Is it true?
Is it true?
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Yes, only autists will disagree
he explained it perfectly in his video
user, you can't bring this meme back
january 2016 is gone
It's been bullshit since the introduction of analog triggers.
Neither Henry nor Pannenkoek are correct because they don't get to make the rules on what is considered an a press. They can explain it with as much "logic" as they want, but either side could provide reasonable arguments to the case.
The problem is in the name, 'half A press', it is an A hold and release, without the press (since it happens outside the stage).
Yeah its not half an a press because he press the a
It doesn't matter if he held it down before he entered the stage he still pressed a
Now where could my QPU alignment be?
someone doesn't know about the three phases of an A press.
jesus christ, I bet you think you could get all the scuttlebugs in HMC into the same room for some kind of... I dunno, some kind of scuttlebug jamboree. it's not fucking possible, anons.
If it were called an "A click" or an "A tap", it'd be different.
An a press is when you press your finger on the button. You do not have to release it to finish the a press. The instant you press your finger down on the button, it's considered a press.
The reasoning for this is the fact that the definition of the word "press" is the following:
>"apply pressure to (something) to flatten, shape, or smooth it, typically by ironing."
So when something is pressed, that means pressure is being applied to it. That's all. The action of pressing something does not include removing that pressure.
TL;DR the definition of press means to apply pressure, not remove pressure, and therefore an a press is only when you apply pressure onto the a button, thus henry would be correct
pannenkoek should've called it an a click or an a tap
Pannen comes accross to me as a person who invents a new term so he can jack himself off for "discovering" something because he's got the least amount of X thing done. "Half A press" is more like "A held" as noted by
Press or press not, there is no half.
>arguing semantics in what is clearly an intuitive way to communicate a math concept
It's like arguing whether a straight line is straight on a curved surface
>An a press is when you press your finger on the button.
Not quite, you can press a button by that logic without pressing the button down. It's all about when the internal mechanism receives a connection.
A tap and a click are the point of impact with the internal connectors, you can't have a half one of those either. A half-input would be more accurate.
i'm relatively newfag and this is the coolest thing i've ever seen
I unironically enjoyed these memes. It was fun while it lasted.
And if i keep pressing A it weakens me but if i'm bulding speed and i half press A and i just keep going and i still press button and i keep on going and i still press button and just keep going and i still press button and i keep on going [...]
You cannot press a button without pressing the button down, at least not on most controllers, especially not on an N64 controller.
The buttons on controllers are made in which, if you apply even the smallest amount of pressure, the button will go downwards and activate.
If you press your finger down on the button, that means you're applying pressure. If you're applying pressure, the button is going to be pressed. If the button doesn't activate, that means you aren't applying pressure, and your finger is merely resting on the button.
I can also get into the definitions of tap and click if you'd like.
what's Pancake been up to these past months?
>You cannot press a button without pressing the button down
Yeah you can, otherwise something as kinetically unimpactful as wind would press the button, hell gravity would keep it forever pressed down. An extremely light press is still a press.
You can push a building without the building moving.
The only reason he considers half a presses is so that the individual level's a presses sum up to the whole game completion's a presses.
To avoid situations like 1 A press (Level 1) + 1 A press (Level 2) + 1 A press (Level 3) = 2 A presses (Levels 1,2 and 3), which is exactly what you'll get if you don't allow for non-integer presses.
I wan't to build up speed for 12 hours like professor Pannen.
I wan't to go there.
There are so many things wrong with your argument, but this could go on for a long while and I've sworn off of arguing on Sup Forums because it wastes way too much of my time.
Plus being in a lot of bad relationships has made me despise back and forth discussions.
>Completely irrelevant spoilered blogpost
Kill yourself
You're defining a press by it's reaction, and not the action itself, if you press your hand against a window, your hand is flat but not squashed, the window hasn't moved, so by your definition of press this doesn't meet the requirements, because there is no reactive element.
I'm being semantic of course, but you can't start a discussion about the semantics of something and not expect an equally semantical response.
So you're chilling at the club with your waifu when Pannenkoek2012 shows up and 0.5x grabs your gf's ass. What do you do?
Grab the other half before he does
Show him my mad 0.25x grabbing skills, and 0.25x grab his ass right back.
No one continues to fuck with someone when they pull off sick moves like that.
But Pannenkoek does get to make the rules? A "Half A Press" is used entirely in the context of a minimum A-press SM64 run.
Pankake fucking sucks. He's still trying to master half-presses when the rest of us moved onto quarter-presses and 0.1A
>This faggot still needs the A button
True gamers transcended that archaic trash last millennia.