Fucker asks for a heal

>fucker asks for a heal
>heal him from critical health up to full health
>he doesn't thank me, pretends I don't exist
>never heal him again

Are healers the most thankless roles in gaming ever?

Why the fuck would he thank you? Did you thank him for killing people?

it’s your job stupid what do you expect

What these anons said. You're a healer. Why do you need to be thanked for doing your fucking job? And whining about it when you don't get treated like a snowflake and then NOT doing your job is fucking pathetic dude.

>he doesn't tip his healer

He is killing people to save himself, if he kills someone to save me then sure I will thank him.

>team has a unique snowflake special needs healer
>starts getting passive aggressive if you don't do dumb shit he demands
I hate those

Yeah, but why? He is playing the fucking game. Why do you have to be such a clingy faggot?

The most thankless role is DPS
Not only are they never thanked or praised, they are always seen as the most expendable

He's one of those "healslut" meme faggots.

No, he is killing people to take the objective and win the fucking game. No one else expects thanks for playing the game, why are healers so self entitled? It's not like you're doing DPS a favor by healing them, you're just doing your job. The fact that the DPS had to actually ask for healing implies that you weren't doint your job very well anyway.

Lol thank dps for what? Pointing and clicking?

*Job* in a videogame. I really don't get why these so called support classes exists in the first place. I mean the entire role is about ass licking other players.

>overwatch comes out
>everyone commendates the Mercy
>feel wanted, feel like a good girl
>few months later
>people stop commentating Mercy because it's popular
>even if I do a great job healing get 1 or 2 commendations at most
Kinda ruined OW for me desu

you are supposed to be treated like shit
it's your role after all

>play MMO
>every time the DPS I say "thank you" to the DPS
>every time the healer heals me I say "thank you" to the healer
>every second the tank holds aggro or absorbs damage I say "thank you" to the tank
>end up wasting all my time saying thank you and don't get shit done so we wipe anyway
Just do your job and shut up

>Needing to be appreciated to enjoy a game.
Try playing any other online multiplayer game, people will literally suck your dick backwards trying to thank you in Overwatch. Any other game that's extremely unheard of.

Quite simply, if he doesn't shoot, you both lose. If you don't heal, you both lose. You're co-dependent. You're not doing him a special favor by playing the role you literally chose to play.

Do something worthwhile and I might praise you. Until then, stop whining. Be a good girl and get back to healing me you little slut.

>Someone spams "I need healing"
>Spam it back at them until they get the hint
>If the faggot playing Hanzo or Bastion on offense is too dense to understand, then I purposely stop healing them and exclude them from revives whenever possible

Damn, this makes me regret being nice to you egotistical fucks.

I give my healer the tip. Ifyouknowwhatimean.

post healthslut autism greentext

when virgins post

If I try my best will you pat my head?

>Why do you need to be thanked for doing your fucking job?

>no healer in group
>people start to piss and moan there's non
>switch to healer
>everyone goes silent til they die and start to bitch and moan again

I like to play healer, because if my team does anything I don't even remotely like, I can fuck us all over. That's harder for a DPS to do. It's not codependence, faggot. Healers own each and every one of You, and you will all kneel. Bow to the healer master race.

3/10 got me to reply

>do your job
>nobody cares

>support does their job
>"w-why am l not being thanked"

kill yourself attention whore

>no dps
>go dps
>do my job
>people don't thank me because it's a fucking given that I kill people as a dps
Same for tank. I think you're just a little bitch

>everyone is dps
>no tanks either
>bitch because you are losing
You deserve to lose

>play a game
>expect others to thank you for it

pure autism

>>feel wanted, feel like a good girl
Pretty gay desu

>be healer
>teammate asks for a heal
>get my ass over to him and heal him from critical health up to full health

>sometimes I get thanked, which is a nice little feel-good moment

>sometimes I don't, which is fine 'cause I just ensured that a valuable teammate can live a little longer and the team is a bit more likely to win

Doing your job well matters a hell of a lot more than thank-yous.

LOL thank healer for what, pressing a hotkey
Lel thank tank for what being fat and immobile?

>play tank
>commend the healer no matter what
>play dps
>commend healer if the tank was shit
>play healer
>dont get commended

>>never heal him again
what is it with support/healer players that makes them such fucking faggots

It's not gay if I'm a girl ;-;

Shut up and do your job, dumb healslut.

>play healer
>have to dodge pharah rockets as everyone else gives her free reign of the skies

want to hang out and play good videojames

>Driving home
>Nobody thanks me for driving correctly
>Nobody thanks me for not causing an accident and getting someone killed
Honestly, I think I might stop driving. Ungrateful fucks.

Sense of superiority and incredible amount of arrogance

Still pretty gay, honestly. I've never known any girl that appreciates being called a "good girl", or who calls themselves that willingly. If you do, that's fine, but I'm just saying it's pretty out of place for a girl in an online community, to my knowledge

but they're basic bitches

That's a Sup Forums meme, most of the supports are insufferable.

just because you were a skirt doesn't make you a girl, you're a faggot and always will be

Yes I need friends
It just feels good

The funny thing is that if anything healers get more credit then anyone else in the game, my friend actually stopped playing healers because he was being thanked so much and faggots would constantly bring up stupid shit about "wow, it's a good thing we had [insert healer] or we would have lost good job bruh XD" when everyone else on the team was doing shit too, healers tend to be really whiny faggots.

>dps will cry if the healer doesn't heal

>healer will cry if the dsp doesn't dps

It's never ending.. do your job and shut up

I rarely even wear skirts...

>play healer
>get harrassed by enemy Tracer
>team tells you to be more focused on healing them, you're doing shit
>tell them Tracer's bugging you
>secondary tank tells you to stay close, he'll watch your back
>actually manages to fend off Tracer whenever she shows up
That was a good match.

Too bad that sort of thing is fucking rare.

He is literally saving you by killing others off, you autist.

This is a bait thread, right?

>pissing your healer off

enjoy dying

>requiring/ expecting people to use in game thanks when a majority of people never even use the messages

pretty solid fucking bait tho, either that or you're an entirely pathetic human being

you don't see Soldier 76's crying when people don't "thank" him for doing damage. it's your fucking job to heal.

yeah no one is this pathetic, good bait you got me I give it a 9

>Playing a healer for the appreciation and not for the fun of micromanagement
Look at this fag

Play ana then with one of her young skins

Fuck off you dumb ERP posters.

What games do you usually play?

Why the fuck should I thank the healer? Does anyone thank dps for doing damage? Do they thank the tank for keeping hate? No, they don't, so fuck off.

The real question is why are healers so bitchy and entitled?

xenoestrogens don't count you fucking failed abortion

She's hot but most people still seem to prefer Mercy over her for healing.

I highly doubt that, ana is the most effective healer. If you have an ana on your team you feel safe, if you have a mercy youre a bit worried unless its on defense round 3/4

I don't expect to be thanked for doing my job but I really fucking hate when people tell me how to play.
Especially when I end up being top healer and doing good damage.

Healers are for sissies, gays, traps and generally weak, pussy men.
No self respecting male enjoys being a nurse.

I can't aim :c
Usually just whatever my best friend plays, shooters like rainbow six siege or RO2
But lately I've been playing nier and nioh a lot

i try to make it a point to thank healers for getting me in time or topping me off as i run past, i do the same for people who save my ass be they healer, dps or tank.

however if you dumb fucking erp mongoloids pull this shit in a game i will purposely throw. take your fetish shit somewhere else like second life.

You barely need to aim when healing with ana, the friendly hitboxes are much bigger than for when you want to damage the enemy. Plus you have a nade that you can throw at your feet to get hp and fuck flankers

You know if you tell "someone" no one feels addressed.

why every Mercy is a carried girl
Why is everybody riding Anas dick she is shit, although the healing debuff is nice

I still miss all the time as her, and desu I just don't find her very fun
Mercy was designed for this audience

>tfw no cute lil healslut to call my own
Why even fucking live

Thanks, doc.
post something

Because healers in terms of usefulness is Ana > Lucio = Zen > Mercy

No idea why plat and diamond are obsessed with Mercy

>I've never known any girl that appreciates being called a "good girl",
So you've never had sex?

>shitter spams "I need healing"
>do my best to not let him die while also not healing enough for him to stay in the front lines
>see them retreating for health packs
Nothing feels better


>wasting you life time to support strangers on the internet to have fun while you do the work

really there is no lower tier

Fuck off.

Depends if you enjoy micromanaging or not, thats pretty much what support does. Tank is also sorta similar. If you enjoy it whats the problem

My opinion on thanking as a healer main in most games
>asking for a heal makes a noise and flashing an icon usually
>I either already knew of his plight and was preparing to heal him, or it keyed me in on him
>asking for a heal either does nothing or actively helps me attempt to increase win chance

>thanking midgame wastes his time, makes a non-helpful noise in game or fills voice comms with non-helpful chatter
>thanking either does nothing or is actively detrimental to win chance

Thank your healer by killing shit around him and trying to win. If you are overwhelmed with gratitude, toss out a general 'thanks for heals' after the match is over.

when I get a mercy tha actually heels I instantly fall in love and want to marry them. They are always there when you're in need. As soon as I press the "I need heals" key she instantly flies to me. And I ALWAYS say THANK YOU every single time to make sure they know that I am thankful to her on my team,

Don't ever play on my team as a good mercy unless you're prepared for hot sex after the match.

>tfw mentally ill faggots ruined any discussion about healing in video games
kill you'areselfs

Heroes never cuck

Fucking retard

Explain how saying thanks helps us win more then using that focus expenditure to call shots or focus on aiming.


>fucker asks for a (you)
>Reply to his thread
>he doesn't even thank me, pretends I don't exist
>never give him a (you) again

Is OP the biggest faggot in the world ever?

everyone always bitches about the DPS too
/r/overwatch is a fucking wasteland

>not just tossing "Thanks!" around for everyone who helps you in any way
Is it that hard to press a button occasionally?

Being a healer is a thankless job. You're healing because you either like the role or need it filled and are gonna be the one to fill it. If you're going to be a little bitch about not getting thanked for fulfilling your role well and being on top of shit then don't be a healer dumbfuck.

>Playing Ana
>Genji on the other team keeps killing me
>No one on my team will kill him
>Genji is still able to kill me even though I'm in the middle of my team, and no one even looks at him
>gets sick of the genji
>starts shooting the Genji when I see he is trying to flank me
>team yells at me to heal them and leave the Genji killing to them
>Genji continues to kill me
>team blames me for losing for not healing enough
>had more healing then the Zen on our team

>Is it that hard to press a button occasionally?

For overwatch players? You bet!

Yet everyone is always quick to blame the healer for when things go bad.

Every team I play with always yells at people for playing Ana as a solo healer and tell him to go Mercy, claiming Mercy is a better solo healer.

You don't have to ask for heals if you don't get hit.

>teammate has name or avatar that I don't like
>refuse to heal him

>playing JunkRat on Route 66
>manage to prevent other team from capturing the last point
>goes attack JunkRat because no one in the other team could handle it when I got in there face
>Everyone else goes dps
>right when I'm about to switch to a tank this Lucio starts yelling at me to switch
>stays JunkRat to piss him off
>round starts and our team is Lucio, JunkRat, Rein, Phara, Mercy, and Tracer
>keeps getting picks but no one on my team capitalizes on it
>Every time I die I see our Lucio trying to spawn kill people(dies every time)
>we lose because no one would push after I got a pick and out Lucio kept trying to spawn kill the other team
>Lucio messaged me after saying it's my fault we lost

>play healer
>spend 94% of the game with a winston/tracer/genji riding my fucking asshole
>'wow where are the heals' says the reinhardt who charged into the enemy backline

nah fuck off

Only play mercy if you can't do anything but heal

Lucio, ana, or zenyatta are always better options

>playing overwatch

I do this, too. Also, being a healer means I don't have to focus on enemies and objectives as much so I can fuck around more. Sometimes it's nice, especially on a good team that has enough good players to push.

Also, Dirty Bomb is the best example of capable and kick-ass healers in a FPS