I want to buy a Switch to play Zelda but after I beat Zelda I'll have nothing else to play on it
What do I do Sup Forums?
I want to buy a Switch to play Zelda but after I beat Zelda I'll have nothing else to play on it
What do I do Sup Forums?
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Sonic Mania
You sure about that, OP?
Disgaea 5?
Just get a Wii U and put homebrew on it. That's what I did.
Q3 or Q4 of 2017, nice.
So, nothing to play for half a year.
loving every laugh
BotW loads quicker than on a Switch with a external SSD.
Eh, some indie titles coming to keep you occupied.
I'm playing Isaac at the moment, that's pretty fun.
Don't you have other games on other platforms to play?
Same for me. When I am done with BotW I will just download Bayonetta, Pokken, Wonderful 101 and everything else I missed. Plus the WiiU is dirt cheap now.
cemu or wiiu+hack, then sell wiiu
dont buy a fucking switch?
Where do you live that you tip at a fucking retail store? I mean Jesus Crust, people in the U.S. flip out about people not getting proper wages at restaurants let alone retail. I can't imagine the outcry there'd be.
emulate it you retard
>hmm beeing forced to play games you otherwise wouldnt play just to justify the purchase
that kind of retarded behaviour i understand but what i cant get into my head:
>luring other people to the same trap hyping a shit piece of plastic with 0 content despite one port
Misery loves company.
If you have that much disposable income
please buy me cs go? ;_;
I suggest stop falseflagging, sonyroach.
Buy all the digital games on it like Nintendo wants you to.
They still haven't announced anything that catches my interest.
Just fucking wait until it has more games on it, show some self-restraint for fucks sake.
HEY Sup Forums
I've never played Issac before, but I've good things about it over the years.
Is the switch port good?
I've heard* good things
Get it on PC so that you can fuck around with mods.
buy it, play zelda now and play other games on it as it's released?
Or you could just emulate Zelda and stop shit posting this tablet every 5 minutes it gets deleted
Unless you want to play Mario Kart 7 or Splatoon 2.0, I dont suggest buying a Switch right now.
>It is selling on BotW only.
Not surprising. **Makes me happy I'm playing on the WiiU. I get to wait until we get New Switch 1.5 XL and some better fucking games.**
>Trying to get a Wii U on local reselling websites
>All the assholes i contact either don't want to ship to a different town or don't answer my messages at all
The fuck is wrong with these idiots
Wait for the New Switch XL with improved Joycons, slightly increased clock speed, and a scratch resistant screen.
import disgaea 5 now (it plays in english if the account you play it on is english)
then play mario kart 8 in a month :)
Buy master blaster zero, import Disgaea, wait for Mario Kart
Its not a huge deal for me, I'm only getting my switch today but exam season is coming up but when that's over MK8 Deluxe will be out and since I don't have a Wii U I'll be playing the shit out of that.
Also I still got Nier Automata and Persona 5 so May is gonna be the comfiest fucking month.
You're lucky i guess. Tried to find cheap used wiiu, but there's always like 1 or 2 being sold and almost at retail price. I guess nobody here owned it or they just don't want to sell.
I guess it's because switch has no backwards compability so no reason to sell wiiu. I remember when Wii came, everyone and their mother were selling gamecubes for dirt cheap but of course always without controllers obviously.
>my Switch freezes
>can't do anything
>press the power button
>nothing happens
You have to hold the power button for 5 fucking seconds to shut it off. Almost thought my Switch was busted and I wouldn't be able to play Splatoon 2 tomorrow
Just wait for Cemu's next build or buy the Wii U version of Zelda if you fell for the Wii U meme. As it stands, the switch is just "see how many Wii U games we can port over until someone notices"
Until they actually announce some IP actually worth a damn that isn't a Wii U port then don't bother.
Just let it pass.
wtf there is objectively nothing wrong with arms.
>There is objectively nothing wrong with an unreleased IP that nobody even knows is good or not
what an informed buyer you are.
I thought of this but my local aftermarket is kinda shitty due to WiiU's poor launch back then. A preowned one costs as much as a brand-new discounted Xbone.
My honest review
This game is just ok.
The weapon system is not the best and should be
Graphics are Gamecube with bloom and good light effects during the day (sucks at night).
Framerate is ok
Openworld is a bit empty, you don't do much in the few tiny towns.
Quests are boring.
Dungeons are not existent, shrines ok but nothing exceptional, ideas thrown just to fill the map.
Story is totally forgettable and quite laughable.
Costs too much but you can find wiiu cheap and pirate it.
Verdict: they still can't make a good one after 20 years. Ideas are good but it's time for something substancially modern. Too many others devs have surpassed them by now. 7.5/10 only for the fans
Try harder you deluded salty sonyqueer.
wait like 2-3 years when it has an actual library before buying one
or better yet, wait for the inevitable hardware revision
mk8 is shit because it's the same game, arms is shit because it's a new game
welcome to Sup Forums
Snipperclips is good if you have an irl faggot to play it with
it seens to have more content than SFV at launch
wait until they release a better model and some games
now introducing the NEW Nintendo Switch!
pretty sure he's referring to sales tax
Just get it on PC so you can get Antibirth and other mods
Don't buy afterbirth+
It could go either way. It could be another Splatoon or Codename STEAM, but it's just an misinformed to assume it will be shit when most people playing it liked it.
It's objectively smarter to assume every game will be shit and shit on them for the slightest production issue so you can be geuinely suprised when they turn out good.
Well, OP, between BotW (over 70 hours and havn't beat it yet), Snipperclips with the GF, Binding of Isaac AB+, Blaster Master Zero, and Fast RMX I'm finding that there's plenty to keep me busy for now.
I havn't touched my PC for Vidya since the Switch came out and it's occupying my time just fine. I guess I'd be a little worried if it was my only console... but I don't think even Nintendo expected this thing to be that.
If your measure of a system is solely based on how many exclusive AAA games it has, yeah I guess you'd be disappointed for a good while until more heavy hitters come out on it... but if you have any interest in this thing as a handheld, indies seem to be serving their role pretty awesomely.
Since its purely a handheld, it's best to wait for a year or two.
It has that dock, but it shits the framerates and games (it has only one worthwhile game) look worse. Zelda running at 30 is fucking disgusting as it is, but at least its stable in handheld. So docking is useless. Its just a really expensive HDMI cable.
Its pretty good for a handheld, but not worth the asking price. Feels a bit flimsy, you have to buy screen protectors, don't waste money on pro controller as the docked mode is fucking worthless etc.
Just wait senpai. It has no games, it wont have a half decent library of games for years to come. Maybe before the support kicks the bucket its actually worth it.
>Snipperclips with the GF
stop right there, normie scum
>new game
>its just super smash in disguise
if this gets into evo im done