Soul Caliber 6 when?
Soul Caliber 6 when?
Nothing. They dropped it and put virtually all of their efforts into Tekken.
Trust me I follow every avaiable outlet there hasn't even been anything close to a semblance of a hint that anything is in development
Hopefully never. SC5 was a shit show and the series should have stopped with 2.
character creator was good enough of a reason for that game to exist.
Bamco decided to invest all their money into one 3D fighter rather than 2.
SoulCalibur's dead.
SC5 is the best one ganeplay wise besides maybe 2. The story and characters designs were shit for SC5.
Virtua Fighter 6 when?
the character creation has gotten progressively less versatile each game after 3
Stop this meme, SCV wasn't as bad as others.
Sure patroklos is a giant faggot and such but gameplay wise it's top notch
If you followed every outlet, you would have come across a few hints:
>On Twitter, both US and JP, some "Soul Caliber 20th anniversary" noise has been picking up. I'd be shocked if something (New game, re-release of SC games for next gen consoles or PC) doesn't come of it.
>Project Soul had a poll they created in 2015 asking about character popularity. I vaguely remember a poll like this being pushed by Bamco about a year before SCV was announced.
The guy who leaked the FFVII remake says Virtua Fighter 6 is in development, as well as SCVI. Dunno how trustworthy he is, but he kinda leaked the existence of Monster Hunter on PS4 and Spiderman, so I dunno.
there were 30000000 "leaked" posts of FF7 remake every year
another 2 baby.
>SC5 was not SHIT!!! the gameplay was the best evar!
>nevermind that there was actually nothing to do in the game besides VS mode
>nevermind that the SC series has always had tons and tons of singleplayer content to enjoy
I'd settle for a re-release of 5 on the PS4 and on the PC. Other than that, I'm not expecting anything from the name.
gotta wait after tekken 7
then they'll think about it
>not going online
>implying japs listen to your crap
>>implying japs listen to your crap
Obviously they did as SC5 killed the series forever.
Believe it or not but the large majority of SC players are not FGC elitist nerd but people that played it casually and enjoyed the single player.
nope lost swords failed, they're not going back that route either
at this point head-of-bamco-fight-division harada doesnt give a shit
But we got pachislot! Aren't you happy about that? Aren't you glad that we got a slot machine for the 20th anniversary?!
dude even tekken and tales had that shit
Agreed. There was no point in going 17 years into the future if you were not going to explain the reason or origins of these new characters.
tekken and tales also have proper titles
they do that to tekken all the time and people dont give a shit
Isn't it time to port SCIII in HD to the consoles, now?
because it was buggy as shit
at best you'd get the arcade edition with online
I don't care what they do in tekken. They have point and reason for being there. SC5's story explained NOTHING. Plus that Project Soul admited that the story we got was pretty much only 20-something % of what we were supposed to get. They even used the drawings from the sketches that were supposed to be cutscenes. It was rushed. You can even see it in the characters like Elysium, Kilik and Edgemaster who were all just mimic characters. Were was Zas or Young or hell, were was Talim?!
Well, I was mainly referring to that one.
they shoved it in the artbook
buy that if you care about the "story" so much
I got the limited edition with the art book and i can tell you right now. There is nothing in there.
there is a whole lot of back ground information, like the relationship between natsu and taki, the case between Pyrrha and Tira, how malfestation works, the relationship between both leixia and xiba, lore about default weapons and fighting styles
is reading your weakness or something?
oh and uh
this is the real artbook cover sold seperately
Ahh now we're going with insults, sure. Here's an example of Xiba. All there is is name, height, weapon name, ralationships (that doesn't say much to begin with) and so on. That's it.
I'm bringing this up because SC was the first fighting game i actually started to play seriously and wanted to be good at. And it was mostly because of the story that i was brought in to it all. And because link was in 2. lol
only thing Im feedin ya boi
touche, kiddo. Let's just hope for some SC6 news after Tekken 7's release.
>tfw can't play Nightmare in SC5 because he's so OP
He feels cheap and i hate it. I just wanna play my edgy long haired evil knight again
no thats only on the low end
hes only at high/high-mid tier other wise and gets rekt easily by offensive characters
DidnĀ“t SCV sold as good as Tekken 6? I think they may have dropped because is easier to sell merchandising of Asuka and Lili yuri-fighting each others.
I have that.
Is tekken the most similar fighting game? What fightan game should I move to from this dead franchise?
development for SC5 also started during the earthquakes reducing development time
you wait for the new one
as of now, nothing is like calibur
but there will never be a new one
nah there will be
wait your ass, tekken has to make up for its last failure first
>Soul Blade/Edge
Lots of stupid shit but was overall a pretty good game, a nice start to the series.
>Soul Calibur
Fantastic game, fixed many of the problems with the first game and refined and expanded on many mechanics, looked absolutely amazing for its time.
>Soul Calibur 2
Horribly dumbed down version of SC1, focus on a "wider audience" gameplay depth was removed in favor of adding guest characters as a selling point, many bugs such as Gstep and 2G make this already painfully slow game even worse.
>Soul Calibur 3
HORRIBLE game received zero testing has even more bugs than SC2, completely unplayable mess. the
>Arcade Edition
fixes most of these bugs and adds new characters.
>Soul Calibur 4
Fixed various problems with the series but added a retarded physics engine that had no place in a fighting game, this led to many infinite juggles and instant ring out combos.
>Soul Calibur 5
By far the best game in the series, goes back to its SC1 roots, ads depth and solid mechanics over stupid minigames, expands on many of the original mechanics, overall a great game.
I was about to post that you bastard
>Posts with an image which has the name in spelled out in big letters
>Still spells it wrong in his post
Nightmare, Natsu and Mitsurugi all seem extremely powerful, but Nightmare just feels wrong. High range, high damage, and decent speed all at once is pretty ridiculous. His crouch impale move is nuts
they're strong and easy to use
but they do have clear weaknesses
mr roogi's mid/long range horizontals are a bit on the weak side, and his best mix up is risky without meter
night murr has problems with pressure and is a tad slow
natsu has a lack of range
How can your opinions be so wrong?
He's objectively right though
Hello casual
Hi Hiro.
If by right you mean WRONG.
No, he's right.
I hope they undo the timeskip that V did, or do something that pays homage to the rest of the series proper while still having the new characters.
Idk. Never been a fan of killing off characters in games or replacing them. videogames are the purity of enjoyment and fiction, they don't benefit from killing off characters, especially for long-standing franchises.
How have you been?
been playing western 3d "fighting" game
annoyed on defensive focus and simplicity
>annoyed on defensive focus and simplicity
Its not a fighting game, its not even close to a fighting game, nor is it advertised as one, what the fuck did you expect.
Series deserved to die because fucktards like you cant spell.
eh it has lots of influences from bamco 3d fighting games
to the point that harada came in
>Mom i posted it again
VF devs are busy with other games though
kill yourself nubi
Only if it has Talim and a not horribly redesigned Voldo.
I will only consider buying it if they pretend 5 never happened
I don't want Virtua Fighter 6 to exist because they'll ruin it with long combos and super meter.
Only if Hwang and Seong Mina are in it.
why are people so nostalgic for that boring turtle fest
Seong Mina is best girl.
Because all they did was mash buttons against the AI with *insert guest character*
Forever and always.
>muh link
god i love how mad people get when they find out that link was bottom tier, its like they're learning that santa claus isn't real
>scv had no Koreans in it
Really makes you think
whats the matter babe? link went above your fav?
Not him but link is literally bottom tier, he's the worst character in the game.
you guys are funny
Who'd get this defensive over a guest character of all things even? Link is fun but weak, that's just how it is
SCV's gameplay but more defensive focused at lower level play
soul blade's content.
scv's character creator but every item fully scalable and turnable
online lobbies are 3d where you walk around with your character and challenge people to fights.
if this isnt in sc6 then dont bother.
no amy, no buy
why bother with all the character customization if you still cant give characters custom faces or make their asses bigger ?