What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the original Portal?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on the original Portal?
not going to lie, perfect 10
Enjoyed the game but the memes it created were cancer.
It was god damn fantastic
So was 2. Both were great fun.
Fun game with zero replay value and the memes were cancer
better than 2
The cake is a lie XD
short tech demo
Just as good as 2. They're both amazing fucking games.
It seems so long ago....I mean shit it was 10 years ago
>portal is 10 years old
i didn't need to hear this
Same tier as Undertale. Amazing game that had it's memes beaten to death.
1 was fantastic 10/10
2 was lame. They leaned way too heavily into zany writing, Glados didn't need a stupid backstory, and the puzzles sucked. I was so fucking irritated they kept on introducing new mechanics instead of building complexity. And half the game wasn't even a puzzle, you were just searching for an area to stick a portal to continue 5/10
10 long years, old man. Things were better weren't they back then?
>zero replay value
Playing it for the first time gave you one of those "woah.. videogames can do THIS..." feelings you feel once every 4-6 years nowadays
It hasn't aged so well
The entire Orange Box was out of this world for the time it released in and they all are now aged shooters that didn't survive time
>10 years
God damn. I should replay 1 and 2, they were pretty fun games.
>never beat co-op with my friend
Good game, abhorrent fanbase.
vanilla game: 7/10
with community maps and mods: 12/10
its amazing how good a puzzle game can be when the maps aren't dumbed down.
What do u mean user?
short but sweet
memes were an indirect byproduct so I won't count them against the game
Fantastic but a bit too short and easy.
Better atmospheric than the second game. Fun to speedrun.
post the one with the cosplay girl who admits in the comments she never even finished the game
Pretty much flawless. No complaints at all.
Not my favorite game, but I honestly can't think of anything it could have done better.
Its atmosphere was pretty good. Portal 2 was too fucking zany.
Finished it in 2 Hours, i took my time
It was literally a 2 hour tutorial sold as a game, it was like playing an unfinished newgrounds game in 3d instead of 2d.
I can't understand the nu-faggots that actually praise this shitty game. It's a cool concept that's for sure, but as a game it's just trash.
That's why they stuck it in the Orange Box.
>It was literally a 2 hour tutorial sold as a game
Except it wasn't?
It was part of the orange box(and wasn't sold as a stand alone game until steam became super popular), and it was always marketed as a SMALL side thing in the half life universe, then its popularity did the rest.
Lol found it. The thread is purged of everything but white knights unfortunately
A perfect game. The tone, atmosphere, writing, gameplay, voice acting, and length were on point.
I wouldn't change a thing about it.
I don't understand why "the cake is a lie" was even a meme. It wasn't even a joke.
It's a very short puzzle game, what more are you going to get out of it after one playthrough?
wannabe "nerd" culture aka talentless nu-males
>Testing is dangerous!
What the absolute fuck, wouldn't the reference make more sense if it was "It's dangerous to test alone" or something like that?
Stupidity, mostly. It was one of the bleakest things in the entire game and it somehow became a dumb lolrandom meme.
I wish the puzzles and final boss were harder. Feels like they were made so you could see how fast you finish them, not that you would stand in place and have to think in place about where your portals should be.
Can't even call the first one a game, I beat it in literally 48 minutes on my first playthrough.
Decent proof of concept. Second one in co-op is more like an actual game.
I think it was a meme in that you could only really get the reference if you played the game, but then it got out of hand like nearly every original Zelda line. Eventually the spread of these phrases made it so you didn't even have to play the game to understand
>Valve hasn't even made a big game since Portal 2 came out, six years ago
What the fuck are they even doing? Do they come to work to just jack off?
making their own console, making steam more restrictive, focussing on making steam easier to use and handle all the shit games that got on it
I was too stupid to solve the puzzles so I contented myself with watching my little brother beat it.
I liked it, thought it was real good.
Would be nice if theyd quit dropping hints about black mesa all the time and just finished HL3 tho.
Been into halflife since '99, pisses me off that they turned HL3 into vaporwear.
I'm honestly surprised they even kept the Black Mesa references and Borealis dry dock in Portal 2.
>watch a letsplay
>it's good
why does Sup Forums have to be like this now
because it was originally a mod and valve said "hey lets steal this"
Its kinda like why everyone "likes" the song YMCA by the village people or Journey's "dont sto believin."
They dont really like journey or the village people, they just like it when theres a song they know the words to.
>because valve
It was actually a school project for Digipen Institute, that place you'd see advertised in Nintendo Power all the time.
Still doesn't excuse taking the project and not turning it into a full fledged actual game instead of something that takes less time to beat than Megaman X.
Dude, im not jokin, im stupid as fuck. I couldnt finish the puzzles so I handed the controls to my little bro and let him beat it for me.
Im a former US Marine grunt with minor brain damage, and Pi wasnt all that smart to begin with.
I frequently let my little bro beat games for me while I watch cuz I cant figure shit out.
You can enjoy those songs by their own merits, though. A lot of people have a song they like that's by band they dislike. You can't really say that about some meme Cake is a lie turned into something that any moron could spout and say shit like I'M SO GEEKY, AREN'T I COOL AND HIP
"Another Hole in the Wall (Another Brick in the Wall (pt. II)) is my favorite Pink Floyd song!"
Good fun. Just the right length.
Go in blind.
Pretty sad how hard they tried to make parts of Portal 2 into a meme but it never took off the ground.
The lemons, the potato Glados, SPAAACE OOO SPAAACE, the ending...
In the original Portal that 'the cake is a lie' graffiti is not something that every player would run into. It was just a bit of environmental storytelling hinting at something ominous.
The cake is a lie, kek.
i don't think that was the point he was making, however if you are trying to gain pity points you are definitely succeeding
enjoy as many games however you want user
>"Omg XD did everyone see me singing along to journey?! Lol rofl lmaoXD im such a fun loving person whose into music! XD! Lets play YMCA next!"
Im not saying they have no legitimate fans, im saying that they got piles of people who just like it cuz they know it.
"Oh yeah, I can dance, turn the vloume up to 11, im about to show you the best macerana you ever saw!"
>making steam more restrictive
>Genital Jousting
Christ I had a friend at school who wouldn't fucking shut up about the cake being a lie. I hadn't even played the game yet but wanted to punch him in his fat face so hard.
Im not going for pity points, pity is for losers.
I get confused and let people beat games for me, doesnt mean im not into them.
Maybe I missed some sarcasm tho....
Because the cake turned out to not be a lie. It was quite a funny joke that Glados really did have a cake waiting if only test subjects were willing to trust her, but nobody ever had.
How was anyone going to eat the cake if they were burned to death first?
nah no sarcasm user, just a bit tired here and saying whatever
It's times like these where I'm going I don't socialize all that much. Then I remember my crippling loneliness and desire for love and it sort of disappears.
I just don't understand it.
Even if its your first playthrough and you suck at games it can be beaten in maybe two hours, and anyone even vaguely familiar with fps mechanics will fare much faster.
You go out and buy that tshirt, you get a replica portal gun made, you're enough of a "fan" to do this, but you can't even be bothered to finish the fucking game.
Like, what?
That would be like if I only played the first level in super mario bros., quit the game there and never play it again, and go out and buy a giant mario plushie and a mario cap and bragged about what a fan I am of super mario bros.
I don't think Glados really knew how humans worked.
Oh shit, Smells Like Teen Spirit is playing! Nirvana is like, MY band! I know all of their songs!
being want to be involved in whats popular amongst their social circles
it's merely human nature
the old Aperture in Portal 2 had great atmosphere, but I hate how nu-Aperture was turned into an endless funhouse with millions of panels flying around
>That would be like if I only played the first level in super mario bros., quit the game there and never play it again, and go out and buy a giant mario plushie and a mario cap and bragged about what a fan I am of super mario bros.
That is extremely and depressingly common.
It was really good.
Second was ehhhhhh, not quite the same but still okay.
And by 'was' I mean 'is' of course, it was just such a surprise when it came out.
check fireden
A fantastic game. 2 less so, because I didn't personally like the gel puzzles.
>KISS "fans"
>metallica "fans"
>pokemon "fandom"
>mario "fandom"
>zelda "fandom
Im not trying to say there arent fans, or be that asshole who claims nobody who didnt like something before it was mainstream can be a fan, but I remember when being into video games made you a nerd and got you beaten up.
Now I see the people who used to give me shit posting
on facebook. I can remember being called a faggo by the person posting such bullshit because I had a shirt with one of those quotes on it.
I dont like those "before it was cool" faggots, but theres definiteley a lot of posers out there who just "like" stuff to get attention.
If it became uncool tomorrow theyd delete all of it from thier timeline and start harassing people who like it as if they never pretended to.
One of the best games ever made, cancerous fanbase, can't even talk about it seriously on Sup Forums anymore without someone spouting caek maymays. Subtle, funny, fun, downright spooky in some areas, innovative, and a lasting treasure.
Sequel was cancerous shit though. Went from relatively believable in the Half-Life universe to full on disney pixar level cartoon bullshit. Took an amazing game with solid writing and flanderized it to hell and back.
>"hey let's take this claustrophobic, cold, clinical atmosphere that makes you feel like a labrat stuck in endless corridors and make it BIGGER AND MORE EPICER!!"
fuck you valve
portal is better as a grounded, yet simple story with a similar tone to half life. it's sad because the early concept art for portal 2 shows a very grounded looking game full of abandoned 80s style office complexes. shit looked dope.
Are you fucking allergic to apostrophes?
The Portal 2 ARG was ultimately cooler than the actual game.
That entire potato thing spread across, like, 6 games was so strange. Made for great Killing Floor action, though.
Normalfag humor.
shit remember when we were going to see a GLaDOS version of cave johnson who was being kept alive in some ancient piece of software? that would've been awesome
oh god and remember how they retconned the fuck out of GLaDOS? the investment slides from the first game flat out said that she was an Ice Inhibiting machine. but nope, now she's caroline for some stupid fucking reason.
original maps were just barely starting to git gud near the end of the game
like the last 1/4th, the escape sequence
and maybe the chamber or two before it
i like antichamber more, but portal's great.
i have the screencap, but
these are better than your meme
stupider than younger sibling
>Im a former US Marine grunt with minor brain damage,
sorry friendo
I think that was just them trying to figure out any possible way to sell off GLaDOS since no one wanted it and they sunk tons of money into it
>Took an amazing game with solid writing and flanderized it to hell and back.
Regarding this, I found this video to be really interesting:
Great game as was 2. Some hate on it a bit because the normie fandom it created got fairly annoying.
The scenery was a tad dull 1, but both a product of its setting and the fact it was a goof off game made on the side as a pack in not a full game. Humor was great and it told a story while you played which I like.
>valve playtesters
First and one of the best games I pirated
It's a linear puzzle game, that's to be expected.
>One of the best games ever made, cancerous fanbase, can't even talk about it seriously on Sup Forums anymore without someone spouting caek maymays.
m8 it's been ten fucking years. No one cares about the memes anymore.
It could be seen as a bit of dark humor I guess, but yeah it wasn't really the sort of haha punchline maymay people make it out to be.
I took it as an unsettling warning my first time.
It literally has timed/portal/steps challenges and harder versions of some chambers.
Not to mention how almost all chambers have more than one alternative solution other than the intended one, and it also allows players to add custom made maps.
Just because the main campaign is linear it doesn't mean you'll get the same experience each time, all environmental puzzle games are built like that because their target is players who will replay each puzzle in search of alternative intended and unintended solutions.
You're literally saying a game built around replay value has no replay value
1 is 7/10
2 is 10/10