Doom 3

Let's be honest here Sup Forums, this game's graphics and sound design have both aged really well for coming out nearly a decade and a half ago

example 1:

example 2:

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Oh definitely, and part of the reason its held up so well is that the engine was opened up and has like the older Doom and Quake games been continuously maintained.

Its just unfortunately that so few other games have chosen to follow that route and that it seems unlikely that the newer Id games post buyout will never get that treatment because Zenimax are fucking morons.

I agree this game was the tits and made me fell better about half life 2 not being what I wanted

So what did you expect Half Life 2 to be?

Unlikely. Doom 3 will continue to be rediscovered, maintained, updated, and appreciated by new audiences from now until the heat death of the universe. Games like Uncharted and MGS4 and the new Doom on the other hand will never really be able to receive the same sort of attention.

Unfortunate then that the game will likely ultimately be lost to history or mired in legal problems in the future.

This is honestly my favorite game of all time.

I can not name a game that has immersed me more, had fun gameplay, awesome level design/attention to detail, and had me invested in the lore more than this title.

I love Doom 3 and all of expansions to this very day. Nothing will change that.


Putting it that way leaves a comfy feeling inside my heart.
I will die in peace knowing this fact.

Doom 3 source got released after the Zionmax buyout but I think Carmack had to really push for it and even rewrite sections of code for it to be released. Great game though that gets a bad rap for being more like System Shock 2 than Doom.

doom 3 is very cool, the atmosphere and ambient sound design is unmatched to this day. not only was it an effective horror game early on, but also a challenging and engaging action game mid to late game. also, underrated MP. literally in a MP server with players right now, as I am often

I think you're right about that. As I recall it happened in that little bit of time where they had been picked up, but Id had not yet quite been killed yet.

Now with TTimo working for Valve, Carmack persona non-grata, mental midgets in charge, and IP absolutists running the legal department its unlikely we'll ever see anything similar from them again.

They do still have some good people there vkQuake is evidence enough of that, but unfortunately they don't have the same kind of position to make good things happen that used to be possible.

Wow I'm impressed there's actually a few people in LMS and deathmatch.

While I do like Doom 3 for what it is, it's most definitely my least favorite mainline Doom game. What's more baffling to me is that Doom is a series that has no genuinely bad entries.

You could say that for every id game. Even Rage which is probably their weakest game came out in a time where singleplayer FPS was pretty much dead with a decent length and cute girls.

Was Wolfenstein 2009 created by them?

No that was done by Raven Software.

>tfw our little spiderbot bro came back in Rage

No, Raven. And I hope you're not implying it wasn't good. While it may not have been as good as RtCW, it was better than Doom 3 and Quake 4.

Doom 3 in VR was the shit.

>it was better than Doom 3 and Quake 4
I disagree about Doom 3. Don't have enough hands-on experience with Quake 4, however.

The graphics is great
I don't care for a lot of weapon sounds but environmental is 11/10
Combat and the like was the weakest part. I get what they were going for but I don't feel they handled it right

It's not a bad game, but it's not what I think of when I think of Doom

It looks OK.


I know people meme about it but there's like 3 or 4 sections you actually have to fight enemies in the dark. The rest of the time there's just dark corners of rooms with secrets or zombies.

Biggest problem with combat for me was that auto reload is on by default which will fuck you over in any major encounter because you'll often have to switch between weapons during them. After I turned that off it was a lot better.

curious, what did you dislike about the combat? i actually rather liked the aspect of enemies running at you in close quarters


Not him, but I don't like how slow it is due to the PC and enemy movement speeds, the low number of enemies in general, and how unsatisfying some of the weapons are; the shotgun was a big letdown, considering the pedigree.
It's not like the gunplay is bad, I do think it's a decent enough action game, but it's not as good as the competition at the time or id's past works.

If by competition at the time you mean Half-Life 2 I would argue the gameplay is a lot more satisfyinf. You can also run for much longer than HL2 where fatigue is tied to your flashlight for some reason.

Also the chainsaw in Doom 3 is amazing.

F.E.A.R and Painkiller both came out in a similar time frame, the former in 2005 and the latter the same year.

I don't remember FEAR being very fast but I vaguely remember Painkiller having strafe jumps lile D3 and larger areas to do it in.

can't spell for shit while laying in bed

FEAR was a different kind of shooter, but high level play was fun as fuck. It wasn't faster by movement speed, but fights encouraged a lot more aggression with how much damage you did to enemies\they did to you.

FEAR never clicked for me like Blood or NOLF did. I need to give it another shot someday.


these always make me crack up

the shotgun is actually insanely good in close quarters

Pretty much only at point blank range, and the pump is longer than it should be.

Spiderbot was a true friend

Just about every other weapon is good from mid to long range so it fills a niche early on until you get the chainsaw.

Is the Lost Mission from BFG Edition any good?

No. Avoid BFG Edition on the whole.

For me the whole problem was the design (or limitation) on teleporting enemies into the map.

You'll never get ambushed in the game because you'll hear zombie enemies long before you see them, and other enemies will warp in within a few feet of you. Worse yet, the time it takes for the whole sequence of the portal opening to them emerging takes so fucking long you can literally just whack-a-mole the imps with the shotgun, running up to each portal as they appear.

Only the expansion managed to get some difficult encounters. The rest was just a joke.

There's a good amount of monster closets rather than just teleporting into the map.