Gamer fuel thread. Post what you're eating/eat while you waste your hours playing vidya

Gamer fuel thread. Post what you're eating/eat while you waste your hours playing vidya.

Pic related (though my box looks different). Pretty good to throw in the microwave and nuke them a few minutes.

Do you have any idea how terrible these are for you?


I can't eat playing video games for some reason. If I have food I will pause and turn on Netflix or YouTube. Even snacks like chips and shit. It's weird.

No pls tell more.
Not OP but i eat these like once a month


Sup Forumsirgin on an ultra budget right now. How do I keep myself fed on >$50/month


Rice,beans and water enjoy.


Plain rolled oats are pretty cheap for the amount you can get. Liver and other organs tend to be pretty cheap, since Americans don't like to eat organs. If you get a part time job in a catering business, or have a friend in it, you'll get tons of free food.

This user knows

rice, beans and lentils
also get flour and learn to make bread (it's seriously not rocket surgery, cavemen figured this shit out)

I feel like my insides are filled with razor blades after I eat one of these.


This. Which I'm completely comfortable with actually. I never gain much weight despite my sedentary lifestyle.

>everything gives you cancer

Usually Burnett's Vodka, Mt. Dew, and those microwave cheese filled breadsticks.

try some hummus and carrot sticks fatty lol

ps you can spice up your bean and lentil dishes with the cheapest cured pork products you can find, like 15 year old canned picnic hams. They go well together. Just try to get over the fact that it smells like cat food

They are really high calorie, fat and salt

Beef organ is popular here now. They are getting expensive. Pork less so.

sometimes I'm too lazy to spit out the shells and think to myself, "psh yeah right there's no way I'll be shitting razor blades in an hour I'll just chew them up really good"

but here's the thing: I always end up shitting razor blades

I should stick to pumpkin seeds



they just load them with the most heavily processed artificially hydrogenated fats and loads of salt and sugar to mask the terrible, preservative tinted quality of the ingredients

some potatoes if you want variety

Never tried them before are they that good

is this the food thread

They make video games amazing.

I don't know how people can stomach this kind of food,
I forced myself to learn cooking to avoid meals like that

Just eat instant Ramen. also Peanut butter sandwiches and bananas.

it's not all that weird depending on the game you're playing.
Farming in an mmo, you can easily take a quick snack break between fights/resource nodes/whatever or there's turn based rpg's you can take however long to snack, unless timed. if you were playing a shooter like overwatch or playing a racing game, it's a bit harder to put the controller/mouse to the side to snack because you end up going in and shit gets cold because it's way more distracting

Eating frozen dinners is a one way trip to an early death.

I literally want to throw up looking at that.

>I love you, fatass

These are all good for you. Enjoy being a pasty skinned, emaciated skeleton.

What's a good way to eat cheaply but also lose weight?

if you're tired don't feel like playing video games or really doing anything at all, you take those they'll wake you up.

>tfw my friend hooked me up with 20 20mg XRs for $20 today

I love you too buddy

I see you watch the WolfePit too

Just in fucking taste it's got to be awful. I understand if you're poor as fuck but

Is there any way to prepare liver to be like foie gras? I know it won't be -as- good as foie gras but holy shit when I had foie gras it was like meat in the form of butter. I would slather my dick in oats and face fuck a duck to fatten its liver up if it meant getting free foie gras.

Jesus Christ that's amazing


Soda? Junk food? Ah no thank you. I'll be eating vegetables and drinking water while I game.

You see I'm what you'd call an adult. The Beatles on record. Reading the Art of War by my fireplace. Would you care to ask me how frequently I consume soda or sugary foods? Well go ahead, I've got time before my next fuck comes over. Ask me. ... Glad you asked.

Short answer: never.

Disciplined answer: Haven't touched any of that garbage in months. Probably wouldn't even be able to eat it now. I'm actually going through a lawsuit to get my local grocery store to reduce their soda and snack food inventory. It's going well. I can't stand children who can still manage to eat that trash. Actually cut all of my old friends off who still do. Why go through all of this trouble you ask?

3 words. 2 concepts.

Mental toughness.

This is why friend. This is why.

I have no idea how hungry-man is still in business
marie calendar's is the same price, a reasonable amount of calories (like 600 or 700, perfect meal amount alongside water), and tastes WAY better

It's not even fucking close in taste

Just don't eat so fucking much.

>nu-Sup Forums doesn't even know that gamer fuel threads are not allowed anymore and doesn't make them really subtle

enjoy the thread while you can, it will get deleted soon retard.

>buy so many of these so often that the cashier doesn't even give me a weird look anymore

>Dollar Tree sells two frozen beef patties for $1
>16g/protein per
>delicious and succulent


The kind of guys that are in need of single serving frozen dinners are the same kind of guys that are too insecure to buy girly frozen dinners

>sweet snacks
fucking dumbasses
snacks should taste salty, ideally vinegary too
Hell sometimes I just drink pure balsamic

i'm having a 6 inch italian BMT sandwich and 110 calories in fries with water because i'm trying to lose weight.
and it's working!
start counting your calories and stop drinking anything but water.

What's the sodium up to on those things these days.

crazy booger?

They're literally nothing but fat and chemicals, which ridiculous amounts of salt and sugar to cover up the taste of preservatives and shit. They're just as bad, if not worse, than the shittiest fast food you can think of. "Heat and eat" meals like TV dinners and those microwavable pasta bowls are barely food and are some of the worst shit you could put into your mouth.

Ate these throughout all of high school for almost every dinner. Being raised by a single mom is shit but being raised by a single dad who thinks he is still a bachelor can also have its downsides. In retrospect I should have just learned to cook but I was dumb and didn't give a shit.


Friendly reminder to eat only healthy snacks so you don't end up fat.


What can we do

>ultra budget
> >$50/month
If you're having trouble spending more than $50/month on food, I'll help you out.

Animal crackers

Pineapples are the worst pizza topping.

You should change out the word fuck for something more aristocratic and snobbish to keep with the spirit of the rest of that. "My next lover", "my next amourous encounter" something like that.


Why the fuck do gamer fuel and video game web comic threads get deleted but e-celeb threads are allowed?

dis nigga gets it. I'm so fucking tired of the pineapple meme

You always see people post this kind of shit on Normiebook.

The worst part is that they're always so fucking tempting to try but at the same time you know they're bad for you because it's all fatty, salty comfort food shit like this.

gatorade isn't good for your teeth

because the mods suck


It's alright
she'll float

I've seen things similar, I live in southern arizona.

But for some reason this one made me feel a little sick. I don't know what half of that shit is for sure.

stay mad fatty


I want to lose weight, eat cheaply but also feel full at the end , what food do you reccomend



Eating bad foods is perfectly fine in a social context.

Same reason why people watch food network so much senpai. I'm probably never gonna try this shit but I like looking at it

Beans. Lots of beans. Make beans, add in onion, garlic, cumin, jalapeƱos. Slow cook it.

gravy, hamburger patty, and a fried egg on rice.


>Deep fried
>Smothered with all kinds of shit
Is this how Amerifats like their sushi?

This is good if you are looking to lose weight or not eat. I was on that shit most of my life and never felt like eating when it I was in it.

Eat rice and beans and drink a ton of water with every meal until you feel full from it


What's that melted plastic looking shit on top of it?

How cheap is vinegar? I love my beans drowned in vinegar, but I'm not actually sure how affordable vinegar is because I still have to take advantage of a college meal plan

Those are still my go to Pot Pies. Making my own is always iffy.



plant some beans and carrots if that's an option

for a while lunch was a $2 sandwich, and dinner was cheap piece of meat, garden veggies, and rice or potato

wasn't so bad

ate these as a kid, one of the reasons I'm a fat fuck.

I've actually tried this once or twice. I can never get them to come out right. The bacon ends up either too limp or too overdone. I'm never sure of the right timing.

Pretzels guys.

They're actually a good snack that doesn't get your hands greasy [like chips would], so you won't have to worry about getting any food stuff on your controllers, you know except if you eat like a fucking animal.

fun fact, moco is pr kiddie slang for boogers
so again
crazy booger

Could Sup Forums compete in a cook-off with other boards?

>Gamer fuel