Why are overwatch character and skin designs so shit?
Why are overwatch character and skin designs so shit?
Sombra's is ok, fitting enough for her cliches.
Orisa's is a shit one all around though.
r u ok?
why is it only white people who act like this
Sombra is alright, Orissa is the most awful character design in the game.
pic related
also im suprised to see an overwatch thread that isnt bashing roadhog. were actually getting somewhere
>Le Balanced Watch
>1hit kill move
>1 trillion health
>heal heals half his health or all of it because there's always a fucking ana
>whole team has to focus him dowm
good """""game"""" you have here
Sombra a qt
Her legendary skins are pretty rad though
you forgot to add that the hook breaks if you look at it wrong
New skins are as simplistic as they can be.
>recolors, recolors everywhere
But I guess this means that Blizzard can provide many varieties with ease.
You take that back
I haven't played in a while, what did they do to it?
I like how quickly people stopped giving a shit about Sombra when she was released.
Because the devs are pretentious fags who claim no one knows how to play her right, won't say how to do it right, and refuse to make her viable
Reinhardt is probably the only character with a good design and nice skins
Torbz skins are also funny
its weak as shit, if you shoot even 1 stray shot at it it shatters, even if its already hooked you.
also it looks like there is almost no stun effect from the hook now, but that could just be me
Patch before this Tuesday's increased to cooldown to 8 seconds and he doesn't pull you as close as he used to
....but they tighten his spread so now his gun is much bette per by itself and he can still one shot everyone.
Makes you wonder why people still play this shitty game
They did a bunch of stuff: Raised the cooldown on hook, now when you hook someone they appear in front of you (which is good) but now it's several feet in front of you so it's a bit harder to 1HK, and if there's any sort of obstacle between you and the target, the hook breaks, they also lowered the spread on the shotgun
He's kinda weird now
Sombra is almost too attractive.
And Nutcracker Zenyatta is good enough of a skin to completely justify the game.
there is a way to play her right, it involves going against your instincts and playing her as a low combat support rather than a dps tracer replacement.
Pack your bags paco, it's time for you to return to bean town.
>he can still one shot everyone
if your face fucking roadhog sure he can 1 shot you, but you shouldn't be facefucking roadhog.
>listen to whiners about hook being op
>hit it with a wrecking ball
Sounds like blizzard
Not really Sombra is that one character everyone want to main because they know she not great but they wanna prove they're actually good to everyone even though we all know she can work. I had a guy a few days ago saying he was contributing to the team by getting EMP often and killing a Zen but we still lost at the first choke in Dorado because Pharah was raping our team
>lets take laura from sfv and make her ugly
10/10 blizzard
>cosmetics are enough to justify playing a game
nu-gamers lmao
Winston's cybergirlfriend?
They claimed in an interview that she's an assassin, then they've claimed what you said, then they said they can't reduce her spread or she'd be an assassin, and on another occasion they said she is an ass ass in
>it's a "4 DPS fuck around while the tank and medic desperately try to carry" match
Yeah the announcer as well.
this sounds less like a problem with the game and more of a good example why a company should have only 1 PR person who can get the story straight.
but lets be honest, overwatch is just an mmob that blizzard paints with the head cannon of its more loud, autistic fan base
I don't play overwatch but that design screams pandering to me
>half head shaved girl punk look
>Purple lipstick/tips
>Some sort of brown person
>Sassy DreamWorks face
It's like when you would see character designs in the 90's that were "radical", this is like pure millennial pandering.
If I had to guess, it'll be Doomfist then Athena
she is supposed to be a trangendered mexican... thing i guess?
why do you think they gave her toe shoes?
there basically is no stun effect when the hook hits
it slows the enemy 90%
the pulling process is where they can't do anything
cause they have to pander to everyone
>its a blatant rip-off episode
I guess its okay when Blizzard does it
It's todally MILLENIAL
What could be done to make it an actual good game? at this point
>win 7/10 placement matches
>competitive score 1800s
>literally every game after that is a loss
>my team i always retarded
>ana is nerfed again so i cant carry the team
>drop 500 score in like 7 games
>havent played since
good riddance. maybe ill try again once doomfist is released. fuck blizzard
>be team's only healer
>teammates spread out and go in wildly different directions
>get picked off one by one only you and tank are left
>complains about team comp
When I tried to climb ranks and got a grandmaster team with 2 smurfs against ours, they picked 6 fucking DPS and wrecked our shit like there was no tomorrow.
We had balanced team, ana, lucio, Rein, Hog, soldier and Zarya and still lost 0-3
In the end your picks don't really matter if you're really fucking good
So in 2 years?
lets be honest with ourselves. every game panders to its audience
>shooters have big guns and explosions
>jrpgs have fanservice
>sjw games have trannies and gays
i think you get the point...
the only problem with the SJW pandering is that
a)they cant get it right in a tasteful way
b)its usually lorded around as a pr stunt by the devs that they are "progressive"
How about this skin?
I wonder if they're going to be following the formula of releasing 1 Assault, 1 Healer, 1 Tank.
>play mercy
>get told to switch healers
Twilight is best. And those who get butthurt by the hog. Try shooting him.
That one and camo are the best
This. None of her abilities say "go fuck some scrubs up". They're all support and mobility. The only enemies that you should be attacking solo as sombra are the low health ones you detect through the wall.
I didn't know sombra was French, had 16 arms and used a fucking pole-arm.
Or is it the hairstyle you're crying about?
Man why do all the new characters have to have shit skins?
Honestly my only problem I have with her is that she LOUDLY announces where she's at
>Man why do all the new characters have to have shit skins?
Well Blizzard is pushing for diversity
Why couldn't this have been Sombra's design? It's not fucking fair.
IMO stop releasing new heros which throw off the balance of the other ones.
then get blizzard to sit down and watch actual footage to find balance issues instead of listening to screeching tumblrites.
there isnt much else to do. at this point, most of the issues caused are by blizzard blindly implementing balancing measures that are not even needed and throw everything off
Sombra a PUTA
I guess I'm in the minority. I don't mind Orisa's design at all.
and that is DUMB AS FUCK, i completely agree
The patch just reduced her VO range to 15 meters. Not sure what is was before but that probably helps.
I don't either. Honestly, my least favorite is widowmaker or maybe Reinhardt.
>mercy has do attack ability
>ana nerfed again
>zen is powerful but cant heal for shit
>lucio, the best healer, the most fun character, has a useless fart gun that cant kill even the squishiest of characters
why cant blizzard make good healers
that's rude
To be fair, stereotypes and references are the core of Overwatch characters.
That seems pretty obvious.
>then get blizzard to sit down and watch actual footage to find balance issues
Wait, they don't have a couple of guys that do this??
It felt like it was global to be honest
Lucio's buffs in PTR make him a surprisingly good harasser.
>a skin in a video game where your perspective is first person is enough to justify dropping 40-60$ on it
Do you realize how fucking stupid you are or what?
lets say she is going up to pick a widow, your gonna uncloak within the 15m zone and the widow would just hook out of there.
she should just not talk at all.
Know that I think about it ,is there any pictures of sombra''s in game?
You have to hit the enemies with your gumdrops to kill them.
I hate lucio's gun so god damn much. I know it can do decent damage if it actually hits but it feels so damn useless.
>Wait, they don't have a couple of guys that do this??
look at the shit they implement, im gonna go with no. or they get the idiot interns to do it and they fail.
>Do you realize how fucking stupid you are or what?
its like the people who spend hours making a face in skyrim lol
It committed the crime of being too good for Overwatch.
>only thing they have in common is the haircut
>Both are brown too i guess
Isnt mistral french too or some shit? Nigga how hard are you reaching here. Its not like that haircut is unique to her alone. If anything, sombra is a very shitty copy of laura. Shitty because she isnt as thick or attractive in the face like laura is.
It was OP tho.
>Orisa not available for ranked.
what is this bullshit.
But that feeling when Blizz got it right the first time but dun fucked up. That feeling when they got it right the second and third time too but dun fucked up.
All of Overwatch's characters are pandering to someone. That's why the game's been so successful.
I have the feeling Blizzard doesn't know how to not over-design things anymore.
Don't mock me for that!
Your picks don't matter if your team is really good, you're still reliant on your team.
oh wait
the tf2 spy did that fucking ages ago.
>lucio, the best healer
Yeah, TF2 came up with the idea of sneaky saboteurs.
>Your picks don't matter
But sombra fills a different niche.
so you think its entirely ok that your team has to carry you?
your a sack of shit and you should stop playing team games alltogether
I'm talking about the character design specifically but yeah it's kind of obvious. Surprisingly enough she plays nothing like Spy.