>there are PC """gamers"""" on this board right now that don't have at least one type of gamepad for their rigs
Explain yourselves.
There are PC """gamers"""" on this board right now that don't have at least one type of gamepad for their rigs
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a modified gamecube controlled with a left z and a better xyab lay out
>razer trash
>not elite
I use the Xboner
I have a cheap gamesir and it works fine
also got a steam controller but it seems shitty for just about everything that requires a gamepad
I have a wired 360 pad. What's a superior wired alternative?
sorry user, but you have shit taste.
the razer controller is good, just a bit overpriced.
dualshock 4 is the best though, anyone who disagrees is literally retarded
Most games on PC dont need or profit from a controller.
Explain why you think anyone needs one.
What's the difference between entry level gaming mouse such as logitech g102 and the expensive ones?
DS4 is pretty good.
>Explain why you think anyone needs one.
Most platformers and any ports/games that were optimized for controllers.
DS4 is good, except battery life.
Have fun playing Dark Souls with keyboard and mouse, you dunce.
Usually stuff like DPI options, the type of sensor, weight options and things like that.
I don't know how to make it work, help me, user-jama.
Any suggestions?
I have a 360 controller and a ds4. Feels good. Wish the ds4 was more integrated with games and shit, but it works perfectly otherwise.
yeah for midgets
there is none
Aside from games with shit tier ports or games that are developed lazily the keyboard and the mouse are generally acceptable or even preferable substitutes for a gamepad.
That's not to say that I don't have a 360 pad and a steam controller for those shit tier ports and for comfort reasons though.
Dark Souls is fine with the keyboard (and the mouse).
It even has digital camera controls so you can ditch the mouse entirely.
I like my Steam Controller.
>I'm not retarded! it's everyone else that's retarded!
>brain damage
Dualshock is best for manlet hands, but sucks balls otherweise.
If you have normal sized hands the xbone pad is the way to go.
>had a logitech gamepad
>it was great
>it died after several years of use
>look for replacement on ebay
>wireless xbox controller (generic) is cheaper than wireless logitech
>meh, fuck it
>the xbox controller is shit
>the dpad placement is awful
>the rest just feels so unnatural
All you had to do was rip off the PS controller like everyone else. How could microsoft fuck that up?
>not just getting logitech 310 for 29 bucks
anything else besides xbox
the xbone controller is for babymen
I prefer a controller when playing SF4. It's a lot easier than using the mouse and keyboard. Also, racing games.
>Dark Souls is fine with the keyboard (and the mouse).
It really wasn't for me. I never wanted to shell out money for a PC pad before, but Dark Souls ultimately made me get one.
I would also disagree that a game has to have been lazily designed or shittily ported in order to be "more fun" with a controller. I mean, it's ultimately just a personal preference, but platformers and, more obviously, twin stick shooters are more enjoyable for me when I can play them with a pad. I even actively avoid platformers that don't have native controller support. *That's* what I'd call developer laziness. But again, I do reckon that that's all subjective in the end.
i have a 360 wired and ds4. i use them for shmups, racing, and 3rd person shooters.
elite controller is the biggest sucker deal in the industry. everyone that bought one is a complete retard.
* $149.99
Is this good for PC gaming? Its an alienware x5
My corded 360 controller hasn't failed me yet.
duuuude its best for gaming you get like all the kills and high ping in tf2 its amazeballs
None. It's the best gamepad.
The xbone controller is a slight upgrade. Not worth getting it until your 360 pad breaks though.
I have a joystick. Kb+m is better for pretty much everything else. Unless of course the dev team fucks basic controls.
Mine is beginning to fail (after an impressively long time of reliable service), so I'm desperately looking for adequate replacements.
Honestly, I'm not a fanboy of that controller (I really dislike the d-pad, for example), but I have to give it to Microsoft for building something this fucking durable. I must have been using this pad excessively for over 6 years now.
I'm being serious is it good or not. I mean for a pre built PC since I'm too autistic to build one myself
i think alienware pcs come with free ram downloads so yeah its pretty good
DS4 though it's a bit small
Still, very comfy and has a way better d-pad than the 360 pad
I can definitely see DaS being too much to take without a controller but I beat it with just a keyboard with only minor problems and DSfix probably makes the mouse controls more tolerable.
I actually felt like the later games were a bit worse in regards to key rebinding because you couldn't rebind actions to every available key on your keyboard.
>platform with literally hundreds of controllers of all shapes, sizes, and designs
>the best ones you still buy from a console maker
>the second best are just designed to rip off the popular console designs
keyboard&mouse is superior in quantity of available inputs, input speed, flexibility and comfort
not like some dirty controller peasant would understand though, kek
i would recommend an origin pre built over an alienware. just remember that you're throwing away like $500 when you get one. they're that overpriced
also, an actual autistic person would probably enjoy building a computer.
Without knowing the components I can't tell you if it's good, but what I can tell you right away is that it's laughably, shamefully, disgustingly overpriced. Don't buy Alienware pre-builts.
It costs money and I dont need a controller for FPS and RTS games
Hell DS 3 plays fine on K+M
I guess stupid was the right word. I already have one but I have my Doubts. I can play skyrim on ultra with graphical mods just fine. I only have issues when I spawn in too many enemies at once. Is that good or bad? I'm new to this PC thing
Pretty average graphics card. Can you show your exact specification? There are other varations of this one.
>Enjoying building something makes you autistic
>Nearly every kid who enjoyed building with legos must be autistic too
I think I know who the autistic one is.
There are actually people who call themselves "gamers" on this board
There are actually people that think the ps4 has no library on this board
(Laugh) kinda funny though
>game that requires fast reactions and turning plays better on kbm
you don't say
>Sonyfags always resorting to petty insults to defend their inferior products
Like clockwork
>tfw got the console and controller for £200 together
Man, I hate GAME but sometimtes they have deals that are just too good to pass on.
As for the controller, I'm finding it pretty nice. Good weight and a solid feel. No issues with creeping or popping sticks - the one problem I do have though is that the sticks themselves have too much momentum on them.
It's hard to explain, but if you hold the stick left and then let go, it's so sensitive and the stick is so heavy that it registers a right input on the way back.
A real pain in the arse for fighting games, lemme tell you.
i said autistic people would enjoy making a pc.
i didnt say every person that makes a pc is autistic.
do you understand the difference? probably not.
christ, your reading comprehension is that of a second grader.
I have gorilla hands and I like the DS4. It's bigger than the DS3
My 20 eurobuck dualshock clone is quite alright.
I still use Rumblepad 2
Answer my question bitch
>Gorilla hands
Being fat doesn't make your hands any bigger or fingers longer, just fatter.
there was no question in your post. is english your first language?
I have an Xbone S Controller and a DS4. Both are good and work via bluetooth
I'm not fat. I'm 6'3". Big hands and feet.
why do Microsoft have such shitty analogue sticks?
i've burned through 7 360 controllers and 2 One Controllers
I only bought a dualshock 3 for the vibration function but other than that my DS4 and sixaxis are sitll fine.
Stop raging like an autistic retard and you won't have to smash your controller against the wall anymore.
I imagine they market it to same people who buy pic related or those stupid ass trickshot skins that turn your controller into some kind of fucking frankenstein monster.
>$0.02 has been deposited into your Microsoft® account.
My 360 pad looks like it's going to die soon. What should I get instead - another 360 or the bone pad? Win7 if it makes any difference.
That can not be real.
everything on the xbox pads feels worse than most pads, except the triggers. sticks and dpad have very poor build quality, and the buttons dont have that nice "clicky" tactile sensation. they feel like pushing down jelly beans. xbone controllers feel especially cheap. strange how the new iteration of the console feels cheaper than the old one.
my wired 360 controller, which i've only used for about 100-150 hours already has the RB button and dpad start to not respond.
As you're the only one who seems to be complaining about build quality and breaking them you must be doing something wrong.
I went through 2 360 pads in 9 years have had a xbone controller in full working order for a year now. Stop stickng them up your ass.
This you adorable fuck
I used my 360 controller until i got a xbone controller recently. I really like it fixes the awful d pad on the 360 controller and i like the triggers better.
On windows 7 i only had to install the driver. I've been told bluetooth is W10 only though.
I have several 360 pads for wireless, wii u pro pads that are also wireless, a steam controller for PC control from the couch/bed, and a ps3 controller I don't use anymore.
Was thinking about a ps4 but the battery life is utter shit supposedly.
Steam controller and Wii U Pro battery lifes are ungodly so I prefer them.
Thanks, I've been hearing good things about the new dpad. Being wired only is not a problem for me, that how I was using my old controller anyway.
The ds4 is bigger than the xbones controller, you idiot.
i've used one single wired 360 pad for coming up on 5 years. take better care of your shit.
This i used mine for about 6 years only replaced it because i wanted an xbox one pad.
I have 1 Xbox One, 2 Dualshock 4 and one Steam Controller.
ok, sorry i didnt know that two anonymous posters were the same person. guess i am truly a cum faggot.
to answer your question: no, the x51 specs are not very good.
>3GHz Intel Core i5-2320, 8GB of RAM, an Nvidia GeForce GTX 555
graphics card is very outdated. 8gb of ram is fine. processor is meh. kind of old as well.
if you're "new to this pc thing" why do you have one of those? in any case, always do lots of research before dropping a huge sum of money on a pc. talk to people that build their own.
id recommend going to an independent pc shop (probably run by some chinese dude) arnd tell him what you want to play and how much youre willing to spend.
if youre not dying to have a 144hz@1440p monitor and running witcher3 and doom4 and whatever ubisoft has farted out on ultra, you really dont need to spend THAT much money.
You get better performance in literally every sort of game apart from racing with a $5 KB+M then a controller.
Not really any point for one unless you want to play at the couch.
razer controllers are fucking shit, with bad parts and build quality. you're better off buying one from microsoft.
nice try, pc user here, if your not bitch boy with elementary school hands the ds4 is perfect in everyway
its trash for racing games but otherwise its great yeah.
PC gamers don't like controllers:
Most don't even own a quality one.
That's why making PC ports of third person action games is a waste of time.
>You get better performance in literally every sort of game apart from racing with a $5 KB+M then a controller.
Playing video games on a typewriter is just NOT FUN.
Only two axises mouse input are too limited for anything outside camera control.
>Not really any point for one unless you want to play at the couch.
Touch typing on a typewriting keyboard is pretty unhealthy already, using it for real time control is outright dangerous for the health of hands and arms.
The KBM meme didn't take place until the late 90s. Traditionally PC games were played with a proper joystick.
They're fine if devs actually spend time implementing proper mouse support. But the majority of the time there's some fucking retarded smoothing shit happening.
I'm too cheap for one, plain and simple. I don't feel like I need to drop money on a controler when I can player just fine on mouse and keyboard.
The only game I have not been able to play like this is DMC 4. That one did not even try to consider PC controls when ported over.
>in the 90's
>Traditionally PC games were played with a proper joystick
For the past 2 decades this hasn't been the case. Why would you even post this?
>playing video games on a typewriter is just NOT FUN.
You know what isn't fun? How fucking awful FPS games have been since they started making games built on the restrictions controllers put.
I'm glad Quake champions is PC only, because we can actually have some interesting mechanics now.
Got a ps3 and a XboxOne controller.
Both are good and do the job.
>thinking WorthABuy is representative of PC gamers
He's a stupid turdface.
>it just werks on my machine! :^)))
Fuck off retards. I take good care of my shit. I make sure never to drop it and I certainly don't treat them like trash. Over the course of my 360 I had to buy 4 new controllers, only one of them has no issues now. They're notorious for having terrible analog stick quality.
it works great for me, but closes i get to real racing is the gta races so i dont know shit, GOAT for rocket league tho
>The KBM meme didn't take place until the late 90s. Traditionally PC games were played with a proper joystick.
Absolute bullshit. All adventures, which were a massive fucking genre in early PC gaming days, relied almost entirely on mouse input or kb shortcuts, and even most action games were optimized for no other peripherals than those two. Games designed around joystick input were a very, very tiny minority.
And just to get this out of the way:
>B-but I meant Amiga and C64!!!
I don't. I mean IBM PC gaming, DOS and early Windows gaming, the kind of computer gaming that would actually survive the fucking 90's.
"KBM meme" my ass, you fucking clown.