Are games art?

Are games art?

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They are an artistic medium, but games overall are not art. Specific ones can be.

Art is no indicator of quality.

Shadow of the Colossus is a clear example, and so is MGS2.

Not art, but a business model.

individual parts of it can be
rarely can a whole game be considered art

anything can be art
period blood and shit smeared all over a canvas is art
filling your ass with paint and shitting it on a canvas at high speed is art
a shovel taped to a wall is art

you should kill yourself Op for posting such a cherry picked picture.

Yeah, I could make a collage with arty games on top and modern """""art""""" at the bottom, but I'm lazy.

If it's interactive, it's not art

(your favorite movie here) is art. The Room, Pixels, and Paul Blart Mall Cop are possibly art, but either way are very poor quality.
(your favorite game here) should be treated the same. Art.

literally no one considers "modern art" art.


Why is /vuh/ so afraid to admit that video games perfectly fit the general definition of art?

Are you guys afraid someone will point you and say you're manbabies or something?

So by that logic, the Louvre is retroactively removed from being called art because there's a VR experience for it the 3DS title notwithstanding of course

This, art is a very broad word that basically means "made by humans to convey a message". Almost any piece of shit you come up with could be successfully argued to be art.

As defined by your image, no they are not art. As not defined by your image, they still aren't art.

you know you're mum defined my dick last night

Let's see...

>games have different styles
>games can inspire
>games influence each person in their own unique way
>people have lots of opinions and personal tastes for games
>there are timeless game classics
>games evolve over time
>the quality of a game depends on those who work on it, how much time they spend on it, and the initial inspiration

Sounds like art.

Yes, unless you're too much of a brainlet to appreciate their artistic qualities.

Which mum, the one with the dick, or the one with the dick. Or was it the test tube? I didn't think faggots had fetishes for literal tubes of glass.


art major here

i could shit on a sidewalk and someone would call it art.



>Or was it the test tube?
I ain't no loser faggot.

I fucked the one with the feminine penis.

We already had "muh ludo" and "muh kino" on Sup Forums

It won't be much different

Actually glitches are exposed on modern art exibs



>itt: morons who don't understand satire
I chuckled heartily, OP

Modern art isn't art.

> alvvays
> art

you don't know the meaning of the word "art"?

t. SaltyPainter

the i don't like so it isn't art meme again

The fact that so many books still name Ocarina of Time as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" game ever only tells you how far gaming still is from becoming a serious art. Music critics have long recognized that the greatest musicians of all times are In the Aeroplane Over the Sea and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Painting critics rank the highly controversial Picasso over painters who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Game critics are still blinded by nostalgia. Ocarina of Time sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Music critics grow up listening to a lot of music of the past, paint critics grow up watching to a lot of paintings of the past. Game critics are often totally ignorant of the games of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Nintendo did anything worthy of being saved.

tfw sold a bricked switch to an art gallery for 1000 u$d

I love hipster

t. I have absolutely no fucking talent whatsoever but I love pretending I'm 2deep5u

Games, just like Movies, Painting, Acting, is art.

>interactive installations are not art
And here I thought I was an artist, cool.

Really it doesn't matter, these threads are just good for shitposting.

This. Art doesn't have to be good.

>I have lived long enough to see an alvvays album posted on Sup Forums
Weird days.

Because the only people who want games to be art are the people who are embarrassed by other people knowing they play games

They'd rather have people think that games are some artistic medium full of deep messages and symbolism, rather than just say "I play them for fun." or "Because it looked neat"

Wind Rises was miyazaki's worst movie

They are art.What they're not is high art because they don't get even close to exploiting the medium at its full technical level.
They're at the level of cave painting at the moment.

I think like most other forms of art, it's subjective. A lot of the time a piece of art someone else loves, someone else hates. I mean, I cannot get abstract art it just doesn't speak to me.

So in the end, I think video games can be art, it's just not the case for everyone looking.

Besides, I don't care what anyone says Alpha and Omega for the Nintendo DS is the greatest piece of video gaming art I have ever seen on this planet.

Fuck no.

>Im not the only one on this board who likes Alvvays


Ok it's just as bad as Ponyo to be more precise

3 of us now I guess.

the idea of what art has become is awful. I'm glad they say games aren't art. They aren't, games are good. Art is trash. Some women could glue her used tampons to a big piece of corkboard for a year and it'd the art sensation of the decade.

no, and never will be. enjoy your toys you pathetic manchildren.

Post Alvvays songs

If something says its art or is trying to be art then it isn't art.
their most famous work but it's still fantastic.

They contain art in them

art doesn't imply talent in the realization, especially if nothing requires it.
i don't like modern art either.
but since i know the meaning of the word art, i'm not trying to be the little kid that embarasse himself saying " i can draw better that this shiieet amirite xD"

It doesn't matter, people make video games for other people to appreciate, and that's basically art. Plain and simple.

>A picture of a woman smiling is considered art, but videogames aren't

What an odd choice for an album on the top section. Don't get me wrong I actually really like Alvvays but it seems so out of place around the other instantly recognizable art pieces. I'm probably just looking too much into a b8 image though.

not even message, convey an idea.

moodpieces are still art.

but being full of deep messages and symbolism isn't what "art" mean


As much as Totoro is the mascot for Ghibli and it should be considered a kids movie and no more, My Neighbor Totoro is still the worst Miyazaki movie

That building is not art, and that painting also is not art, it was a product produced for cash.

games being recognised as art in germany would allow them to bypass silly censoreship laws

Contrarianism. It's obvious they are art and most people think so, so now Sup Forums has to say the opposite.

>convey a message
art do not require it.
even if the author doesn't "mean" to convey something, the moment the viewer experience it and feel something, it is art.

so yes, i know what you are thinking, even shitposting is an art form.

If the painting of God and Adam is art then this is art, and this isn't.

'Arry Pooter is art though

Yeah, they're not art, but art exhibits.

Whether they are filled with dogshit is another matter.


>hey guys I'm an art major!
You're nothing

>implying Alvvays isn't the greatest album ever released
It's our generations' David.

Also Molly.

>Art is no indicator of quality.
and doesn't require celebration of beauty as a theme

No. Games are not art. Games are games.

Correct. Everything about a game is art except the game itself.

The design of a baseball field is art.
The design of a baseball stadium is art.
The design of the players' uniforms are art.

None of those things are what makes baseball a game. The game of baseball is not art. It is a game.

That's not the question being asked.

Is the reason why someone would smear period blood on a canvas to play a game?
Is the purpose of filling your ass with paint and shitting on a canvas to play a game?
Is there a Tape A Shovel To A Wall game?

Art is not a game.
The process of making art is not a game.
Games are games.

You're retarded

>That's not the question being asked.

But what OP's pic implies.

Most of Sup Forums doesn't even know what video games are, and thus lacks the knowledge needed for your question.

>it's not art
>while posting traditionalist shit
lmao @ u bro

you're wrong on so many levels i don't even know where i should start.

the question asked was not that, but most people saying no are using that as a reason.

you should think about the meaning of the word "play", as in "play a song", "play a character in a movie", "play a game"

some videogames aren't even games.

in the end, a game/competion of any sport is art, if you know what "art" means.

All right, time to post em.
Who is your favorite artist Sup Forums?

Francis Bacon, Goya or El Greco desu.

Klimt is very fine too.

Not a fan of paintings. Don't even know why. I can get behind a lot of artsy stuff like classical music and classical literature but the art of paintings is lost on me.

>some videogames aren't even games.

Holy shit was right.

elfen lied sucks faggot

Try these paintings by Thomas Cole called The Voyage of Life. Look at the details.

The Voyage of Life - Childhood

The Voyage of Life - Youth

Nice try user. I had an art teacher in high school, with whom I discussed art history and such, that got me into Klimt.

The anime is shit, but does have a good OP. The manga is marginally better, I guess.

The Voyage of Life - Manhood

The Voyage of Life: Old Age

You can't really fail a film, you can fail a game. You can I can both watch a film, read a book, look at a painting and receive the same information. With a game, our experiences may be very very different.

They're not art, they're a toy/puzzle with artwork on top.

Mate, I can cherrypick, too. I could show you modern "art" made by pretentious hipsters who think throwing handfuls of paint at a canvas like a monkey with shit is some form of enlightenment, and then compare it to games like Super Mario Galaxy, or Okami. Wouldn't mean anything because there is good art and bad art of every medium.

He's a big guy in the Hudson River School, right? I love their paintings, especially Bierstadt.

sure you can

the point of a movie/book can go right over your head

Hah, your first picture made think of Candlemass cover art and I was right.

Nice to look at, but it's still nothing I'd go crazy over.

SotC was empty garbage with no story full of autistic puzzles.


>so yes, i know what you are thinking, even shitposting is an art form.
>tfw master artist