Is this post-ironic bait?
mongoloid autist
reddit is for old shit.
if you're posting something more than 2 years old on here (except dubs, GOAT of all memes) then you ARE reddit, no exceptions
Perkele :DDDDD
>Spurdo fading into obscurity
>Pepe/wojak shit thriving
So unfair.
Gondola too
>edbin games
ok that's new
What bideo gam lets me play as a Finn? :D
What a reddit post.
Should I worry if literally nothing makes me laugh anymore except spurdo pics?
>not using cool old tech
I found the redditfag
Spurdo is a patrician meme. It's best enjoyed in sporadic doses.
Not even memeing, it's genuinely one of the few ways I laugh nowadays. Or when user makes a good post, but that's rare as fuck.
This hurts the most. Shitty spurdo meme is still alive but gondola is dead.
gondola was too reddit-friendly and appealed to emo feelsfags too much. He deserved to die, for his own good.
Sup Forums is the most depressing shithole on the internet so I don't get the plebbit link.
Its not the only thing that keeps me going, but its the brightest star in my life.
>we can't appreciate old content
>dubs, GOAT of all memes
Are you retarded?
>gondola was too reddit-friendly
nah, reddit never got gondola
Gondola is literally the greatest meme to ever exist and the fact that it died is criminal
>miau miau
I don't know why but I chuckled.
moar gondola
How guigly de tide durns :DDD
De abyss is made manifesd :DDD
War.... war never changes :D
Technically doesn't posting spurdo break global rule 3.
Spurdo's 2 cool 4 rulesz
I heard Finland was behind this variation of the frogman.
That explains why I like it so much.
How do you become the best at sucking dicks? Sasha is my idol.
Sup Forums is already the shitposting hub for traps, ecelebs and whatnot. Its time for fins to bin this board :DD
I mean I'm not like going to call the cops on my finn bros it just always seemed weird to me this silly bear got a free pass.
Metal Gear V thread?
I'm enjoying it but I can't get Prisoner Extraction 09 to unlock.
>gondola died
someone hasn't been to /wsg/ any time soon
>implying Gondola is dead
Check out /wsg/ sometime
I haven't even finished it yet lmao and probably never will. I finished MGS1-4 dozens of times but V was just boring as fuck.
The eternal observer
Nice thread
I fucking love spurdoposting
Spurdo is the best meme because it's not post-irony or whatever the fuck, but it's still kinda facetious.
You're a retard.
Old memes are the best. New memes are typically cancer.
A very nice user made a very nice Super Gondola Land video game on [s4s] and it was very nice.
>strong ebin
Gondola is best meme
Gondola himself is an expression
>people will forget about Spurdo in your life time
My favorite gondola:
Post melancholic gondolas.
I love the ones with sound.
>Not accepting the truth that we live in the river of memes, where the stream brings you more and more fresh meems, but in the end its the same memery and nothing really matters.
Pleb tier meme-peasant
muh yann tierson.
Are there boards were they still use older memes?
They're still posting spiderman
Shit, maybe the out of Africa theory isn't so far fetched after all.
i think you mean spoderman
Fuck yes.
This isn't melancholic
But it expresses something
try /f/
To all the faggots that post gondola and cry that it's gone.
It's your fault Spurdo is dead, you shitty forced meme killed it. Gondola = literal cancer.
pfft, there are still more spurdos being made than gondolas.
This is fucking art.
TripleQ is based for being an anime fag
But then again, so am I
i'm a refugee from reddit, this thread is why i browse Sup Forums