Anyone else not give 2 shits about the campaign and is having fun with the MP?

Anyone else not give 2 shits about the campaign and is having fun with the MP?

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I may pick up for the MP

How much of a complete fucking pathetic piece of shit retard do you have to be to buy a story heavy role playing game for the multiplayer?
Like do they let you operate vehicles, or do you have to take the special bus?

Not those guys but I picked up ME3 when it was around $20 and I did nothing but play multi

shit was great.

You have to go back

How are the maps? I heard there are only 5? Reminiscing on 3 i can almost remember the exact layout

ME3 multiplayer was leagues better than the actual game.

ME3 multiplayer was ballin. Legit one of the best horde modes in a game.

Can you change your face for the human characters?

>Paying $60 for the multiplayer of a garbage game

>can't even pirate it
What a disaster of a game

I bought it simply because of how much fun ME3's MP was.

>giving them money for the multiplayer part of what's supposed to be an RPG
>showing EA that their business model is sound and encouraging this in the future

you're animals, not people

I am pretty sure you can't

The one thing ME3 MP did right was having the human classes wear full helmets

The human faces in MEA are disgusting


Biodrones were that way during ME3 fiasco too
>muh MP is gud

>paying $60 for half a game
lol dummy

I would wait until they add cooler races and classes to play as like they did with ME3.
No point buying it until you can run around as a Volus or bigass Geth Juggernaut again.

$60 is nothing to me though

Hey I paid 60 buck bucks for doom not play to the player of multi

Fuck suck cucks on the rocks

They're releasing a new class this week

Geth will never be added because it wouldn't make sense with the story.

Your brain neither it seems

Are there quarians at least?

I could care less if the single player aspect continues to get worse. ME's story and RPG elements have been shit since the beginning. ME3's multiplayer was the best thing to happen to the franchise.

t. poorfag

t. coprophagous

at least I can afford to

Mass Effect Andromeda



Crappier Headbutt and no heavy Melee aside, It's fun as fuck jumping around and Constantly Charging at shit. Especially against flying Remnant where you charge, hover and shoot at them.

I wish I could play Silver for more XP/Credits but everytime I join a match it's me and 3 other Level 1's.

>Story heavy RPG
That hasn't been Mass Effect since ME1

There will probably be one down the road, same with volus, and maybe a batarian. But that's a ways away since the Quarian ark hasn't arrived in Andromeda yet.

There will probably be a Kett class at some point since some Kett are pissed off at the Archon.

afford to be a retard

The Kett are the worst enemy in the game.

Every enemy of theirs is annoying.

nice $hilling


back to plebbit

>someone is buying a game I don't like
>he must be retarded

I remember when I was 16 too

How much like ME3 MP doesn't it feel physics wise? Are you still really squishy?

same here

Did they drop a patch to fix all the stupid shit that's wrong with the game, like the eternal fans say they would?

Yes but it's easy to get away from things due to the jetpack mechanic.

There's also no shield gate.

what a fucking failure of a game, lets see if those farsighted ea executives will be happy with their dead franchise.

Why waste time on this multiplayer jsut play any of the other mp games out there

As long as it's not Spoats or FPS Shooter they couldn't give a fuck either way.

Besides I want to play as a Krogan with a Jetpack.

Anyone else not giving two shits about this failed abortion of a game?

So like what does this multiplayer have going for it even? Like I kind of understand why ME3 had multi. To show case multiple factions coming together to fight the various enemies of the universe during the time. But what set up does this one have??

Is it true there aren't any new biotics/techs?

Essentially you're a merc group commanded by Tiran Kandros, defending areas against Kett, Raider or Remnant Enemies.

It looks like they made everything worse in multiplayer, the maps are clustered shit and the AI aren't even smart so they just made them bullet sponges.

I just started my run through of MEA last night, and am only a few hours in. I just wanted to send a shout out of thanks to Bioware/EA for adding a nerfed mode to the game. I work full time during the day. When I get home, I've got dinner, laundry, and a hyper 3 year old all vying for my time. Playing the narrative version of the game means I still get to enjoy a new ME story and world, but don't have to give up my very limited free time to shootouts. Plus, when my son rips my controller out of my hand, or starts dancing with his toys in front of the tv, I'm less likely to instantly die.

I will when it's like $20, paying fucking $60 for a horde mode is fucking ridiculous.

I've got the money and the lack of backlog too, but I can't stomach giving away that much for that single-minded multiplayer, no matter how fun it is.

Is this worth renting for the mulitplayer?

>AI aren't even smart so they just made them bullet sponges

So it's just like ME3 multiplayer? Also enemies are pretty smart. They flank and use cover well. One memorable moment had me on a building suppressing enemies. Then I got shot from behind, turned around, no one there. Figured they moved on to another target. Two seconds later get shot again. I turn around. Still no enemy there. So I focus back on the enemies below me. Get shot a third time. This time I turn around in time to catch a standard mook ducking behind cover. Little shit was playing whack-a-mole with me.