hey thats the custom pc case i built from a worthless old xbox
>thats the fucking point
How exactly did you build a white computer tower from a black original xbox?
tune in next year when reddit does the same thing with a ps3 dev kit
That was a dev kit for the original xbox, not a xbox.
I don't think anyone would really care or use that retarded thing for a computer in the first place.
>next year
more like next week
How could someone be so fucking dense? And the reddit mods even tried to cover it up by telling everyone it was "satire".
i dont particularly give a flying fuck to that nigga destroying the dev kit. Xbox was a terrible console and the world would have been better if microsoft never touched upon the gaming industry
this,i don't get why people were freaking out over this
Because someone could have potentially gotten a working Xbox emulator or access to rare/unreleased games if he didn't destroy it.
That's a stretch, but at least we could have gotten some useful info and/or the beta of a shitty FPS.
I still don't think it's much of a loss, desu. We already have emulators for the other two consoles of that generation. What is really fucking needed is an xbox 360/ps3 emulator.
Name 1 Xbox exclusive that's worth playing
POTUS Simulator
Ninja Gaiden Black
Kung Fu Chaos
Crimson Skies
Blinx 1 and 2
Project Gotham Racing
Jet Set
Jet Set
>POTUS Simulator
Only good if you can play as Bill Clinton and have Monica Lewinski as your assistant
If I ever got a Party Hat in Runescape I would have alched it to destroy the economy
reddit mods gunna reddit
I cant let you reverse engineer me for Xbox emulation, Dave.
there are a lot of great games that gen that didn't get PC ports, and the xbox versions were always the best by far
We, once again, got cucked out of JSRF.
post the pic of the xbox parts he ripped out on the carpet
And nothing value was lost.
Come back when a xbox360 dev kit is destroyed, because I only give a shit about Dodonpachi.
Why did you have to remind me about this? I'm still mad
>Destroy the economy
>One item
There are tens of thousands.