Thinking of buying this game for PC.
I was thinking about Grim Dawn, but i loved D1 and D2 and i would like to see the rest of the story + i want an ARPG to grind my ass out and it seems you have a fuckton of grind in D3.
Is it worth it?
Thinking of buying this game for PC.
I was thinking about Grim Dawn, but i loved D1 and D2 and i would like to see the rest of the story + i want an ARPG to grind my ass out and it seems you have a fuckton of grind in D3.
Is it worth it?
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nah /vee/ said it's bad so don't buy it, make a thread about it though
It sucks. I want to buy this again for PS4, but the best price I can find is also $29.99.
Well there sure is a lot of grind even though they've cut 90% of it out since the launch version.
It's something I play while listening to podcasts. No idea if the story is worth bothering with since I've never paid any attention to it.
It's not like Diablo 2, but if you like farming for best in slot gear by grinding tons of randomly generated areas and blowing the shit out of everything in your path, you'll love it. It's insanely fun with a friend or two. I still play it from time to time with my wife and it's great. Definitely worth the money because the expansion fixed a ton of problems with it and there are still patches being dropped.
Diablo 3 is pretty fun right now and there are a few ways to grind your ass out for eternity. However, the console port is actually better than the PC port several reasons. Also, playing with friends makes it much more fun
It has the best gameplay of the entire genre, D1 and D2 included.
The story is fucking ass, the characters are terrible and, while it's better now than it was at release, the itemization and customization is really weak.
Really fun with friends. Surprisingly fun on consoles too.
Forgot to mention, the story is pretty lame
Good points about the console version. Runs great, loads quick, and the drop in, drop out local coop is perfect. Also stick movement is much better for this game than the old-school style, IMO.
>just NOW got features PC had for years
>the best
Sonyfags everyone.
I played it with a bud on his ps4 and it was a lot of fun. I reckon i would have got bored real fast if playing alone
I always try to play as much as possible when a new season arrives
Makes the game fun for x amount of weeks before I forget about the whole game.
There's really not much of a story honestly. Diablo comes back, you fight the other lords of hell. Not much else to it honestly
if you like clicking a lot pick Monk. (it's satisfying)
if you like only one OP build pick wizard (archon is broken)
if you like others doing your shit for you, pick witch doctor.
if you like horses pick crusader.
if you like being a big stupid jumping douche pick barabrian.
if you are playing on console lick demon hunter.
Thank me later OP sama.
Echoing this, I also play every new season with my wife on PC. The adventure mode is a blast and if you like gear treadmills Diablo 3 takes that and then makes it like 10x as fast, legendaries dropping left and right (at least once you get to the upper torments). It's actually worth it now although it wasn't at launch, especially at 30 bucks.
>i want an ARPG to grind my ass out and it seems you have a fuckton of grind in D3
What you have in D3 is a systematic rat race up to X amount of hours. You play and the game gives you upgrades. There is no excitement, there are no challenges, there is practically zero build variety outside ladder reset specific "forced" balance changes. I have 400h in D3 and 300 of it is before RoS, havent played since the first "ladder reset".
But i do have 3800 hours in PoE and then some before it was released on steam. Its pretty much the perfect ARPG, or as close as you can hope to get. The only problem is the huge amount of shit to learn, it can be really cumbersome to get into.
Great introductory videos if you decide to give it a go
the story is terrible
no skill tree
boring legendary items and sets
there's even a fucking meta every patch if you want to get anywhere in highest difficulties
cool your man tits
path of exile mate, it;s free.
grim dawn is really good as well though. I'd get both and get diablo from cdkeys where it basically costs nothing.
grimdawn has ebin weapons and an actual skill tree and has an expansion coming soon
path of exile is also a nice choice and its free
Not worth it and not to mention that nobody really players the multiplayer anymore. It's at 0 players in public games right now and there's a reason why they decided to hide the amount of people in the autojoin channel. The game was dead within 2 months.
There is no better game for playing while watching TV shows or movies, or listening to music. If you have a friend/woman, even better.
Diablo 2 was grindy as fuck. But I had the time of my life because there is so much theorycrafting going on, about all the item stats, loot that your char can't use but you can build new interesting chars around, etc. The world, tone and minimalist storytelling were also excellent.
Diablo 3 has absolutely none of that. The levels are pointless, the skill system is as basic as it could have been. The items are completely pointless, except for the DPS counter, main stat, and gimmicks of high end legendaries and sets. The only theorycrafting you will be doing is looking up the ideal completely fixed set of skills and specific items you need to progress, and then trying to fool yourself into thinking the ancient and primal ancient versions of the items you need will drop soon.
It also has shitty graphics, shitty story, shitty characters, shitty engine (it microstutter for me regardless of storage medium or V-Sync/forced V-Sync/Fast Sync/no sync, etc.).
I don't even care about the AH. It would work fine in PoE. Diablo 3 is just rotten at the core, and the AH signified how much of a casual baiting Jewish company Blizzard have become
if you love d1 and d2, then don't play d3. d3 is a joke. it's like ordering a hamburger and only getting one bun.
No, it's fucking terrible and completely abandoned by blizzard. Play PoE instead.
>buying a dead game years after it died
Just play PoE you moron
Yes. D3+RoS is a great game, don't listen to this toxic shitpool.
>i want an ARPG to grind my ass out and it seems you have a fuckton of grind in D3.
it's not the decent kind of grind though. It's mindless, it's streamlined, you just hope in a rift and do it over and over. Grim dawn has 3 different endgame dungeons, nemeses farming, boss farming to get their greens/blues/purples, Crucible DLC if you want, and T-R-A-D-I-N-G
How is Titan Quest? I noticed it got a re-release a few months back but didn't have time to check it out yet.
I remember the original being entertaining if a little formulaic.
>op asks if game is worth it or not
>multiple people tell him it isn't
Grim Dawn is much better, if you want a true megafuckton of grind you can go with Path Of Exile witch costs nothing (yes goy nothing come play our game)
>People still playing or even contemplating Diablo 3
It's actually a 10/10 party game. I even got my dad to beat it with me and he can't typically figure out movement in other games.
On console I mean.
grimdawn fags
how viable would it be to use this sword with soldier/nightblade
devotions focused purely on acid/poison
and have both charges from both classes be the main sources of damage
>giving nu blizzard money
I implore you to reconsider!
if even reddit hates the game you know it's shit
>ancient ancients
>one paid class after 2 years of nothing
Of course. It's on par with Gauntlet, not with PoE or Grim dawn or even Torchlight 2.
Current iteration of D3 is that you get about 98% of everything you want in a few days of intense play and then wait for the season reset. Every bit of endgame content is just more hp and damage for enemies.
Even HC can't save it at this point since there's no real sense/fear of loss since you get back up to speed so fast anyway.
Anything with Tainted eruption attached to DEE is viable.
This game is (surprisingly) better on PS4
>It sucks
>I want to buy this again for PS4
It isnt tho
Ive finished it with ros on the highest difficulty possible from the start just to see the story and what the gameplay has become
Its absolutely unchallenging mindless clickfest, nothing feels rewarding, maybe on an extremely shallow level and the gameplay doesnt even looks good or has a memorable soundtrack. Playing it with a friend adds literally nothing to the experience unless both of you are some extreme autists with horrible taste.
4 players split screen coop makes any turd decent. And you can play offline.
Literally the only game my girlfriend will play with me.
If you're gonna get it, go console cause the multiplayer is way more fun. PC has more (and free) options already mentioned in this thread. Also, IIRC, you can't trade on the PC version of D3 anymore.
>highest difficulty possible from the start
Try Path of Exile first.
Don't buy it.
I'm serious, don't do it. I fell for the meme while it was very cheap on PS4, and I think even the heavily discounted price was too much for this piece of shit.
I loved Diablo and Diablo 2, have been avoiding this game because of all the negative things I read on Sup Forums. Decided to try it for myself, who knows. It was actually a lot worse than I expected. The game is literally brainless. The story and voice acting is fucking terrible. The artstyle is abysmal. I quit the game forever though when I got to Harrogath. I remember from 2 that place was the most beatiful of all, with the snowy highlands. With this new """""artstyle"""""...when I saw how it looks I had to vomit. This is literally rape, what they have done.
They should erase this game from existence. I wish I could legally oblige Blizzard to pay me for the mental damage they have done to me.
>It sucks
>I want to buy this again for PS4