Will Makoto ever make it into SFV?

Will Makoto ever make it into SFV?

>Infuriating Matchups?

Makoto and Ingrid are both gonna make it senpai


Ultra Diamond

>>Infuriating Matchups?
Laura, fuck that bitch.



dead game

That fucking STICC Makoto shouldn't go anywhere but the fucking trash.

Makoto isn't even thicc, show me 1(one) picture of her where she's thicc.

Protip:You can't.

Makoto would be insanely good in SFV if she plays like she currently does.

>Infuriating Matchups
the usual, Balrog and Laura. FANG too.

Not saying she thicc but ain't sticc either, shes fit if anything.


His keepaway is really frustrating for me to deal with, I get too impatient.

Just be patient user, most players have to play keep away from Kolin since her close up game is really strong.

Every SF girl needs a school costume

I'm actually excited about these costumes, are they coming with the April patch?

Maybe Alex and Ibuki nostalgia costumes if anything

>Maybe Alex and Ibuki nostalgia costumes

I sure as fuck hope so.

Super Diamond
>>Infuriating Matchups?

makotofag go and stay go

Makoto is busy. It's my fault, sorry.

Hanekawa, is that you?


Just barely Gold
>Infuriating matchups
Bison, Guile, Ibuki

Why is Mike Ross so based?