Remeber when games at full price was 50$

Remeber when games at full price was 50$

Whats stoping them from raising the tage to 70$?

Prices used to be stupid high during the SNES era (I remember the $85 launch for Donkey Kong Country 2, and it still being sold out).

I don't mind if the game is good. I'd gladly pay $150 for the Witcher 4 or Cyberpunk, because I know CD Projekt will give me my money's worth. I wouldn't play a Bioware Game for over $20 though, because I've been burned too many times.

you do know bethesda games are always 80 bucks on release right user?


I remember walking into a GameStop and seeing Lego Harry Potter for 360 for $70 American and being disgusted.
Must have been some kind of experiment by a ballsy publisher with unfavorable success because I haven't seen it since.

I've got a fun activity for you user, go look up the word inflation and think about how it might impact the cost of things

Nintendo games were always expensive as fuck, especially in EU.

Literally who

I payed 70 bucks for Majora's Mask new back then, and that was in the US.

>prices rise
>wages stay the same

Thank republicans.

I might have autism or might be totally retarded but I think they will not go up to 70 because 70 is totally an unasthetic number.

I mean, it divisible by so few things, 7 in general is a dumb number. 5 is pretty number kino and 6 is divisible by so many numbers compared to it's relative size.

It will go up to 70 eventually.

Carts were expensive as fuck to produce compared to discs

>Whats stoping them from raising the tage to 70$?
market expectations... however, publisher already raked up the prices via hidden costs

So your saying prices will rise to 80$

Remember when footlongs were 5 dollars at subway
now they're 6

inflation is real?

8 is perfect number

Games used to be more expensive.

80 would be much better yes. Then I wouldn't have to go to the store and look at all those ugly 7s

>Whats stoping them from raising the tage to 70$?

>What is dlc

>Games at 34.99
I'd buy three to four a year.
>Goes to 39.99
I buy less than three a year.
>Goes to 44.99
I start buying maybe two a year, if it really interests me/
>Goes to 49.99 + Expected DLC + Passes etc, sometimes a complete game goes for around 60 dollars.
I rarely even buy a single game a year now.

No need to. Just charge for the internet and cut content for the goy special editions.

the raise of your salary, however, is not

The price has already been raised with the introduction and DLC.

Thats autism user just saying


I remember buying ps games for $30. When the ps2 came out, they cost $40. Then FF12 came out and it cost $50.

What if its not inflation and its just greedy corperations

I stick with either renting games from gamestop or the 45~ to rent mostly shit games with ps+ i get a few decent titles every 3-4 months even with vita. Aside from that i have enough to play until a game i want drops down to $20. I usually just buy hookers every few months instead.

Well it's a good thing for PC that grey market sites exist then isn't it?

>they didn't put a camera in the brainwashing room

That shit was so flawed, still an enjoyable movie and unexpectedly funny.

>Whats stoping them from raising the tag to 70$?

fucking 16 bit era games were already 69.99 i aint going back to that shit

>inflation keeps going up
>the average wage doesn't

Hmm really makes me think.

Well then I hope you learned how to shoot a gun from your games cuz this shit's going straight boolin

You might even have to stop buying games until they get the message

Yes you would

Remember when games actually cost $100? Because that's the adjusted price going into the 90s.
Games have gotten cheaper. Stop being a bitch. Higher number does not necessarily mean higher price. Skyrim: Remastered is technically cheaper than the original game.

Of course it's cheap no one gives a fuck about Skyrim

Don't forget, the games don't cost 60 dollars. They're 59.99.

Video game sales would plummet. Nobody wants to pay that much money for a game you can beat in 6 hours

That explains why my parents were too cheap to buy me an SNES or Genesis. I was stuck with the NES and Gameboy.

Are threads like these made by underaged retards, or trolls? I can't tell anymore, since Sup Forums seems to be exclusively one or the other.

And democrats, the shitty situation that we have is because of Carter

12 is the next highly divisible number.

A SNES or Genesis would have cost her $500 at the time of release. Slightly less for a Genesis.

Now don't you close your eyes

Are you really blaming a president from like three and a half presidents ago or something

Yes, he and Reagan fucked with our country.

price mechanics

the current prices combined with fast loss in value is optimal. Early adapters pay full price, and game is in 30-50% sale within six months.

That's not how you spell saved, user.

I blame Mongols for Missle East being the shithole it is now.

>Missle East

Between sales, Amazon's 20% off pre-order stuff, and the way most games go down in price a few months after release these days, I haven't paid the full $60 for a game in forever.

Corps dont choose game prices, retailers do. Excessive pricing is curtailed by undercutting: if gamestop ups the new game price to 70, Best Buy can keep it at 60 and receive more customers.

fuck off third world shitter


This is why rentals were so popular

There was even a time when console rentals were popular. I used to do it when I was a kid. Rent a Sega Genesis for my birthday.

imagine all the tacos you could get with that money

Mexican """""money"""

Am I the only one who doesn't think $60 is a lot for a game? I mean nowadays they spend millions of dollars making them, unlike in the past.

When you factor in inflation, they are actually cheaper than before.


80 or so

It's a lot if you're on welfare

I work at taco bell.
All of our portion sizes have slowly been getting smaller while the prices have been going up .10 at a time at semi regular intervals

That's what the fightfor15 retards have caused.

>only 80
here in TJ I could get 140 with that cash

Is it true that they poo poo in the food?

Maybe in a third world shithole.
Food safety is driven into everyone' heads 100x a day

That was normal for cartridges back in the day. Nothing is stopping them from raising it again, which will happen eventually, but it is all calculated to get the most money out of you.

What companies are doing now is simply splitting up the game into more and more pieces. So for example you buy a 3rd of a game for $60, then pay $20 twice for other parts of the game via DLC.

It's like those infomercials, where it is 8 easy payments at $19.99 so people think they are getting a deal.

That would have happened without the push for a higher wage. Corporations are always trying to maximize profits any way they can.

>nowadays they spend millions of dollars making them
they don't have to
and we don't have to buy them

How about they lower their retarded budgets that dont get spent on things that matter in games anyways?

Games dont have to be AAA 50mil budget faggotry, only cancer like EA and Sony push that.
Its actually a terrible trend.

Between pre-order bonuses, special editions, dlcs, microtransactions etc. etc. They already have.

I remember Metroid being 74.99 in KayBee. That's $166.68 in todays money. My parents really loved me apparently. (had more than a few games).

How about you get a fucking job?

The point of my post is that $60 is a fair price if you enjoy the game and spend countless hours on it.

Wrong. They wouldn't have to charge 60$ unless the game is more massive and complex as a 30$ game (it never will be).

>I'd gladly pay $150 for the Witcher 4 or Cyberpunk

It's all fun and games until devs haven't included dlc in there.

How about you stop being a cancerous company bootlicker?

I'm getting more value out of shitty indie games these days.

>60 for 10+ hours is expensive

Only NEETs seriously think this, gaming is literally one of the cheapest past times out there.

If you go out for dinner and have a few drinks at a place that isn't a shit hole you are looking at somewhere near $80-$100 for two hours or even less. That's just one night, you can do this every night.

$60 for a game is actually quite cheap when compared to the cost of developing a game, and since most gamers are broke or cheap as fuck for some reason the only way a company can break even is via DLC.

If they had any sense of fiscal discipline, they wouldn't have to spend that much.
Look at the first Dishonored game where they spent a good portion of their budget on getting Susan Sarandon to voice a tertiary character. What if they'd used that money to add more levels, polish up textures or save their company from being assraped by Zenimax instead?

was pretty much the same price range with genesis too

cartridges were always more expensive, ps1 was a little bit of a price break (maybe 5-10 bucks under this) but i remember legend of dragoon costing an arm and a leg new

>dinner and a few drinks for 100$
fucking retarded.

guessing you are a kissless virgin?

For two? That's low end you fucking nigger.

Oh right why would I expect a Sup Forums permavirgin to go out to dinner with someone else?


no... they do what they can to make money, and they market to you so that it seems like they're not intentionally fucking you over.. but they are. they dont need to but they are, because you fucking let them. not only do you let them, but you come here and defend them for free.

>t. has to prove their worth to women by spending money uselessly

enjoy your """"relationships"""" or should I say slavery

so....thats a yes i take it?

>When you factor in inflation, they are actually cheaper than before.
Actually the value of the dollar and an hour worked has been declining.

Also the millions they spend also reflects the millions they sale. 100k copies sold use to be amazing.

It's not about proving anything you idiot. It's about going out and having a good time. Doesn't even have to be a woman, it can be your best friend with which you treat to a nice night out with a few drinks and a dinner over a conversation. I don't expect you to understand this complicated concept of course, just know that it is a very real thing.

>paying for others
>paying 50$ per person for one night out

The fact that indie games are still around 20$
I feel like the big studios are aware that the little guys can put out quality shit for a much cheaper price now, and they'll just force consumers away if they go higher

>Whats stoping them from raising the tage to 70$?
Economics you fuckwit. Price goes up, buyers go down. As long as the increased profit won't compensate for the decreased consumption, the price won't rise.

t. dirty communist nigger on welfare

>Going to Dennis for "dinner"

Spotted the white trash.

>companies got completely fucked priorities because they know that they can kill smaller studios by pushing the graphics meme and attract fucktards by hiring extremely expensive voice actors
>games end up being not even as complex as PS2 games
>I have to foot the bill

>National-level economic decisions don't have long term consequences

Found the retard.

>>paying 50$ per person for one night out

have you never been to a restaurant before?

lmao get a load of this nerd larping a normie

I make well above the average for my generation. I just happen to be able to do math.

don't forget lbj, he started the steady decline

Not a normie, I'm antisocial by normie standards but I'm also not a shut in and I happen to enjoy good food. Not everyone is a turboneet that fits into your fucking molds faggot.

Of course I was.
You must be going to way too expensive places and you must be going to them way too often if you think that this is normal in any shape or form.

And then you're trying to project your wasteful faggotry onto everybody else.

>>paying 50$ per person for one night out

I went out for dinner with my gf recently and it was $98. so yea that sounds about right you dumb fucking nigger