Based mods deleted the pedo bait thread. Why would people rather drool over literal children than the beauty that is the roegadyn race?
Can't you fags just make a normal fucking thread?
This is the normal thread though
still goin strong
Consider this your final warning and pre-order Stormblood already!
bunny race fucking when
Whats the best mount and why is it the white ADS ?
>elezen and roe are my favourite races
>they're the least popular
>most people just wanna be a frilly little girl
adamantoise tho
Hopefully never.
>tfw like being a frilly femroe
Do you suck dicks?
Do you? Keep fake Ivalice in fake Ivalice, Sub-humans never existed
>m-muh ffxii
Never mentioned in Tactics.
Sup Forums was better than /vg/ they said...
>no qt submissive roe girl gf
>Never mentioned in Tactics.
Pretty sure they did in the remake. It's called a retcon, sweetheart.
>no qt dominante Au Ra futa gf
How do I have fun in this game again?
Is this what being burned out feels like?
id like Viera but when i think about all those faggots picking bunny boys....
some things are best left untouched
I like Elezen.
Their gangly limbs and long necks grew on me and now I find it part of their charm.
i wish YoshiP would grow a spine and remove Cleric stance so faggots like you get rekt
Probably. Just take a break.
It's also the most fun to dps as. It's a wonder that 8 damage spells and the ability to cross class aero doesn't seem like a clue to these people to dps even a little bit
long necks arent the main problem, the tiny head is
How would that stop him from DPSing?
Take a break. A long break. Maybe for an entire expansion.
>not all the faggots that play bunny girls pretending to be girls
found the crossdressing dick sucker
Give the threads a break until next week when theres at least the last story patch to talk about
These threads are turning into /vg/ with autists only talking about the character races and shit
it would drop healers below shitter DPS wich would hopefully stop the tryhard demanding for healers to be forced to DPS ( as opposed to just DPS for fun)
Cleric stance Broil used to hit harder than Ruin III too.
I never understood why people don't dps from time to time. Like if you're not confident in your ability to heal that's okay I guess, but when a healer is consistently spending 20+ seconds doing absolutely nothing you'd think they would get bored or something.
i dont care what they play, i just dont want to see even more flamming faggots ERPing in from of me while i wait for my PotD run
you mean all the 3 months that are left of it?
They should just allow us to mix the races. Pick one base race and add features from another. Lalas excluded.
Good plan, make any solo content as a healer is impossible. That will surely make more people enjoy this video game!
>Oh hey the new story patch came out. Better do those combat instances as a class I don't want to play!
/vg/ only talks about their clique and erp, talking about the races is perfectly fine.
>play max height Elezen
>do a roulette
>everyone in the party is a Lala
It feels good being tall.
I would play Elezen but I can't stand that effeminate walk cycle.
Roe is cool but makes a lot of clothes and armor look odd and stretched out.
>really like the scholasticate robe
>can't copy the look of the npcs who wear it because those knee-length skirts are only available to DRG/tanks
i just want roes winhout stumpy legs
How do I get good at mch? I was trying to learn the opener yesterday but I noticed my wildfire was pretty low. I tried to focus on just making wildfire as high as possible but I couldn't get over 14k, and you're supposed to do like 25-30k right? I don't get how mine is so low when I'm throwing everything in
This. Fuck otakus and their fetish for half animal subhumans.
Some people dont mind getting carried
Some actually enjoy it and that's why they chose healer, it's a role that pretty much never gets kicked just like tank, that's part of why those two roles have the most cancerous people
Personally I can't stand knowing that I'm wasting everyone's time and making things drag on longer than they need to by being lazy but I'm a considerate person and not an asshole
just allow your minion to enter solo instances and its all fine.... or better yet just run instances as job you signed up for
Roes with miqote ears and tail
Roes with aura horns and tail
>removes cleric stance
>makes healer damage scale off of mind
>I wanna be a bunny girl so bad, viera when
>what do you think of my lizard
>lala master race
Not cancerous at all, the threads are being made to often and need a rest if only for a week
some people just dont enjoy DPSing, id rather heal and buff party than kill stuff, the UI is also pretty healer/dps unfrienly too
from what i see its the DPS that want to be carried, doing only role (often badly) while tank/healer has to do two
t. DPS shitter that wants to be carried by tank/heal
cant complain about that
Healer is the ultimate shitter role for women wanting to be carried.
not everyone is a DPS junkie
I mean like the purple-aura combat encounters out in the open world, or the instanced auras like the grand melee.
Running those without cleric stance would be painful to say the least, and nobody is going to level an alt job to 60 just for a 5 minute battle so they can unlock the new dungeon to run as the class they actually want to play.
It's scary how good Yoshi is getting at dodging question and being vague as shit. It's pretty close to Tanaka+Sundi level.
What can I do to prepare for RDM/SAM?
Already pre-purchased Ironworks gear and enough tokens to buy weapons for them.
Who else here Galka DNC master race?
>being good where it doesn't matters
As expected of a Square-Enix employee.
Hat tipping macro for RDM
Haiku macros for SAM
How is the role where you have to raise shitters and heal people who unpredictably take damage from messing up harder than doing your memorized rotation on an enemy?
Healers ( and tank) have much more resposibility that your sorry ass, even a second distraction could mean a group wipe while as DPS you could spend half run afk and noone would even notice that, i did all 3 roles and while short queues are nice id rather just Alt-Tab and shitpost than Tank or Heal
I wish XIV was half as good as XI
Atleast there's one thing that XI cucks will love from us then.
>what do you think of my lizard
This pretty much never happens since in every thread it's just people shitting on lizards
Just a bunch of memesters that should be ignored.
ITT: FFXIV babbies who don't know the healer role is to HEAL. Play a real MMO like WoW.
It takes a minute longer at best, on the other side you never in danger of dieing since you got all those heals, also i think you can drag your chocobo into purple circles too
gonna make a scotsman insult macro for samurai I meet
fucking brilliant
Roe is for snu snu!
Might even level DRK for a claymore and I think theres a kilt-like glamour item.
>tfw my DRG has scottish glams already
I'm gonna steal your idea. Shame I don't play MCH.
i wish SE would just copy XI races over instead making same shit with different name
>DS: After steering the Final Fantasy XIV ship to its successful rebirth and to a stable present, have you been thinking about your own future as a developer? Do you foresee continuing to work on FFXIV for a long time, or maybe you’d like to create a new game?
>NY: First and foremost, this kind of decision isn’t determined much by my personal feelings, but more by how the company wants me to move forward.
>The company decides on the projects they want me to work on, but that being said, FFXIV is a title in which we put a lot of work and effort, and we gathered so much support from the players, so I would love to continue working on Final Fantasy XIV. This doesn’t mean that i’m not considering other projects, if the company and the fans have a strong demand for me to create another title, it might be something that can move the needle. I won’t die any time soon so…
You fucks are stuck with him forever.
>join a zurvan farm party
>it is in fact not a farm party
How do people still not have this fight down at this point, it's the easiest fucking fight in this whole expansion.
There is, but it's retarded expensive because it requires rare aquapolis mats.
worth it
All healers have to do is run around avoiding aoe, keeping regen on the tank and throw 1 or 2 cure once a few minutes.
You don't even need them more of the times.
The consequences of tank and healer mistakes are much higher than those of DPS.
The best jobs for getting carried are black mage and summoner.
As a sch who started 4 days ago after maining smn for months
I do not see how on earth other schs just dont dps. Its so damn easy. Now AST I understand a bit, but I usually still find time
>dps poorly
>tank doesn't do enough damage to kill shit efficiently, healer goes oom, tank dies, healer dies, huge amount of time wasted crawling through the dungeon with the smallest pulls possible hoping you don't run out of time
>dps well
>run takes 15 minutes tops, phases are skipped, healer has plenty of mana, tank is never in danger due to mitigation from enemies being killed quickly, good times are had by all
That's what tank and healer prima donnas never realize, the game is built around everyone doing as much damage as possible, but they will go on and on about dps is low responsibility and how hard they have it while at the same time never getting kicked and being carried along while an underperforming dps will get booted in a heart beat, hell I'm dps and have initiated kicks on shitty dps
Shitter here.
I'm sorry.
Soar messed people up
>it's the easiest fucking fight in this whole expansion.
No that's Sophia.
Zurvan is hard because you have to rely on 7 other idiots to not fuck up.
why's it impossible to make a character on 90% of the servers? even the low pop ones
Because most never learned due to early PF learning parties demanding soar being skipped
Because you're playing in a NA cuckcenter.
If your healer is running out of MP in a fucking dungeon of all places they're absolute garbage and should be kicked.
>healer and tank mistakes
How can you make mistakes when the very basics of those roles are keep aggro with this myriad of aggro generating skills and keep this one guy alive with a dozen healing spells
muh dps
Games not as small as the memes told you
Well SCH that dont DPS are plain lazy.
While WHM and AST start out as healer and stay that way SCH have to spend 30 lvls as damage role
putting up dots should be a habbit by then
Playing WHM feels like so little damage, i barelly kill mobs while i see people annihilate them...should i become bard or something? Maybe blacked mage or monk or maybe summ i kinda like dots but not sure?
Pretty easy as WHM when you have really bad DPS and the tank does big pulls. Not from healing, obviously, but from Holy. And I'm not talking about normal DF DPS I mean when you get two guys that do 700.
All roles are braindead easy to play and not fuck up. However if a tank/healer does happen to fuck up shit's more likely to hit the fan whereas a dps fucking up results in "oops the run took 20 seconds longer"
Use cleric stance