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Video Games #3727
Video Games
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Is this the greatest game ever made?
CK2+ or HIP?
Memesona 5
What are some pretentious video games?
ITT: Things that ruined otherwise 10/10 games
Dating Games
Why are sex scenes in vidya haram? Especially interactivity during them?
PC gaming is cheap guys!
Mass Effect Andromeda Cracked By CPY In Record Time
What is the video game equivalent of Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker?
Can you help me with this?
Tfw didn't fall for the PC meme and got a PS4 instead
Sup Forums hates Shadman, using pedophilia as an excuse
Tfw you are 40, look like you are 30, think you are 20 and act like you are 10
So I know this is a touchy subject and all
Who was in the wrong here?
Alright Sup Forums...
I bought a cocksucking new 3ds two years ago only for it to get one exclusive. Biggest con of the decade
When Mipha first met Link, he was a cute shota
Automata's success means more NieR games!
Can microsoft ever recover from this disaster?
Post your best Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Quotes
Mass Effect Andromeda-CPY
Was there ever a girl game developer who had a key role in developing a good game...
1 week to go. Get hyped with these fresh beats
Really Ubisoft?
I think we can all agree that this is one of the finest sequels/videogames of all time
Have fun playing a game
Don't mind me, just delivering this Bottle to Page 10
ITT: Memorable vidya quotes
What did it teach you, Sup Forums?
How did she survive in Novigrad?
Risk of Rain
How much do you care about "HP net loss" in vidya? Consider the following scenario:
Why are objectively bad games selling well?
I got $80
Have you ever played a game where everything just meshed together so perfectly?
If you don't play fighting games and shoot em ups...
How about a Breath of the wild thread?
What are the absolute essential mods for this game?
Make hardest difficulty delete %90 of game progress
Hate Nintendo all you want, but they're the most innovative company in gaming industry
Is the remake dead? I haven't heard any news about it in ages. Also what do you want to see in REmake 2
What went wrong?
What's the worst game you played all the way through?
Why do most games have their life/magic bars in the top left corner?
But I thought SJWs didn't buy games? How is Andromeda selling so well?
Even GAF is calling out Atlus on their shitty Persona 5 localization
Is this what female gamers are really like?
You can only post ITT if you played for 5+ hours and lost all your fucking progress because 'Merciless' difficulty...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What made Rare think this was acceptable?
10,000+ copies sold
The protagonist of the last game you played is replaced with Big Smoke
The hero fails to understand the villains motives and kills him anyway
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Persona 5 runs fine in RPCS3
Complain about the west whitwashing Japanese games and media
I want to play these games, but I don't know what order to play them in. Never played this series before
Do you like magical girls? Would you like to see more of them in video games?
Nintendo is pushing the pro-manlet agenda
Why aren't you earning money by playing vidya?
I'm not even joking or being ironic here. Why aren't there any video games where you can play as the Fuhrer...
How can we ban EA and Ubisoft marketers?
Can some teach me how to accept digital products just like physical products?
Lower game's settings
This is Aloy. Say something nice about her
I finished botw, which do I play next?
What are some video games that deal with the emasculation of white males?
Why is this game such a big deal? Does everyone just 'enjoy' it ironically?
Whoever posts the video game character with the biggest tits wins
Ok, so now that I've fought Gael what's next? I can't seem to find a way forward through the DLC...
What's the best platformer game?
Looking back on Fallout 4
Early access games
It's a 'Western Developer Embarrasses the Gooks' episode
Three weeks until another entry in my favourite franchise is released
Why were the 4 years between 2008-2012 so awkward for vidya?
Post your best video game song mashups
Why was it so slow?
Sup Sup Forums
What are your thoughts on speedrunning, Sup Forums?
What's the point of playing this with the Japanese voices...
Shin Megami Tensei Deep Strange Journey
What game feature the best goblins?
What made Crash Bandicoot 2 so good?
How much for [item]?
Visually, how much in common do you have with the streotypical basement dweller, Sup Forums?
So id software owns this IP right? After DOOM this would probably be the most amazing reboot of a series
Go buy a Nintendo Switch
Toukiden 2
New League of Legends champion revealed
Why are old games (SNES and earlier, most PS, most N64, most Dreamcast) so horrible and boring?
Were you ever up against a female in a video game? How did you fare?
Who is excited for Scorpio?
Horizon Zero Dawn levels
Webm Thread? Webm Thread
Who fucking hype for Total War 2?
We waited 10 years for this
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Creative writing thread
Why do you retards believe that every female in a video game that isn't a 10/10 super model was intentionally made ugly...
Factorio: this game is great
Actually thinking comfy is an acceptable way to describe a game
Do you have friends? Do they play video games? Do you play them Together?
My girlfriend says my wallpaper is inapropiate for my age(im 19) she says i should be grown out of games already shes...
What was your favorite Smash announcement?
Is it okay to judge a person based on their looks?
Can we agree that the Demon Prince fight is the embodiment of everything wrong with DS3?
He paid 60 burguerbucks for free shit
Today is Mai's birthday. Say something nice about her
What thing BotW fans want to fuck:
How can you be butthurt about no m/m relationships when you can get a girl like this?
Sup Forums's Top 100 Games of All Time
Your GOTY so far?
Does anyone else find it hilarious that Samus has a fat ass?
Is this the most Kino moment in video game's history?
He doesn't like HATRED
I have been playing Sup Forums's recommended "art-core" or "kino" or "ludo" videogames and finally got to finishing...
Game lets you revisit places from past game
So is the difference between a pygmy and a human just nomenclature...
So you did name the protag Akira Kurusu right?
Would you welcome omnics into society if you lived in the Overwatch universe?
Rock man DASH
How the fuck do I defeat Easy Pete?
Be me
There are fathers who spend all their money on this to their kids
Spend millions on a new version and claim it's pretty much uncrackable to publishers
Thought on playing old RPGs (Chrono Trigger, FF7, etc. In 2017?
1,000 teens were asked to rate brands based on how cool they are and if they were aware of them
Why didn't anyone tell me this was a 10/10 Zelda experience?
Admit it, you shed a tear
Why is noone talking about the new Wipeout game?
Admit it Sup Forums Marie wasn't THAT bad
This is canon
Your thoughts on DOOM 1 & 2
Defend this
So what will Persona 6's color be?
This is Ashley from Wario Ware
Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice - 62
The Switch has Breath of the Wild
KH1 feels really good in 60fps. Anybody else who never played KH got this?
How come there's no video games where I can play as an anime girl (female)?
Release it
You like
Connection issues aside, what's Sup Forums's opinion on For Honor?
Give me a quick rundown on your favorite video game
This is Sara Ryder
Game gives you actual life advice when you need it the most
Who would win?
If this isn't your lowest rated Zelda, kill yourself
Does anyone here play Fallen London? I'm looking to get some contacts...
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the original Portal?
Gwyn>this shit
Ask a drunk sad old vidya man anything
Remember Reach?
Itt:Perfect short games
Halo thread
Does anyone on Sup Forums unironically like this character...
What do you think she feels like on the inside?
DUDE, Time is convoluted LMAO
ITT: Fatties in video games who need to lose weight
How will Persona 5 sell in the west?
You have 6 seconds to post something edgier than this from any video game
There's people on Sup Forums who don't like Mei, Wicke OR Velma
Pic related are the two best consoles sega & nintendo have put out. so how come they both sold like shit?
ITT: Oh yeah, that happened
How can Valve be so based?
Long day of work
Does Sup Forums like mortal kombat?
What's hurt the must is that the original engine and direction for this game will never, ever happen
For those of you who plan on getting this...
Will Makoto ever make it into SFV?
Find a flaw
ITT: Truly fucked up bosses, either in design, backstory, or both
So, who has... the audio file?
I want to buy Deadly Premontion, but the Steam reviews say PC performance is terrible...
Has this been posted yet? Persona 5 PC emulation
The Switch warps over time
Post a character who is literally you
Anyone else playing Parappa HD?
Night's Watch: FNAF's core permise + BloodBorne's gameplay & monsters + persona's story depth
Will they join forces again, Sup Forums?
If they actually made uncrackable DRM they would be out of a job. Piracy justifies their existence...
Now that the dust has settled
Its weird
We want the Overwatch crowd
You guys buy my game yet?
What do you think of this?
I want to play some coop games with my friend online problem is he has a shit laptop so what are some good games with...
Why isn't there a HUGE uproar already?
*Checks your bags*
Fire Emblem Heroes
Who the fuck is directing this game? Outside of Iga, it's a total mystery who is working on the core game
What games let me fight angels?
That guy who has so littlee creativity he has to look up the canon name when he plays RPGs
Is present Sup Forums better or worse than 2010 Sup Forums?
Any consolebros use a desk? Any pcbros use a couch?
Who here hyped for quake champions?
Check it!
Now that the ash has settled, can we agree this was better than BB?
Can we please stop disrespecting women just because they play video games...
Magic in Dark Souls 3
Redpill me on Nier Automata
Why didn't they?
So, which is the best Tropico game?
E3 2017
Why does the PS4 have the inferior looking PS2 version of San Andreas compared to San Andreas HD on PS3/360?
Sup Forums thread
ITT: game is so good it makes you lose perception of time
Indie Games
Unannounced, Still-In-Development...
Post nostalgia tracks
Tfw I bought this a month ago and still haven't played it since I'm still playing Zelda
This is a Japanese spearMAN
You are asked to redesign this game so that it's fun, addictive, replayable...
Recommend me something where guns feel good to use
Is this going to be the new Battleborn?
Cyberpunk 2077
How's this Final Map theme my niggus?
Friend says skyrim isn't over rated
Dog Games
This game is often on sale on Steam for like a dollar, but is it worth the install?
What do you do after you finish a game you got really attached to?
Has a video-game character ever suffered more than him?
Is this the only good vidya channel?
Can mods start cracking down on this shit? Whether something does well or does poorly...
Its 2017
Yfw you can only change dub or sub in every one play-through
Playing Dark Souls 3 with bananas is... bananas
Do you remember G4tv Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums think of my shitty consolefag collection?
What went wrong?
We will never get the feeling of the ALttP artwork translated into an actual Zelda game
Give me 1 (one) good reason why you still don't own a PS4
ITT: Games people won't admit that are secretly best in the series
Do your have any online friends Sup Forums?
He doesn't main an Uchiha
ITT games that Sup Forums hates that are actually good
Jealous, PCbros?
Not using a tenkeyless keyboard to game
Sup Forumsaming
Sony friends are getting a bit too desperate so it's time to settle this once and for all. BotW or P5?
What's is the best FPS out right now?
Rank the 3D Zeldas
How does this make you feel?
Buyfag thread? Post your most recent pick ups
Which system had the best exclusives?
Give me one good reason you hate this series without mentioning the fanbase of the creator...
ITT: Series where it's impossible to make the whole fanbase happy
Was it really that bad of a game?
Dishonored 2 must not have sold enough
So uh...Remember this?
You are locked in a room with DSP
This is a ghost
Now that the dust has settled and the kiddies have moved onto other things...
Can we please talk about pokemon XD
Here's that gameboy you wanted son
If he wore a helmet he probably wouldn't have those facial scars
Nearly 24 years later, and this is still the best vidya cartoon there has ever been
How is your game progress Sup Forums? what do you mean you gave up?
You remembered to pick up your copy today, right Sup Forums?
Ps4 port fucking when?
Summer Lesson: Miyamoto HIikari Edition
When will games be fun again Sup Forums?
ITT: Games that will never be released
"I love you Jesus"
Are there any video games that handle controversial topics well?
Why am i so bad at this game
Who should win GOTY?
BOTW thread
What are some games that are fun to play with a friend?
New company, different OP
Mike totally browses Sup Forums
Post your reaction to the last video game you've played. You did play video games today right?
Are you going to romance the best girl Tae?
How exactly did discord become so prevalent so fast?
Has a Nintendo published game ever been re-released on another non-nintendo console?
Characters Created to Feel Suffering
How can pokemon even compete?
"Look at all these different options and ways you can play the game! Look at all these skills and weapons you can use!"
Highest rated PS4 exclusive released this year
So let me get this straight;
So I heard a lot of people saying this is gundyr in his prime, before he got infested with the puss of man...
What went wrong in this game?
Is swat the worst perk in killing floor 2 or am I just using it wrong
Post 2B artwork
Where were you when hearthstone died?
What in the fuck happend Sup Forums?
Filename Thread
Bogpill me on choosing the Imperials versus Stormcloaks. Which is better for Skyrim? Which is better for humanity?
So apparently Persona 5 actually functions above 2fps on RPCS3 now, that's pretty fuckin' neato...
Sup Forums Plays: Game dev tycoon The Pre-Sequel
"Here's your controller bro"
Do you miss /vint/?
I got the starter edition of r6 siege and it's fun as fuck however, the grind, oh the grind
Aloy could've looked like this
Death Stranding is MGS
So, Sup Forums, which one has better ROM hacks?
All you greenhorns who wanted to see Covenant up close. This is your lucky day
Do I get a PS4 for PBS or a Switch for Splatoon 2?
How the FUCK does Japan do it, bros?
Final Fantasy VIII
This is a japanese Doomguy
Why is this soundtrack so shit?
If you had a bazillion dollars and could have any game made, what would you have made?
The Y-Wing is the workhorse of the rebel fleet. Its not quick or flashy, but it gets the job done...
I'm going backpacking across Europe this summer and I need some recommendations for good handheld vidya I can bring...
Risk of Rain Thread
Indie trash
Will it really come out this year?
This will fail so hard
Is Bioshock scary? It sounds interesting, but I can't into horror like jumpscares. Resident Evil was too intense
Nintendo is doomed
After zelda, it's gonna be a while before we see them win again, it's always so satisfying when they do
What is your opinion on this Goomba?
Weekly reminder that a Significant portion of Sup Forums posters are from countries like pic related as proven by April...
What's the appeal?
It's the year 2047. What video games are you looking forward to this year?
I want to thank all of my Nintendo friends and those who bought the Nintendo Switch to beta test Breath of the Wild for...
Leaked screenshot from the new COD:WW2!
I have to do a speech for class in a few hours trying to argue that video games are art. What do I say, Sup Forums?
Jesus fuck
What's the most important aspect about any game?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Let's have a comfy Resident Evil thread, post your fave music and rooms. Dino Crisis also welcome
Final Boss
Hi Sup Forums, can we have a cool art thread about the Dark Souls knights sets...
Zelda is game of t-
Pokemon Red/Blue was released to North America... 19 years ago
Lotta rules
Why does nobody talk about Toobie's amazing paizuri potential? She has the clothes and figure perfect for it
Why don't modern controllers have 6 face buttons?
What smartphone games do you play?
Resident Evil 5 came out 8 years ago. Did you like it then? How about now?
What do they eat tho?
He listens exclusively to video game OSTs
If the comics has the cojones to tell them to fuck off, why doesn't the vidya industry?
Mass Effect Andromeda getting fixed tomorrow. They had to rush out an unfinished product cause EA. Haters will eat crow
Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of Final Fantasy XV?
Sup Forums Plays: Game dev tycoon Falling into the abyss
Did Sup Forums like Tales of the Abyss?
Remove a popular figure from your game because their opinion on politics is too """"controversial""""
ITT: God tier "kids" games
Name a better boss than this in the entire soulsgames
One was made by a few Slavs in a cave, with a budget of vodka and potatoes...
Who is your favorite Disney villain in Kingdom Hearts?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem MK404
Turns out this image was pretty accurate
How does one beat this meme weapon?
Why does this D-Pad suck so much dick?
Persona 5 hype
Your interacts with Kamiya:
This is pure and simple bad game design
Did she really deserve all the hate?
Are you part of the master race, user?
Who the fuck wants a SA3? seriously?
This game is a fucking chore to play. (WiiU version)
What are some games that perfectly capture the late 90s?
Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs
What the fuck was her problem?
Persona 5 thread?
That steam friend who doesn't stop linking you vids
Boss has timed dialogue
Laugh at Titanfall 2
Why doesn't Sup Forums likes Arino and GameCenter DX anymore? What happend? Is it just /vr/ related now or something...
Bokoblins are now in 2/3rds of 3D zelda titles
Red pill me on uncharted and the last of us? Normie generic mainstream trash? Some games are good? What's the answer?
Tekken 7
I haven't seen a single xbone fan in a while
What are some games that have levels featuring giant brass instruments?
What is the best class in rpgs and why is it Barbarian?
Best Indie Game
Starting this for the first time ever
New League of Legends champ = Bird Person
Jak 1, 2, 3 and X on PS4
Let's talk Injustice 2. Are you going to be playing? Who are you planning on maining?
Can we all agree that Tales of Berseria is the best Tales game?
You need to play the game twice to get the story
"See that mountain? You can go there!"
Has anyone actually seen an adult play the Switch outside yet? I haven't seen any pictures yet
Go here twice, these are your superpowers:
CS:GO Aces
-Particle Effects up the ass
So its finally here
SammyClassicSonicFan reacts to Animal Crossing fans
Don't mind me, just being the best game Ubisoft has released in recent memory
Why is the Switch so shit?
I hit my switch with a hatchet and this happened. Wtf was Nintendo thinking? Are they finished now?
You have ten(10) seconds to explain why you're not playing video games right now
Will you accept her letter Sup Forums?
Will you be playing in Japanese
Meanwhile, in the Moja/v/e Wasteland
What's Sup Forums's opinion of indie games?
Is this worth getting into?
What's the weirdest thing you've jacked off to in a video game...
Any good reason to play the ps4 version over the ps3 version?
Only shitty indie games announced
Is it worth my money?
Comfy screenshot thread
Check profile
That guy who brought alcohol to the LAN party
Are you fucking hype for Total Warhammer 2?
Why aren't characters today as good as them
Sing with me Sup Forums
Why do people think negatively about video games as a pastime...
Do you own any vidya merchandise?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Was the hate for Dark Souls 2 largely unjustified?
1 > 2 > 3
Sup Forums Plays: Game dev tycoon
Pokémon Sun and Moon are shit games
Is COD saved?
Anti-LOL thread
What games are you playing today Sup Forums?
She was filmed giving a blowjob or just kissing guys? I don't remember
Nier Automata or Persona 5 ?
Is there a better Panda?
Story of Seasons & Harvest Moon
Do you follow the path of Chaos, Law, or Humanity in SMT, Sup Forums? And regardless, who is your demonfu?
Cave Story+ coming to Switch for $30 in June
Which one is the lesser evil?
What would it feel like to have sex with toobie?
Looking back, what was the best choice?
Persona btfo
Does anyone here actually like collectibles and audio logs?
Persona 5
Yooka Laylee, is it over?
I know it's brainlet hand held "game development"
How long will Sup Forums be unusable once this gets announced at E3?
Steam avatar thread?
Spiderman Hype
What the fuck was his problem?
Please suggest me a good game to play
Please summarize the story of the game and DLC. The more videos I watch, the more confused I become
Reddit the faction
Nintendo Switch can warp from being left in the dock too long
Webm thread?
Bloatfly Slider
So we all agree this was THE best FF?
When your teammate sacrifices himself to win the game
You have ten seconds to name a level type that Mario hasn't already covered
Cancelled games you wanted to play
At this point I'm just not going to play FFXV for a year, and let Square patch it
Does this prove that you don't need skill in fighting games?
ITT we trivialize the motivations of video game characters with use of the word "muh"
How did you do it?
I fucking hate video games (MOVIES) and you should too
Gameplay > Sound design = Graphics > Soundtrack > Story
Horror games with lighting
The MP3 album now costs more than the audio CD
Who are the cutest/sexiest brown girls in vidya?
Any good reason you didn't play Lain's game yet?
Who was in the wrong here?
So what would you like to see in Hyrule Warriors 2?
Was this game supposed to be some type of joke?
Just bought this. What am I in for?
Video game cringe thread
Which other games deserve this title?
Did you make sure to pick up your 30-pack of Battleborn anons?
I've just started the third playthrough on pic related just after 2B dies . Is it worth carrying on...
Lets do something diferent, take a game you hate and you can only talk the good points of it, i'll start
They canceled Prey 2 for this
What was the last vidya you played with a friend?
*wipes the field*
Terraria thread
Overrated garbage
What am I in for?
Reeee muh syanna betrayed me now i'm going to destroy beauclair
GOTM 2017
Hey, Sup Forumsirgins, what did the shit say?
Say what you will about his voice acting, at least he's bro af
Deus Ex
Am I doing it right??
Will he ever have another game...
Jak X
Injustice 2 | Catwoman trailer
Persona 5 Anxiety
Best ganondorf
Medallions humming
Americans wont be getting this hahahaha
Being a kid was liking the Super Nintendo more
Why is a game that is running so poorly and has overall bad graphics...
Aloy a cute
I need more stuff like this, preferably for the first game
He didn't choose the Illuminati ending
A Case for Xbox One
Peach Beach Splash
Can't make this shit up anymore
Lady Maria is ____
How's your game coming along?
Just a reminder, she isn't cannon
Name a video game that isnt Dark Souls
The Helghast did nothing wrong
Why does Sup Forums hate female protagonist?
Post a video game girl that would be a good wife and mother
Want to see a gameplay and just gameplay without any faggot talking
Alright Sup Forums, i've got 5 games up for grabs. These are all steam keys, by the way...
Sup bitches
Start at new school
Wow private servers
What are some games with a prison setting?
Xenoblade X
Reduce a video game boxart to 10x10 pixels
What is a good Co-op game to play with my buddies for a few hours when we dont want to start any lengthy plays...
Hardest Difficulty unlocked only on DLC
A pirate I was meant to be!
No mainstream support
Steam avatar thread
What do you think about the fact that, at the end of most dungeons...
Will there be homosexuals on this game?
Persona 5 announced
Is this how the HD remake should have looked?
There will never be a character in video games more powerful than Easy Pete
Hates consoles and wishes they didn't exist
DaS > BB = DaS3 > DeS >> DaS2
Are you good at faces?
You fags will argue about anything
Post your gaming mouse
No hype allowed
New Breath of the Wild thread
Can I play this game randomly without checking the wiki or using an existing build?
Scorpio is coming, bitches
Sony E3 Press Conference 2017 leak
You deleted your save, right Sup Forums?
I like card games
Just found out this shit comes out in 8 days. Is it worth it, and How does it compare to other crpgs such as bg?
Having to go back to the hunters dream to go anywhere else
Dark souls 3 is actually terrible
Is there a single video game character that can defeat GUNDHAM TANAKA AND THE FOUR DATK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION?
Princess Filianore is _____
What is Sup Forums opinion on this blue fucking muppet
Name a book or film deeper than a game
Graphics thread?
At home visiting parents
Steam top 10, boys and traps...
ITT: Games that are deceptively difficult
He thinks he's superior to others because his hobby is video games
If you didn't spends days and weeks farming a rare as fuck mob with a low as fuck drop you don't know SHIT about video...
Fire Emblem
You think Toby Fox is planning on a new game?
So, Yooka-Laylee is 8 days away until launch...what are Sup Forums's thoughts on the game?
Gta 6 vice city teaser trailer leaked, real?
For the period of February 27 to March 26, here are the top five selling games in Japan:
Anybody want a steam game? I'll buy it for you then delete ya only got 30 steam bux for now!
I've been living under a rock in the last few years. is the witcher 3 a good game or a shitfest...
Get off of /vint/ or I'll have you bent
What a pimp
Who is the best Persona 5 girl and why it's Yukari?
Why don't they make a new setting for once?
Wait, what did he mean by this?
MGO2R (MGO2 Revival)
D3 + RoS
Did you, or do you currently play vidya in college?
Woo baby sony wins again
ITT: we post our wishlists and judge each other
Is the ps4 worth it just based on its exclusives, or console exclusives, if you already have a mid-tier PC?
2 > 1 > 3
This is Ash Crimson from King of Fighters
The Elder Scrolls: Obviously Meaningful and Civilized Debate
I'm thinking about buying this monitor for my PS4
SM are the worst games in the franchise by far
2 > 1 > 3
What the FUCK was his problem?
Battlefront 2 EA
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Trash game
Just finished GR2, wondering what game to play next
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Abloobloo why are muh arena shooters dead?
*drum banging starts*
Look at the dreamteam
Risk of Rain
So is this game actually good?
*blocks your path*
Shitty mobile ad
Dude just kite him lmao
Is portable gaming a scam? I literally can't see the appeal
Are footsies a viable strategy in every fighting game?
Modder fixes MGSV:TPP
What's the best competitive genre, and why is it fighting games?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...