking great from what I saw and heard from my friend that was doing the interview with guys at Gamescom. Can link it if you want.
It is alternative history of Balecheor day 8 where you fucked up... Well, it seems to be new idea how the game will look. You will be albe to fuck in MANY new ways, new morality decisions and more of them, MUCH More ways to go down, including new Plague system.
Remember, you aren't any of them. The Masks know. Look to the Powers that Be.
Should I link the interview?
Get to the later days. They we will talk boy.
Intendend to point the OP.
That's how you're going to feel when you die, user
>2 hours
Probably still on the first day I would guess and you are playing as the Bachelor right?
First day in just learning the area and the weirdness of the city, ass end of day one and the morning of day 2 is when it gets going.
God damn it user.
Game is just to fucking philosophical compared to most of the shit I play.
>But what I found the weirdest of all is the start, because the first like 10 minutes are clearly the worst of the entire demo by far.
I thought it set the mood really well. Kind of a drag to play through multiple times, but helps you understand who you are and what you gotta do if you haven't played the original. Also that bull got me hard
IPL have always seemed like fantastic people, really.
>Nikolay has started swaying and telling "It's bloody cold in Russia" stories.
>My favourite involves a man who runs to the shops at midnight in Siberia and is terrified when he hears the devil's hooves clanking behind him.
>He gets home and realises the clanking was coming from his sock-clad feet which have frozen solid.
>"The funny thing is," says Nikolay, "he had to have them amputated two weeks later."
Interview sounds interesting user, please do link it.
I told myself I would play it this year and I still haven't even downloaded it.
It's almost the weekend!
NIkolay is there too!
When Mass Effect has a shitty ending, it's terrible because they sell you a world where such a thing isn't possible. The emptiness of the ending makes you realize the emptiness of the world itself, and it is jarring because it is not in line with the rest of the game and so obviously unintentional. This game has futility at its core, so there are no delusions left to break.
>NIkolay is there too!
Thanks user, this looks like a good read.
Does that mean your friend is... Bubbles? Should I know who that is?
Exquisite. I would honestly have Pathologic as the best game ever made.
Bubbles is the other guy. I mean JF. And if you went to Codex, you may know them. Codex is actually pretty fun in ways Sup Forums can be. Just more often. And you can chat with game creators sometimes.
Also, if you like the RPGs with interesting ideas, check soon to be out No Truce with Fur(r)ies.
Is Pathologic the Satantango of video games?
That girl with the cat is very Pathologic.
Literally Böos Vlad.
Hi guys, I'm that JF guy who was one of the people who interviewed the devs at Gamescom. user brought me here!
Hey man. Any cool insider info? Anecdotes?
he's not wrong
>Satantango is pre-Pathologic
>Turin Horse is post-Pathologic
Really makes you think.
...what are these? Why have I never heard of them before?
Well, we put all the interesting stuff into the article so it's all in there already. But I can confirm that the devs came across as really passionate about their project, and talking to them was great. When I asked them about some design decisions they explained the reasons for them, and that's always a good sign because it shows they know what they're doing.
Films by Hungarian director Bela Tarr. Similar to The Void and Pathologic his films focus on themes like "heaviness of human existence", death, suffering and so on.
>The funny thing is," says Nikolay, "he had to have them amputated two weeks later."
Always gives me a laugh. I can't tell whether it's a translation thing or he's a sick fuck who honestly thinks the amputation is the funniest part of that story.
Bela Tarr is a Hungarian filmmaker who probably influenced Pathologic. See this for something more in depth:
Do you know how long Pathologic has been in development? It was released in 2005 and they're still working on stuff related to the game. Was it originally a passion project someone had been planning for years?
This is a remake in a new engine. It has been started some years ago and had a kickstarter campaign to finance its development. They made several other games between the original Pathologic and this remake, and have just decided to revisit their first game. Of the games they made between the original Pathologic and this remake, The Void (also known as Turgor) is definitely worth checking out
ViaEstelar draws the best IPL fanart.
does he walk hunched over or something
>playong for the first time as Daniil
>smooth as fuck sailing, get rifle and loads of ammo on the first day by selling medicine traded for needles and other trash
>swimming in dosh by day 6 thanks to jewing the economy and cleaning up deserted houses
>day 7
>the angels of death show up
Pathologic was originally going to be a 2D VN.
Pic related was apparently a big influence on Dybowsky.
Shhh, no tears now. No dreams either. You might need your money soon, and then it will be of little help.
dodge that shit, nigga. You ain't graduated university to get done in by some whack ass sand crackas.
>You might need your money soon, and then it will be of little help.
I think I have literally so much money I don't know how to spend it. As on 200k+, I even laughed IRL when the executors asked for a bribe. But fuck those brown cunts, literally worse than all of the town's rats and Stalin combined.
It's the original walking simulator.
>Yes, we know that you know how to get rich by the end of Day One.
>For example, you won’t be able to stock up a ridiculous amount of resources. It just might be that you’ll have to play fair.
No it isnt
I would be very happy if walking simulators were more like pathologic
Don't bully the Executors! They're cute!
I hope nobody spoiled you to the price jumps, user, because it's more fun to anticipate them by yourself and sell off all your supplies on the first day.
And that's okay, since I meant that the most important things you'll need for the rest of your playthrough won't be able to be bought in shops... at least, not all of them. I'll give you some spoiler-free advice, though - you'll want to keep a good stock of the basic medicines (the ones you can help the sick with) for the last couple of days.
Like 90% of the game is just walking from place to place, as in literally walk as there is no way to sprint. It just so happens that the plague, town and life itself hates your guts so just getting from one place to another is more of an ordeal then is the norm for these kinds of games.
A fantastic change. Come on, user, you don't need that advantage anyway. That's what the lolis and Anna are for.
If I have never played this game before, what version should I play?
The HD remaster. It has a better translation which is important as I'm told the original's was incoherent at points.
Pathologic Classic HD
I got to meet some of the devs back in February, they were cool dudes.
This game looks so cool. Pity I'm a consolecuck.
>Nikolay: For me, Pathologic is a role playing game because your avatar is not yourself. It is actually a role you must… [long silence]
>Alexandra: … play.
This was a very interesting interview, thanks for posting it, user.
Thanks, I'll have to look into his work some more.
>I got to meet some of the devs back in February, they were cool dudes.
Awesome, I'm intensely jealous. Was this at a game con? What did you talk about?
I'm only on day 2 and cruising this thread trying to avoid spoilers, but on day one I would sometimes see a few guy NPCs beat up that redhead lady NPC. They would be randomly walking by and then suddenly attack her. Other NPCs wouldn't react and when I'd fight those guys there was no reaction.
>Don't bully the Executors! They're cute!
I'd bash their beak in if I could. Smug little shits with their sarcasm and cryptic little ramblings. What the fuck does "we control you but not by words" mean?
>I hope nobody spoiled you to the price jumps
I was aware of the price climb but wasn't expecting it to be so steep. If it weren't spoiled to me I would've still deducted it anyway (small town = gossip spreads fast (that gets hammered in your head often in the first day) + rumor of important and supposedly immortal person dying of a disease + Rubin being scared shitless of the idea of a plague = panic buy = me getting filthy rich by selling shit). Is it true that one of the pills can cure the plague if you sleep with the immunity at max level?
Is Pathologic HD is the proper translation?
Because I still don't understand they train of thought. Why is everything so alien?
Yeah, a con that's exclusive to indie devs. We exchanged some feedback and advice and I metaphorically sucked their dicks over The Void.
Witch hunt. Yes the townfolks are that retarded.
Who is the best character.
I only ever played Artemy and Danil.
I think that Danil is the best because of his methodical approach to the towns problems and he is literally the one guy not full of shit, trying to pour water on the burning town trying to help them but they keep fucking burning shit down.
how sexual are going to be the lolis in the new game? This is very important for me.
Because the game was designed to feel alien. IPL have some massive creative balls and don't care if they scare away comfort-zone casuals. If you think Pathologic feels weird, I'd love to hear your reaction to The Void.
I actually talked to one of the family heads and he told me such a thing (Subarov, I think), and he referred to some witch woman being lynched on the steppe. I tried looking for the lynching, but I couldn't find it.
Go away, Danill. You destroyed the entire town. Kains played you like a damn fiddle.
Clara's solution is objectively the best, but Daniil has the most fleshed-out story to play through.
Yet how many people died for Artemy good actor?, did he not dig inside they warm bodies of so many people for his precious panacea?
I hate Pathologic now, I tried to melee a monster D1 and almost cried in frustration, then I barely made it home, after doing tons of shit around the town... and still feel I missed a lot. Is the void easier on my soul?
Our guy Burakh AKA Big Haruspex.
>Is the void easier on my soul?
ahahahha, nope.
Sacrifices have to be made.
>Is the void easier on my soul?
No. It's basically a survival game as designed by Salvador Dali, and it doesn't give a shit whether you survive or not.
Indeed they do need to be made which is why Danil's plan and the plan of the 'Powers that be' is the only real plan, the town must die for the greater good.
>Is the void easier on my soul?
You actually play AS your soul in that game, and your soul is going to get raped.
>Is it true that one of the pills can cure the plague if you sleep with the immunity at max level?
There's extremely limited brand of "local" medicine that will fuck you up to near death but cure the plague. Then there's virtually nonexistent [redacted] that will completely cure you with no side effects whatsoever. Mind you that you might need every last one of the above just to save the important NPCs during the shitshow that is the final days, let alone yourself. Beyond those finite items, once you're plagued, you're fucked until the end.
>Danil is CIA
>Artmey is Bane
Shit just writes itself.
>muh playing god
>greater good
You are the problem and 203mm shells are the solution.
Sacrifices have to be made to ensure the survival of the town not for some nature defying heresy.
Only things that kill the plague in your character or the people you have to save are the shomders and Artemy's panacea but they panacea is very late game and that shit is the rarest shit ever.
>once you're plagued, you're fucked until the end
It's honestly not as bad as it sounds. Keep your immunity up and chug pills from time to time, and you'll be fine.
Now, imagine my surprise when I went from full health to 0 in less than hour in the Marble Nest. Jesus christ.
That didn't answer the question at all
Clara best girl. Her story might be nonsensical but she's the only one in a position to deal with superstitious shit, being a supernatural being herself. After all it's a matter of belief
Marble nest is supposed to fuck you up because plague happens only in a minuscule portion of it, so you get the whole package in one go. Thanks god you don't have to survive past the first day. I was finishing my dialogues while basically dying on the floor. I sure hope they tone it down for the main game.
>I'm not a Bachelor hater, but I hated the fact that the original Pathologic had so much emphasis on this character, because it didn't make sense. This time, we started working from the Haruspex's storyline.
I'm going to shoot some motherfucker.