What do they eat tho?
What do they eat tho?
the one brahmin in Megaton is meant to imply that there is a huge farm somewhere in the city, but couldnt put it because of engine limitations
where did the inhabitants of vault 101 get a cake from tho?
its probably made out of advanced vault goo, don't think too much on it, you wouldnt understand
Sugar Bombs and Mutfruits and Radroach meat
god damn boy, you must have only played it for 2 minutes
what are the radroaches eating tho?
You can make sugar and dairy like products from several different pllants like sugar beets and soybeans.
Then just needs flour and you have most of a cake.
The woman that bakes it for you mentions having to save up sugar rations for quite a while for it.
where did they get flour from tho?
since we're asking questions, is all the edible pre-war food chokeful of conservatives?
i'd understand canned food to have long lasting shelve time but shit is over one hundred old and more
I don't understand why instead of random grass and plain textures they don't make a random field with some crops growing. Hell they can just pop the texture of tilled soil and boost up their framerates while making a much more realistic world.
It wouldn't kill them to have a town in a scorched dusty wasteland be surrounded with rich brown soil and occasional patch of verdant green crops. Just think of how Vault City or NCR looked in FO2 all thanks to some greenery