So what's the verdict?
So what's the verdict?
So far 9/10, I'm about 4h in.
10/10 from me
goty imo
I'm 14 hours in and it's a hard okay. I'm ready for some plot reveals.
Play planescape intead/10
You can only replay a 20 year old game so many times before it gets boring.
had it since release day haven't finished/10
stuck on the problem with the three cannibals and don't want to incriminate the wrong person. help?
I liked it. The pacing isn't great, some of the NPCs are dumb as fuck, and the endings are rather disappointing, but on the whole it's a pretty decent game. It's definitely not as good as Planet Escape Tournament, but it's a fine game in its own right.
Tries to hard to mimic planescape instead of being it's own game as a result they adopt a style of writing that just feels grating
I often feel like I'm reading a 4 page essay on the process of exhaling and inhaling so much attention to detail where detail is not required or wanted whatsoever, it's full of this kind of filler.
I hate the stat pool thing. Like oops you already spend all your smartass points now you suddenly can't persuade this guy anymore. It's fucking dumb and doesn't make any sense.
Other than that, I didn't really have a problem with anything.
Towns and side quests were great. The world was actually really interesting as well. Genuine moments where I was having as much fun as I did in planescape.
The main story, however, is boring and imo poorly written. Some of the side characters are interesting, but you can't talk to them about much.
The term you are looking for is purple prose.
dropped after 1 hour
> I'm offended!
Is it feasible to play an indiana jones like jack? I imagine him as some kind of charming but intelligent scoundrel who explores ruins to find cyphers and cool shit.
i dont mind that jacks can't have scan thoughts since i think it probably reveals too much anyway and i kinda want to be in the dark in some instances but I am worried building a char around lore stats, conversational skills and cyphers might turn out lame? I heard cyphers are not that important?
due jacks get more skill points than nanos?
I hope InXile goes bankrupt.
An embarrassing attempt to cash in on a brand name/10. It keeps all of the flaws of the original Torment and shits the bed on one thing it had going: writing.
It's alright. I actually liked it more then Pillars and Tyranny, but it nowhere near original Torment.
Also so much wasted potential.
>i dont mind that jacks can't have scan thoughts since i think it probably reveals too much anyway
Not really. You get some extra lines, but it's rarely actually useful in any tangible way. It's more to get a few more bits of lore and some insight on NPC personalities than actually revealing or helping.
The woman, the head guy tells you that she twirls her hair when she lies
It´s all irrelevant. The only thing you need is two edge in brain mana. Congrats, now you can pass every check without resting ever again.
Speak for yourself. It's been two decades, and I'm still playing Pokémon Snap. I beat it three times a month.
Also to actually answer your question, that's 100% possible, though obviously you won't be the best combatant especially early on. Still, some Ciphers are very useful in combat and you can always just give your dude a gun so he can at least help plink away at the enemies.
Go to Circus Manor and talk to cypher merchant, she'll give you some clues. But anyway there is no solid evidence in that quest, only vague guesses. You'll met killer later in game.
So Major Spoiler question
Was the Changing God always dead all along or was it because i fucked up in the mercaster
Not even a fart in the wind.
You made him dead by activating merecaster that sends you to the moon, so this is obviously a reality after you do that. But you also let Sorrow inside by doing that.