Can't move more than 3 steps without a random battle happening

>can't move more than 3 steps without a random battle happening

Why do people enjoy these games? It's tedious as fuck.

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Nocturne has got to be the worst offender for ridiculous encounter rates.

Holy shit this was my first final fantasy game and turned me off from the series forever. I'll pirate ff15 when it comes to pc because I hear that one isn't turn based but I'll never buy another final fantasy game


I enjoy battling in this game and fighting monsters, so I didn't mind.

For III and IV should I play them on DS or PSP?

You can auto battle so its okay

Neither. Don't play them

because if it didn't you would call it an empty open world

>playing the shitty 3D ports
there's your problem.
Also, every single FF game is more or less different.


Don't have a SNES, and i don't wanna emulate. I like playing these type of games on a handheld while laying in bed at night.

III on PSP and IV on DS.

What are the differences?

III on DS locks some content behind online functionality that is now dead. The PSP version is identical except that it doesn't do that.

IV on PSP is simply an enhanced port of the GBA version, while the DS version is a complete remake that overhauls everything. It's a vast mechanical improvement with much better balance and more interesting gameplay.

>everything about this man's opinion on 4

do not listen to him, it's dogshit and ugly as sin. PSP all the way, well-done higher res sprites with and the massive fucking lunar ruins (and ability to select endgame party instead of rosa + cecil + kain + edge + rydia)

t. the man with no taste

IV DS plays better, therefore it is the better version. Take your RPG maker sprites and baby mode difficulty and shove them up your ass.

Gotta agree with this, the difficulty alone makes the DS/PC version better. It has some things worse than the GBA/PSP version, such as never having control of whose in your party, and no ending dungeon/super boss (unless you replay the whole game again). But the difficulty makes the whole game better.

Been playing through FF3 and having a great time, about to start the final dungeon.
Definitely my favorite of the 8-bit FFs.

For me it was Skies of Arcadia. Could not walk more than a few steps without triggering a random battle. I hear the Dreamcast version was even worse. Where there is light there is darkness. Sword of the dark moon![/spoiler

t. low-poly model memer

I played through the GBA game like 3 times, the PSP another couple on top of that. Could not fucking stomach the DS version past Calcobrena and dropped it there, it's lesser in content, only adds menial amounts of customization (I can give a single command exactly once to a character of my choice) and utterly destroys the art direction of the original in favor of the fucking disgusting FFIII chibi artstyle

Speaking of FFIII don't play any version of it, it's legit worst final fantasy, even II is better in that its story is at least slightly passable and it has an ok ost, while FFIII has and pretty much nothing else. It's slow, uninteresting, and forces you to switch between like 3 different airships because ONLY THIS ONE CAN GET OVER SMALL MOUNTAINS and ONLY THIS ONE CAN GO IN THE WATER and so on. Everything in the game is designed to be as infuriatingly slow as possible.

At least the NES version had non-gimped final classes so the game didn't become a grindy slog just to be able to finish it, but even then it's not worth it.

Just stop user, the final dungeon is cancer on a stick

Pokemon black also had this problem. Every two steps in grass would trigger a random battle. It wasnt such a big deal though because of repel, but the earlier games gave you about 8 steps before a random battle.

>about to start the final dungeon
I wish you the best of luck, friend

That game is utter shit. The best use I got out of it was using it as a coaster

You opinion is shit and I hope anyone who reads this in the future on some decayed archive of this site regards that it is still a shit opinion. Especially in regards to three's OST. That game's OST fucking pushed the NES to its fucking limit. Eat shit, faggot.

t. the man who continues to judge games by graphics over gameplay

tightly balanced main game >>>> shitty recolor bonus content whose only purpose is to play into your big numbers fetish

The best thing about this game was the cover art. That's it. Characters, gameplay, story were all trash

You switch between 2 airships all of like two times, three times if you realize you forgot to explore a couple of optional underwater places

More recent JRPGs that have been coming out are steering away from random battles

All the JRPgs I've played in 2016-17 have it so you can out run the monsters or choose to fight them

Random battles are indeed archaic and annoying as fuck.

This is why Chrono Trigger was so good. You could actually see the enemies before battle and even avoid them sometimes by walking around them.

>III is worst than II

So which FF games are actually worth playing? Preferably out of the 2D versions.

>tfw it was my first and one of my favorites

Fug. Also if you like the basic premise and the only thing you hate is the random battles, Bravely Default is very similar but allows you to adjust the encounter rates and difficulty on the fly. Just don't expect a deep story or anything

Evolution far off promise >

Many games including bravely default let you adjust the frequency of random battles from 2x to 0

I wouldn't have been so bad if every goddamn encounter wasn't the same 3-4 monsters

All of them, if you only want to play 2d version. FF only became shit a while after moving to 3d.

CC: FF VII wasn't turn based

Try Bravely Default, you can control the encounter rate so you can just lower it if you're annoyed or raise it if you need to grind.

Either way, It really soured my taste for the series. It's not even that I don't like turn-based games. Some games do it really well but final fantasy REALLY fucks it up.

I hear persona 5 isn't as bad with this kind of stuff. Is that true?

The game's a faithful recreation of the NES game. Enemy variety ain't gonna be much other than re-colors in such an old game.

Fair enough, I know most older games have rough edges and I can forgive most of them but this game was just tedious.

All of them. FFI on PSX, II on PSP, III on PSP, IV on DS, V on GBA and VI on GBA too.

The PSP version atleast had auto battle. I wanted to replay the DS version I had after watching a streamer I follow have a fun old time going through three on his marathon run of the entire series (fucking 2 and its empty fucking troll rooms is so fucking cancerous), but battles take waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long and require too many button presses for random low level trash mobs.

I was playing FF3, but then I stopped because I couldn't understand the equipment which annoyed me but I still have it downloaded and want to continue. Can someone tell me why sometimes when I equip a weapon, my attack actually goes down, as in it's lower than if the character wasn't equipped with anything? In the menu anyway I didn't check in an actual battle. I want to understand why before I continue.

The fucking cherry on top was the EXP screen after every damn battle with the characters smiling like they're mocking you for having to fight the same grunts over and over. Fuck this stupid ass game triggered me

>fucking 2 and its empty fucking troll rooms is so fucking cancerous

Sounds like a monk/karate job
They either need to dual-wield or go barehanded

Wrong, FF15 does have random encounters, and they can chain together in such a way that a single battle can last over 15 minutes. Those fucking dropships are cancer.

No, see here, it says his attack is 18 while he has nothing on and that if I equip him with a knife I'll go down to 8. Is it a glitch?

seriously? goddamn this series is worse off than I thought

No, that's intended. The damage you see on unarmed is not honestly as high damage as you imagine it to be. Another issue with 3 is that it doesn't really do a good job of conveying the different kinds of damage types there are.

you can buy repels in pokemon games

>random encounters in games post-90s

Put the monsters on the field you fucks

So you're saying I'm actually better off going unarmed in the game than being armed?

Hell no. If you're not a class that uses unarmed than that shit is awful. You'll miss a crap ton, too.

It might be that a character can either dual-strike unarmed or dual-strike weapons but can't combine weapon strikes and unarmed strikes.