what are some videogames that accurately represent muslim culture?
What are some videogames that accurately represent muslim culture?
Goat simulator
German simulator
God Hand
Are muslims friendly people?
I would look for old work (movies pre-2012 killing muslims was hype), now in TV series they make the muslims like super saints and that they proclaim peace HAHAHAHAHA
Postal 2
Since this is a shitty thread click these links, I promise you you will laugh but also be unsettled:
American Simulator
Assassins creed.
Civilization IV?
Serious Sam
Inshallah, this is the power of Allah, kuffars.
Well Sup Forums are you happy?
You literally meme'd people to death with your hateful ways.
if they could stop suicide bombing for 5minutes, maybe they could instead develop some games about their religion of peace
in much the same way that sjw activists could make their own games if they didn't spending so much time bitching about everyone elses' games.
TLoZ :^)
#pray #sosad
Warhammer End Times: Vermintide
Sup Forums did it first
>Sup Forums did this
>not mudslimes
Okay Jack.
alhamdulillah, today we thank allah for delivering a blessed attack against the effeminate sodomites and feminists
just kidding, deport them all
Age of Empires II, Saladin the Great campaign.
This is pretty great.
You needn't jest my hypocrite friend
You are on the right path
Call of Duty 4
>being executed by mudslimes first-person
wish someone would have balls to do that today
>today we thank allah for delivering a blessed attack against the effeminate sodomites and feminists
hey, at least they have the balls to do it, something Sup Forums doesn't : )
>Guy accused of being sex offender 23 years ago
>Still registered and probably nearly impossible for him to get a job or apartment because of one stupid mistake he may or may not have made 23 years ago.
I fucking hate the legal system in America and Western Europe.
wallahi, if you were on Sup Forums after the winning of the election (and we thank allah verily for this gift) and after the inauguration (praise be upon Him who allowed safe passage of the Prophet through the capital) you would know that Sup Forums only wants to get along with shitlibs of all descriptions
Postal 2
Sup Forums is more of a work-in-the-shadows type of deal
Command & Conquer: Generals
Thom Yorke really took Radiohead's breakup hard, poor guy.
you can throw stones in Breath of the Wild
Midtown Madness 2
Crusader Kings
They'll roast extra good in the hellfire
What's /sg/?
What if the reason the muslims are winning is because they are right?
About what? Also, where are they winning?
Syria General
syria general
Syria General
wtf i love depravity and cruelty and stagnation now
Syria General
They must be if kafirs whine all the time
the genocide is coming, mudslimes
I guess if by that you mean a bunch of eternally ass-pained keyboard warriors, then yeah, very shadowy.
You son of a motherless whore, Crusader Kings is only for purging mudslime filth, not helping them.
>>Guy accused of being sex offender 23 years ago
He wasn't accused he was tried and convicted as it says on the site you just read, the file photo was taken in 2016, presumably upon his release.
t. degenerate
they are a religion of piece
Any Fallout game.
Hmm, why is this slut hiding her face? RMYT
came here to post this
Depends on where, just like anyplace else. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are supposed to be rude as fuck. Morocco and Indonesia are supposed to be very friendly.
Guy obviously wants to fuck badly
No, they're not. They're friendly to eachother.
Abrahamic religion weaponized memes long before Sup Forums
Broteam pill prohet mohamed
Not really. I knew a muslim immigrant that was nice but he hated niggers to no end, and when he got beat up by a nig he called his armed friends to fuck him up.
>Morocco and Indonesia are supposed to be very friendly
Depends on the person. Third world era are more rude in general
>hated niggers to no end
i don't see the problem?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Fuck, beat me to it.
what's the matter, did they blow up uncle ajir before he got a chance to touch your butthole?
>one dickhead Muslim
>all Muslims are assholes
Nigger spotted
probably because she doesn't want to be murdered in the street by savages
Or maybe she's just a muslim, doesn't wanna look like a slut and expose her face
The saddest words of mouth or pen
Is always "Sup Forums was right again"
As friendly as anyone else, most of Sup Forums has never interacted with one to know that they're not too dissimilar from any old bloke. Unless you're in Saudi Arabia, everyone there is rude as fuck
Depends on who you talk to. Some of them are actually bro's, while a lot of others obviously aren't.
Very witty
every place they go and are allowed to stay turns into a no go area
t. isis apologist
Call of Duty 4
>Mah boi
t. kafir cucklet
This would be funny and weird except for the fact that he is making these statements about actual people. I know being a famous, beautiful woman must be pretty great most of the time, but imagine seeing some shit like this and being in fear for your life.
So brave!
None. It's not politically correct to state facts or represent Islam truthfully. Everyone has to pretend they are peaceful.
i don't know what that means but i assume it's terrorist for "bomb me"
just ask /sg/ and they'll be happy to oblige, i'm sure
Typical keyboard warrior pussy
Plague Inc
I am black. Is there an issue?