What the hell happened?
What the hell happened?
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the right unironically looks better and are all probably better games too
That Adventure Time game is unironically great
Highly recommend it if you want a new 2D Zelda game
>left = shit pushed out because every game needed to be 3-d regardless of how competent the developers are
>right = decent games with developers who are aware of there limitations.
Things improved, we need more lower cost games instead of everything trying to be triple AAA
>Any of that garbage on the right
>Better than Mis Edventures or Night of 100 Frights
I can't speak for KND, but you need to step the fuck down.
Kids will buy all sorts of shit
So, is the Steven Universe game any good?
Punch Time Explosion sequel when?
The Ed Edd and Eddy one was meh at best even as a kid, the Scooby Doo game was fucking great though
This game was shit, but damn I fucking loved it as a kid. The music wasn't exactly memorable, but I remember having this stage's tune stuck in my head all the time way back when. Only beat it once and never touched it again afterward.
holy shit that game was hard
People become so retarded that they can't even make a proper comparison post.
What? Nobody wants to talk about games? NIGGA FUCK YO ASS.
>Left: shitty cash grab collectathons
>Right: shitty cash grab RPG/sidescrollers
woah. . .
No, fuck YO MOMA.
And FUCK YOU TOO, bitch. With your donkey kong nigga ass.
calm down sir.
I don't see what point you're trying to make OP
I just see games based on tv shows...
The developers stopped putting actual effort into games that only children would purchase.
tumblr and jews
the regular show one makes sense from how the show was the steven universe one is good and they are different types of games
If only they put effort into, you know. Making cartoon games. Like what Konami did with the TMNT and Simpsons arcade game.
>Simpsons arcade game
Unironically the best arcade beat em up of all time.
There was a sequel?!
Can I still play this anywhere??
does anybody have a jawbreaker
Hell yeah my dude
Smartphones. That happened.
Its infinitely more profitable to shit out a 99 cent app than to make a full platform game/pay for licensing with the company, etc
Time Warner are stingy merchants who don't like parting with their shekels for vidya. They'd rather pour them into the stillbirth that is DCEU.
There was an RS game?
>tfw no proper Thomas ending for the timeskip
No one fucking cared about Betacai after the wedding episode.
who remember
>>No one fucking cared about Betacai after the wedding episode.
Especially the writers.
>Years of forced relationship drama
>Is literally depressed and asking for death in the last season
>None of it got resolved or wrapped up
>Mordecai has ugly children with gross looking bat ears
dude I'm super nostalgic for Mis Edventures but knew that game looked like ass even back then
Mis Edventures was trash and you know it. Those models where fucking atrocious.
they're all cashgrab garbage
the only thing that makes the ones on the left better are nostalgia and the source material being 100 times better
If i could remove steven universe from existence and wipe out all its fans by simply pressing a button I would honestly do it without any regrets
Breakin Da Rules and were my shit back then.
Graphically, this game still holds up pretty well. It just needs an HD update.
Flash is outdated and no one wants to make games for it
Mobile is common and efficient to, kids they're marketing to could give less of a shit if a game is good, if it's sparkly and has recognizable characters and catchphrases they'll suck it up
>T. my childhood was Spiderman 2 for PC and only now do I realize it was shit
This was one of those games where not only was the PC port awful, it was an entirely different game.
I rented the PS2 version from Gamefly once. It was fun but it was so weird. I can remember being stuck at one part forever. I think it was his dad's dream or something. I played a shit load of this game but judging by the clips on the back of the case I didn't get very far. I don't even recognize those scenes.
Instead of trying to translate 2D shows into 3d and ending up with abominations they're just staying more true to the style of the shows. Is it supposed to be bad?
What happened? I loved regular show but I'm only on like s3. I heard it jumps the tank hard
You got old and bitchy.
>Games that are absolute shit but THREE DEEE
>Games that are slightly better than the ones on the left but 2D
I don't see anything of relevance happening
>I can remember being stuck at one part forever. I think it was his dad's dream or something
The only dream segment is the tutorial level at the very beginning.
That Scooby Doo game is actually really good.
>Punch Time Explosion sequel when?
But they would replace the Powerpuff Girls with the NuPowerpuff Girls
>aging beta marries an aging skanky "punk" girl
Seems about right.
these are all true. the games on the right aren't a downgrade because they're 2D, they correlate to their respective show's aesthetic design and it fits well.
When we're talking about quality of source material though, definitely left > right .
nostalgia triggered
No it isn't.
Nah, they would probably just make the nuGirls alternate costumes, like the RowdyRuff Boys.
lol, sure they would
>tfw GKND never
As great as that would be, I'm not wholly convinced that it would work.
The concept kind of negates the end of the original show, and there might not be a sustainable market for it.
The end wasn't that good anyways, I doubt anyone would mind if they retconned it, and they wouldn't even have to change all of it.
Whether or not it even has a market is a different story.
>Mordecai became a dirty hipster
Really makes me think.
Fun fact: Guys who made the KND game, also made the Family Guy game.
Was the Family Guy game any good?
that fact wasn't very fun
Name of this adventure time game please, and on what platform it is on.
The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Available on PS3, 3DS, 360, Vita, and PC
was CJ ever seen again after they broke up at Muscleman's wedding?
>Margaret is shown to be one of the first on the scene when they come back
>that's it
>you never see her again
mobile gaming is cheaper to develop for, easy to scam kids with freemium games and almost every kid has a phone to play the games/apps.
Its not worth it to make fully fledged games anymore...which makes me thankful that Tumblr Universe's Paper Mario thing is getting an actual console/pc release
Rigby's daughters tho
Ty man.
Just played Abit of this yesterday
Makes Kirby games look challenging
The EEnE game is a pretty basic platformer, short as fuck too
Scooby Doo is kinda metroid-ish, a lot of the areas are 2.5D. Some areas are gated off with needing X scooby snacks or whatever but the collection isn't the focus
>>was CJ ever seen again after they broke up at Muscleman's wedding?
Not that I'm aware.
>Margaret shows back up only to hug Eileen
>Doesn't even say hello to Mordecai
>Margaret's the reason Mordecai broke up with CJ anyway because she came back and ruined everything for him
Combination of rising AAA dev costs and the 2008 econ shock. Notice how the PS4 has almost zero licenseware titles on disc - the most recent was a fucking Duck Dynasty game.
>the most recent was a fucking Duck Dynasty game.
But it was good, right?
>Margaret even admits that she still has feelings for mordecai
>that never gets resolved and he gets with a random bat
It helped that lately you have mash-up shit lately.
Why make a new ghostbusters game? Just release an add-on pack for Lego Dimensions.
Wasn't there an episode where it showed Mordecai and Margaret in the future as a couple?
Honestly Mordecai's ending feels rushed and poorly thought out. I don't know why they'd force his relationship drama down our throats for years only to have him get with some random bat that has no story or background.
The Ed, Ed, and Eddy fighting game was legit 10/10
short awnswser no