What made Crash Bandicoot 2 so good?
What made Crash Bandicoot 2 so good?
The controls were more refined and getting gems wasn't as annoying anymore.
last of us is naught dog's best game.
I don't like it
The remaster took out the WHOA
Trips confirm trilogy will be good
Crash 2 improved the controls, brought back enough good things, added a lot more, fleshed out the entire experience. There is never really a moment that make me groan unlike Crash 3.
Fantastic sequel by the books
Crash 2 was the best because it felt like Naughty Dog put everything they had into it, 1 felt budget and 3 felt rushed.
I liked 3 best. not sure how it felt "rushed"
Can I play this shit on my Vita yet? Fuck. I have a PSP, but the Vita's D-pad is so much better and the original Crash needs it.
Too many gimmicky minigame or auto-scroll levels.
relying on the same themes for each level (i know that 2 did this too but not so much) I felt 2 had more detail (the secrets were actually secret and not hand fed)
Bike levels sucked major dick and there were 4 of the damn things.
I liked them.
anyway I can't remember shit from 2.
polar bar missions, rolling rock ball, slide jumping for the first time, road to ruin... and finally one of the best crash boss level!
being 12
>literally a level type where there's no penalty for losing
They refined the formula and improved the graphics without adding too many gimmicks yet.
the music had significantly more character in it, and the characters in general were stronger in presentation and gave life to it that the first game didn't have
base game was easy, going for 100% was tough as fuck like it should be
I play all 3 games every year and smile every time
>Getting gems wasn't as annoying anymore
>Mfw red gem
Literally did everything that 1 did but better, one of the best sequels of all time
this right here
This. Crash 2 and Paper Mario: TTYD may not be perfect games, but they are what I consider perfect sequels.
>crash 2
Anyone else hated getting all the boxes on that one level with the fire fly?
What else can we add to that list? RE2, Silent Hill 2, R&C 2, Metroid Prime 2?
I played the first two worlds of the first one and I hated it. It was like a mobile runner game. And the repetition of levels didn't help. Is 2 better?
Sly 2.
Red Steel 2.
Just Cause 2
All of the games are straight forward in terms of game complexity, but the second games has more visual, mechanical and level variety than the first. Give it a shot on an emulator at least.
Donkey Kong Country 2
Putting all the gems in Crash's urethra.