What's a nice videogame(preferably shooter) where i can kill Americans?
What's a nice videogame(preferably shooter) where i can kill Americans?
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why would you want to do that?
Destroy all humans?
Redneck rampage?
Glorious Mission.
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is set in Venezuela.
Why would you possibly want to kill Americans?
Postal 2
They're the bad guys.
>no comfy videogame about repelling an american invasion of Canada
Try Splinter Cell Blacklist. It's in Paraguay.
I actually would like to see a game where America is the bad guy and the clear aggressor. Sadly it will never happen. The closest we could ever hope for is a "The government is being controlled! REAL Americans are good!"
Grand Theft Auto
Why would we invade what we already own?
What part of America? The USA? Brazil? Mexico? Colombia? Argentina? Canada? Peru? Venezuela? Chile? Ecuador? Guatemala? Cuba? Haiti? Bolivia? Dominican Republic? Honduras? Paraguay? Nicaragua? El Salvador? Costa Rica? Panama? Puerto Rico? Uruguay? Jamaica? Trinidad and Tobago? Guyana? Suriname? Guadeloupe? Martinique? Bahamas? Belize? Barbados? French Guiana? Saint Lucia? Curacao? Aruba? Saint Vincent? and the Grenadines? US Virgin Islands? Grenada? Antigua and Barbuda? Dominica? Bermuda? Cayman Islands? Greenland? Saint Kitts and Nevis? Sint Maarten? Turks and Caicos Islands? Saint Martin? British Virgin Islands? Caribbean Netherlands? Anguilla? Saint Barthelemy? Saint Pierre and Milquelon? Montserrat? Falkland Islands?
Fuck you mohammad
ArmA 2 and 3
Even better with mods
every time
What? We're the good guys.
why live in the desert if you want green around you
Why do people want to live in the desert?
Why is Canada not there?
Rising Storm 1, 2 and Heroes of the West if you're and edgy naziboo. (which you probably are)
Read it again, slower. It is.
it's like one of the first places mentioned you dip
This one was made by Al Qaeda.
fast food tycoon
This is what bad guys actually believe.
So if someone is REALLY a good guy, they'll believe they're villains?
Off the top of my head
Spec ops the line
The Division
Red dead redemption (and western games in general)
Battlefield multiplayer
Max Payne 1, 2
Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno.
What happened, your uncle-dad didn't let you rape your mother-sister before you left to go get shot at by drones or something?
Ahaha, seething trumpkin
And proud of it.
>be british
>go outside
>get run over and stabbed to death by muslims
in america's army it's literally impossible to play anyone but america
regardless of which team you are on you will always see yourself and your team-mates as americans and your enemies as terrorists
there's actually a fairly profound message there
It's only listing white countries
Haha! Haven't seen that one before
Or some middle east shithole
you haven't? try looking out your window
Oh boy, what silly antics has Sup Forums gotten itself into that warrants making a thinly-veiled thread about it here on Sup Forums?
le pole boogeyman
muslim terror attack in the uk yesterday
> literal sodom and gomorrah 2
> good guys
>literal sodom and gomorrah
But God doesn't exist
thanks for proving my point
fuck off Pablo.
GTA and Payday.
Don't be stupid, we- er I mean Sup Forums is far to busy with other happenings to be bothering with Sup Forums today
Far cry 2 niggas
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
Well you said American, So technically it includes both Central and South America
Most of Grand Theft Auto series, except for GTA: London.
You can kill people from other nationalities and ethnic backgrounds, too.
This made me wonder:
Do we have a game where you play as native americans trying to fend off the settlers trying to take their land from them?
All I can think off is the opposite where you shoot native americans
>be american
>get shot
>go to hospital
>60,000 burger fee
>get assaulted by a hambeast claiming misogyny
>forced to stay a few more nights in the hospital
>another 10 000 burgers
>media does a story on you
>they put a leftie spin on it
>donald trump supporters march in to your bed and set you alight
>now staying in hospital for another few more weeks
>burger bill is now up to 150 000 burgers and 30 slices of cheese
>in crippling debt for the rest of your life
>finally get to go home with no further attempts on your life
>get shot and robbed at your front door
>Falkland Islands
Just kiding, i'm not argento, so, who cares?.
I wonder if americans are aware the whole world is laughing at them.
kings dont mind peasants
it's true. I'm not even from the US but historically people generally dislikes the most powerful nation. United states dwarfs every other nations with its military and most importantly, its production power.