Wew lads, nearly got memed got again

Wew lads, nearly got memed got again.

Thanks Steam!

Nier sucks. Sup Forums has shit taste.

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that's too bad, i hope you find a video game you like user

Have fun with your virtual ones and zeros, you sure showed them.


for fucking virtual currencies

fucking kek

man europe is a shithole

>refunding GOTY
Your loss.

>exchanging for store credit
you sure showed them
lmao, make better decisions next time, faggot

I could have got it refunded to my credit card no problem are you guys retarded? lmao


>credit card

Since you have money in your steam wallet now.

please buy me cs go sensei?

I don't think you can gift CS any more
my credit score is disgustingly good which helped me get a sick mortgage last year, why wouldn't you have a credit card?

>why wouldn't you have a credit card?
>borrowing money that i dont have, and repaying back with interest

>repaying back with interest
lmao, how old are you?

Fuck off
You can now

>borrow money
>here it is, plus interest
they dont just let you have money. i would have tens of thousands of credit cards it it were true

I don't know why they even released it on PC, JRPG is the least popular genre for them.

you clearly don't understand how credit cards work
>i would have tens of thousands of credit cards it it were true
and your credit score would be terrible

>virtual currencies

What did he mean by this.

This is one of the most successful Steam releases Square has ever had for its Japanese titles, on the contrary.
The current sales are a little over 150k and its not even been a week. The first week sales in Japan when it first came out on PS4 was 200k.

Do your understand how a credit card works? You don't get interest if you pay it off every month.

He's right though its the best way to build credit unless your constantly in debt with a car payment.

The insane love for Nier on Sup Forums has forced me to realize that I simply am not part of the target demographic for AAA games. You have to remember there is a whole generation of gamers that has been raised on video games that wish they were movies or anime, and are more adept at enjoying this shit than anyone born in the 80s or early 90s.

Nier is not a AAA game. It is a AA game. It is on par in budget with titles like Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and Final Fantasy Type-0. Not Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III.

yeah but i would have lots of money

i wouldnt give a shit about credit score if they just gave me money. the whole concept about
>give money
>let me look at this number
>here you go, based on this number you get x
is bullshit

i understand, so i could get s 2.5k loan, buy shit, sell it off and cover the cost of the loan then top off whats left as mine after giving back the 2.5k?
and my credit score would go up?
no wonder the rich get away with this shit

No interest if you pay it off monthly but credit card companies bank on the fact people spend way too much that they don't have. Not everyone is that irresponsible with their money.

>buying things you don't need with money you don't have to impress people yoi don't like

Regardless, same lesson learned. Whether it be AAA or AA, there is very little concern for gameplay and very little "show don't tell" in video game stories anymore.

>2h 45m

what the fuck!

>are more adept at enjoying this shit than anyone born in the 80s or early 90s.
nah I was born in the 80s. Nier looks alright.

>Nier looks alright.

I said "insane love" not level headedness.

>yeah but i would have lots of money
You wouldn't, because
a) there's a fee on balance transfers
b) your first credit card's balance would be worth fuck all unless you provide proof on income
>i wouldnt give a shit about credit score if they just gave me money
You're immensely short sighted

They don't just give out money for free otherwise fucking everyone would be scamming credit card companies.

I don't really understand how you can think there isn't much concern for gameplay when this game's mechanics are significantly more advanced and offer more to the player than the original Nier did. It also has better balancing, making enemies more aggressive and not creating damage sponges on higher difficulties, unlike the original Nier which suffered this. This could not and would not have happened if there wasn't an intended goal to emphasize and improve upon prior weak gameplay mechanics.
Previously you could just block enemy bullets and be invincible, but now you have to actually dodge some of them while destroying others. There's also more kinds of attacks as opposed to a single combo string.
None of these changes would have taken place if there wasn't concern for the gameplay

They're fans of Yoko Taro, they're just delighted that he finally found some success.

Threadly reminder that "but it gets good after 100 hours!" is the refuge of the greatest examples our species

>Almost 1/5 of the price is from taxes

??? Why are your taxes so high bro?

how gay do you have to be

Steam makes exceptions for games that are notorious for having problems and running like shit.

I did the same thing. Majority of Sup Forums said Nier: Automata was good. It wasn't. It's worse than Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising in every single way. And the story is retarded and the writing is like some edgy high-school drama club shit. The only good thing was 2B and A2 was hot but the rest of the game fucking sucked.

Nioh and BotW were so much better.

is this a chub daddy thread now?

Because it's not as if the original Nier was created with great concern for gameplay. I'm not knocking the game user, I'm just saying it's been a wake up call for me. I'm kind of shocked at the explanations I've read for why it's such a good game. Then again, I felt the same way about Mass Effect 1 ans 2. Nier:A has just been the straw the broke the camels back for me. It's great for what it is, which is a movement in gaming that doesnt appeal to me.

Doesn't matter how waifu-baity the game is when it sucks...

>listening to Sup Forums
>when it's some obscure series no one knows about
Good thing you got your money back

Agreed. Nier: Automata is a shit game through and through and Nierfags arguments for why it's good boils down to "B-But 2B is fucking sexy and Taro is le ebin meme man!". Nierfags know their game sucks and will be binning for $3 in a couple of weeks.

Same shit happened with Xenoblade Chronicles X, refunded that shit too.

>worse than MGR
How? MGR was too easy and let you run right up to foot soldiers and slash at them without any resistance. Standard fodder enemies still at least aggressively attack at you on Hard on this and don't let you just walk up to them. Because most of said soldiers carried guns and shot at you in MGR and you could deflect all bullets, it took away some potential challenge.
There was also less gameplay variety in MGR. The same stuff you were doing in the beginning of the game you were doing by end game, with no changes at any point beyond new weapons and abilities. Nothing like the switches to shmup gameplay in Nier.

>How? MGR was too easy and let you run right up to foot soldiers and slash at them without any resistance

Can't tell if you're talking about Nier or Rising here.

That you're not worth the shit from the underside of my boot you cunt.

Nier is DMC gameplay but worse in every single way because you just button mash for an infinite combo without the enemy doing anything. And changing to a higher difficulty does nothing or introduce no new mechanics and simply give the enemies more health and more damage, which is a copout used by every shit game ever made. Meanwhile in Metal Gear Rising you at least have fun slashing enemies in creative ways and the boosfights are way more inspired with you climbing around, jumping around, dodging around and using creative and fun ways to take them down. Boss fights in Nier are nothing like that. Adam fight for example is the most boring shit ever.

You know a game is shit when the following applies to it:

>Made by some no-name retard
>Story is shit with bad writing and characters are shit with also bad writing
>Game is hyped on Sup Forums because the characters are fucking hot and sexy

>i wouldnt give a shit about credit score if they just gave me money. the whole concept about
>>give money
>>let me look at this number
>>here you go, based on this number you get x
>is bullshit

It actually isn't bull shit. That "number" is what determines whether or not you can take out a mortgage, request a loan, buy a car, etc.

>i understand, so i could get s 2.5k loan, buy shit, sell it off and cover the cost of the loan then top off whats left as mine after giving back the 2.5k?

Well, yeah, you could. But you'd need a lot more capital to make any real profit. 2.5k isn't going to give you shit for a return. Also, selling (flipping) shit takes work and requires infrastructure. If you're only interested in being a money handler, you're better off investing in competent ventures. Of course, if you do this, you end up placing your money in limbo for God only knows how long, and there's always the risk of your investment defaulting.

Also got a refund. The game was boring and trash from the first hour.

Credit card discussion is completely retarded on Sup Forums because there are both yuropoors and murrikans here. Using credit cards in many European countries is much less common than in the US because there is no real point to doing so. Not only are the annual fees high for many credit cards, there hardly are any bonuses to them, unless you spend ridiculous amounts of money and/or think that spending money you don't have is a bonus. Not all European countries have credit score system just like in the US. Rather than having a positive credit score for using a credit card properly and shit, you can only have a neutral one, or a bad one if you've failed to pay your bills in time and shit. In the US, there seems to be no real point to not using a credit card as long as you're at least a little responsible with your money.

>obscure series no one knows about
>is actually successfully competing with the new Ghost Recon in sales numbers
In Automata on Hard at least even the smaller robots arm swings have long enough range to where you can't just run at and attack at them without taking a hit, thus forcing you to dodge and then attack or keep your distance and shoot at them.
Increasing Nier Automata's difficulty increases the aggressiveness of enemy AI. It doesn't just change damage dealt and health.

I don't know of a single person in Europe that has a credit card.

Everyone simply has a bank card linked to the bank account.

>buy game just to refund it
>screenshot it to start shit on Sup Forums

Kill yourself.

totally gay or underage

>In Automata on Hard at least even the smaller robots arm swings have long enough range to where you can't just run at and attack at them without taking a hit, thus forcing you to dodge and then attack or keep your distance and shoot at them.
Which is completely negated by the fact that you can infinitely combo your attacks and dodging is overpowered as hell with insane range. Increasing the difficulty effectively only makes the enemies more bullet spongy.

>Increasing Nier Automata's difficulty increases the aggressiveness of enemy AI. It doesn't just change damage dealt and health.
See my above reply. It really doesn't in a meaningful way.

None of that applies to it. No one's going around calling Senran Kagura the greatest thing ever and yet it fits the exact same criteria you're shitposting about.

Automata was hyped because its an improvement upon an already great original Nier, which was great for a variety of reasons, most notably its ability to tell two extremely different stories just by withholding information from the player, though its Zelda-like gameplay and strong OST with characters' who had time spent on them to give reasons for the way they act.

You sound like you've played it. I feel like I'm constantly fighting between positioning the camera and attacking, am I missing something?

>ass: the game aka virgin bait
>another ubishit open world memegame #3847298
Woah, pal, it's almost fucking impressive I say.

You should clean your boots user. Smelling of poo poo all day is probably why you play Sup Forumsidya all day and get no cunny fun time.

Just so you know 99% of the time when people say a "credit card" they don't actually mean buying something on credit.

I'll buy it at the christmas sale for 66% off

The same problem persists in most action games like notably DMC and MGR. There's no easy way to actually combat it except trying to use locking mechanisms effectively. It's like when fans of Dark Souls/Bloodborne tell you that the shit camera is part of the difficulty. Just gotta bear with it somehow.

Every Ubisoft game sells like hotcakes
If a game is competing with a Ubisoft game its not obscure

I started playing with mouse because you can at least turn the camera while attacking but it feels like there's a 1 second delay on input for rotating the camera. Also the keyboard controls are garbage.

>credit card
You've shown no-one. You spent money thats not yours on a game you didn't research to make sure you like, then got the money that wasn't yours refunded into a crypto currency so you can buy games that won't be yours.
Nice man, you got nothing but debt. I''m super jelly i just made mum put on extra tendies.

Except Automata degrades the amazing storytelling and prose-like writing of the first game. So what you're left with is a Platinum game with alright story compared to their earlier games, which is a dissapointment since the Platinum gameplay isn't much to cheer about.

I've never understood these complaints about action games. You're supposed to control the camera as you move around, making it face the direction of the enemy you are fighting and turning the camera as needed to keep a close eye on your surroundings whilst not losing track of the enemy you're attacking. The camera should be following your attacks at all times. Its just that you're given nearly full freedom to control it so you have to make an active effort to control the camera while doing all this

I played Nier: Automata on PS4 so I can't help you too much with M&K controls, but I hear there's input lag in the game so try googling "Automata input lag" and see if you find a way to reduce it.

Otherwise investing in a good camera could be worthwhile for not only Nier but other games.

Man, I feel sorry for you.

>Nier sucks
What a pity, what games are good according to you?

but the camera is zoomed in

Aww did the nier babby get his feelings hurt because his game got shit reviews, score and flopped hard compared to other new games?

you're totally a 12 year old kid fapping to 2b knowing his favorite game is shit lmao

You're correct.

Nier has the highest review scores of any new game to come out right now and is beating out several Final Fantasy games in terms of sales on PC. The fuck are you on about?

botw has been fun so far
>inb4 you say it sucks
>Nice man, you got nothing but debt
That's fine, I can afford it. £40 is nothing to me, and it's money I was going to spend on steam at some point any way.

Yoshi's Island. But only if you take the time to collect all the red coins.

BotW, Nioh and Horizon says hi :^)

That's not the case with Nier though.

They really don't give a fuck, most times you can refund well over 2h.

And Nier is one of them ?

Wow,thanks Sup Forums. I just dodge a bullet if this is true. The game must be total ass if steam put it in exception list like that.

Mouse and keyboard controls sucks cock and the game has performance issues.

so yeah issues

It has a higher review score than Nioh and is equal to Horizon, though

>his money

It doesnt keep crying nier babby

Holy shit.

Literally worse than Nioh, Yakuza BotW and Horizon. God damn Nier sucks bro.

The only game worse than Nier is Gravity Rush lmao

Horizon and Nioh are both only on PS4, so if we're comparing, shouldn't we also be comparing to PS4 scores?

>he actually paid £40 for a video game in the first place

End yourself.

Doesn't Koei Tecmo port have the same kind of problems ? Heard latest atelier port is so shitty and doesn't even support mouse. Did those games make it into exception list too ?


And BotW is on WiiU and Switch.

Keep crying lmao

>Yoshi's Island
I love Nier but damn, that's some fine taste!

There're always people who have problems
>Broken on my machine
It's nowhere near massive for this game.

It has a serious issue with fullscreen, borderless window is the only way to have game at full resolution. Otherwise it runs perfectly.

>*buys Neo Geo console and rare cartridges*

Are you really this fucking retarded?
There is no exception list, and the 2 hours thing was never a hard rule in the first place.

Atelier and several other KT ports like Toukiden 2 don't have mouse support, instead controlling the camera by keyboard keys.

Nier Automata DOES have mouse support, allowing you to control and attack using your mouse and keyboard both. Its just that character action games generally play better with a cojntroller, and, in the case of Nier Automata, the constantly changing genre/camera perspective makes the keyboard and mouse controls (generally speaking) worse than a controller's.

at least we got good healthcare, you got shitty one and trump is going to take it away to let you die when you get sick

That's nice. Bye bye.

Sums up most of my thoughts as well.

I thought in my last post I mentioned specifically Horizon and Nioh without talking about BotW. I know its review score is high. Automata however is the highest rated recently released game on PS4.

>2 hours thing was never a hard rule in the first place.

The rule says otherwise. Wtf are u smoking ?

>but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.
What are YOU smoking? It was never something they were strict on

Ok cuck? whats your pont? its on pc as well and we have higher standards than you consolecucks do lmao it only got a decent score on ps4 because you're so starved for games you literally eat shit up and praise it