Started playing this yesterday and was surprised at how good it was. It feels very reminiscent of RE1 in the same way that Soulsborne games feel reminiscent of Metroidvanias.

Do you think RE7 will have a lasting impact on the series, or will they just go back to the action stuff like RE4-6 for the next game? How will RE7 go down in history?

it's definitely better when you play with mouse and keyboard though. It feels so clunky on controller

For was praised hell and back exactly because of that...expect a first person trilogy like it was the fixed cameras and the action ones

Legit best game I've played so far this year and that's saying a lot with how good this year has been so far.
RE7 reminds me of why I fucking love horror in the first place.

Capcom said they will focus on VR now.
They will release a lot of shit games thinking the reason for RE7 success was the VR and not them finally caring about everything on the game.

cute couple

It's a little too short and has not enough content. But nevertheless it's easily the best RE game since RE4

It's really fucking good it's first playthrough

Subsequent playthroughs are awful, game lacks replay value for sure

I hope not third person sucks for RE.

There's a making of video saying there was going to be a family dog as well in the game, shame it got cut I think that would of been cool.

I'm sure they will stick with this kind of first person gameplay for the numbered games, the action formula has not been working out for them recently. They can keep the action gameplay for the spin-offs.

hopefully the next game has a lot more content, like minigames and alternate scenarios and shit. The kind of incremental improvements we saw from RE1 -> 2. They were probably just testing if this kind of game would even work for the series with RE7. Are there many other first person horror games have this much of an emphasis on combat? I don't usually play them

>would of
would've (would have)

>Subsequent playthroughs are awful, game lacks replay value for sure
CBA to replay the game because you're forced to wait 20 minutes just to play 5 minutes to then forced to wait another 5 minutes (cop) then you can play another 2 minutes before interrupted by a cutscene, play for 2 minutes, interrupted by scripted scene, play for 15 seconds, interrupted by jack shooting himself, then you can finally play for 20 or so minutes before you fight jack with scissorsaw

Its shit.
The shadow puzzles are the biggest rip off, uninspired garbage ever.

How lazy can you be.

It's fun to replay on madhouse.
Most games have slow starts nowadays because they use the start to set up the storyline and give you tutorials. Once you get past the part where you're at the dinner table with them it becomes almost all gameplay

how did they just reattach your hand like that?

is the DLC any good?

Whats the diference betwen this and the old games cutscenes? i jremember you could cut the Cgis from RE3...but the ingame scenes?

But also its funny..i probably would agree with this,but we live in a time of soo many scripted bullshit in games that stuff dont affect me anymore

Overall they just need to add extra modes,fix the enemy variations and the last boss to be 10/10

Madhouse is a bore because the gameplay is just hold block and get by because 100% damage reduction because of the "Rules of Defense" papers you unlock

RE1 had two campaigns:
Chris and Jill, as well as 2 individual endings Best Ending and Bad Ending.

RE2 had two campaigns and two scenarios, totaling at 4 different story lines.

RE3 had multiple endings as well as split decision feature which changed how you played the game each time you played. You had a large amount of possibilities each playthrough.

Nothing changes in RE7 and the only time you get to choose where you want to go (Zoe/Mia) you loop back around and get the same ending sans mia.

Its implyied the main protag is infected too...wich mean he gets regen powers too

and the dlc are worth...the mini games are fun and have a challenge...but i would buy on a sale just because they should have add at least some of then in the main game

i played re7 a week ago. got to marge boss fight.

atmosphere is great but the puzzles are dull and boss fights are fuuuuuuucking garbage

>muh replay value

fuck off and get a job

The game actually had to get a second shipment close to release, which means it was burning through stock quicker than they had thought. Capcom said they've sold 3 million copies to retailers, and those copies seems to still be selling. So by all accounts RE7 was a huge success.

It also wasn't anywhere near as expensive to make as RE6, so it probably turned a bigger profit too.

I loved it. It definitely has weak points, like a lack of enemy variety. I personally found the plot very weak after the initial stages,(I'm just sick to death of new viruses and vague corporate espionage every fucking game, as well as those RE 4-6 reminiscent gigantic mutated gloop with a face bosses) but it did feel like a natural progression of the old formula.

I just want more and look forward to RE8. I just hope that they go in their own direction, rehashing the same old plots is getting boring after 7 games and spinoffs.

Gayest shit ive ever herd

is this what Japan thinks the average american family looks like?

it's pretty close

Sorry I want to get value out of my $60 faggot.

Not enough content or replay value to warrant being $60.

>it's a "it's like the first title but in first person" shilling episode

Fuck off

Eh i payed 20 bucks for a Steam key and got 20 hours out of it. Good enough for me.

are you twelve?

>two thirds of americans are obese
They should be fatter to represent the average american family.

>RE3 had multiple endings
Nah man...its only two andings and who gonna give you a chopper ride is even less significant than if you gonna scape with your wife or not

>well as split decision feature which changed how you played the game each time you played.
Most of said decisions is pretty much if you gonna fight nemesis or avoid hin for a while...not much diferent than if i gonna hide or attack the bakers

And i agree on the RE1 and RE2..but manly because they are actually games that have multiple charcters to use...Re7 is no diferent than playing only the chris campaign

Heck RE7 is sure better than CV Re5 and Re6 wich features multiple characters...but is railroaded as hell

yeah, RE7 in comparison to the older games feel like 1/4th of a game.

Game is incredibly short, first play through took me 3 hours, all the puzzles where in your face. Like take the first shadow puzzle, if it was the older games you'd have to look for the piece; but nope it's already on the pedestal for you

Then you got the "keycard" subquest and they might as well should have put a arrow marker for you because lucas tells you where both keys are

>People praising movie games made exclusively for "epic" reaction of Let's Players.

What happened with this site?

no, one third of American adults are obese

>Jack and Marguerite
>Shit boss fights

Nah man...jus nah

>using newgame+ items on madhouse

>first play through took me 3 hours
nah, you're lying

Capcom is a japanese developer, how would they know about the west's le ebin lets player stream culture? They can't even get the southern america stuff right.

Glad to hear they just need to correct the said problems

I just hope they continue with Ethan,Mia and tenstsu stuff...they have potential

>its a autist being wrong but shitposting anyway episode

keep going they are comedy gold

Speedrunners beat the game in half that time, 3 hours is not a stretch; especially how short and linear the game is. The puzzles are very "Bioshock - Infinite" Tier, take the morgue puzzle for example. There is a literal note in front that tells you how to do it for the key. If it was a traditional RE game the note would be across the house in a different room.

what the fuck are they eating

It was too short and way too dark. Other than that I liked it.

>Let's Players maymay

lol you tell me redditors


It's a huge stretch. There is a massive, massive difference between doing a speedrun on a game you know like the back of your hand vs playing a game for the first time and going in completely blind.

Not saying it's a long game, but claiming that one can expect to beat the game on their first run in around 3 hours is just not true

I beat it in a little under 4 hours and I liked to explore and backtrack, I don't see 3 as being impossible.

How come Jack looks geriatric instead of middle aged like he actually is?

Welcome to the bayou son.

>cinematic camera
1-2-3-Code Veronica-REmake-0-Outbreak-Outbreak#2
>8 games

>over the shoulder
4-5-6-Mercenaries-Revelations-Revelations 2-Operation Raccoon City-Umbrella corps
>8 games

>"japanese FPS"
survivor-Code Veronica 2-Dead Aim
>3 games

>on rails shooter
umbrella chronicles-darkside chronicles
>2 games

Gaiden was a unique RPG

I'm going to guess the current FPS viewpoint will be carried over about 8 games as well

REmake 2 will be cinematic camera right? right?!

>and I like to explore and backtrack
sounds more like you love to rush as fast as possible

REmake 2 will be an isometric realtime tactics game.

That takes the average of everyone who submits their times. I didn't say 3 hours or 4 hours was average, I said it's not outlandish to believe someone cleared it in 3 when I myself cleared in 4 and I took my time.

how could this happen!?

I have beat the game like 4 times, haven't replayed a resident evil game this much since 4 and 2. I am so happy with the game just wish more enemy variety but it still worked with what was in it. Definitly one of the most beautiful looking games I have seen too. At night with a flashlight on it looks like real life sometimes.

Def a 9/10 game

When is the free story DLC coming out?

that's over three hours earlier than the average time for "rushed" playthroughs. If you know anything about statistics you will understand that

eheh, what a ""credible"" site

are you playing on PC? I'm trying to figure out the best graphics settings. Do you use reshade injector?

The site says RE7 is 9 hours but says RE2 is 8 and a half hours, its safe to say that site is trash. Especially because RE2 has 4 different possible campaign scenarios, an arranged gameplay mode, hunk scenario, tofu scenario and extreme battle mode.

Howlongtobeat is a trash site

>implying that isn't accurate

Chris, I am S.T.A.R.S

Best Wesker coming through

>get director for FEAR to be a story consultant
>game's story turns into literally FEAR but instead of paranormal ghosts and spooks, it's b.o.w.s

ten outta ten

he was a writer and he only wrote the FEAR 1 expansion packs (not the main game) and Spec Ops: The Line

No I'm on console, looks even better on PC I have seen it maxed out and very impressed.

I still am baffled how good it looks on the PS4 and how it still runs at like 60fps. Capcom really went all out and I hope to see more games like this one.

I swear this game has the perfect creepy atmosphere. Haven't played a game that good since fear and it makes sense since the guy who did fear worked on this

This is how I feel in regards to RE7, I think it's a fantastic game (for your first playthrough) but the main game offers very little to make me want to come back to it. I enjoyed every minute of my first play through, and when I picked Mia I decided to a second playthrough and it was a bore. I felt the same frustrations as did. The constant back and forth between getting to play and having to wait for this scripted encounter got dull. When I finally got to picking Zoe the variation in the ending was such a cop out and made me feel like I wasted my time. I got 5 hours out of my first play through and about 3 in my second. So I spent 8 hours on the main campaign but I don't see myself coming back like I did RE1, 2 and Remake. The puzzles were lacking, the enemies are scarce, the Bakers were psuedo Mr.X/Nemesis/Lisa that got boring afterwhile (when you "killed" them in the other games you got a reward, either ammo, gun parts, or healing items) Here you get nothing and it's best just to avoid until your scripted boss encounter of "hit this weak spot to win"
and hit the nail on the head in regards to puzzles, they're so insulting to the player. They give you the solution right in front of the puzzle, no different from Amnesia AMFP's iconic puzzle where there is a hidden staircase and you need to open it, and the level to open it is right beside it.

Hopefully Not A Hero adds some much needed replay value to the game because as it stands, I'd recommend borrowing or pirating the game just for the first playthrough. If you think you're going to play it more then buy it.

Nobody likes puzzles that stump them, and its extremely easy to stump most gamers because most people are not very clever. Really, any game that features puzzles should have a separate difficulty slider for them.

Noone is asking for Parasite Eve 2 "get a notebook and write these symbols down because you'll need to remember these in two hours" tier puzzles.

The only wrong thing RE7 does with it's puzzles is putting the easy solution in the same room. Imagine if RE2 had put the 2236 safe code document inside the same room with the safe, instead of all in the lobby on the otherside of the police station. You're left thinking, well what's the point of the puzzle if the answer is right in front of it? Why not just leave it open.