
>being a PCbro

pc faggots = third world monkeys confirmed



>Silky smooth 2 fps on a i7-5930K



delet this. I need my CFW PS3 to maintain its resell value

ps3/ps4 comparison when?

What's the point in owning a pc if all you care about is playing shitty versions of PS4 games

Nice performance.

I mean, it's cool and makes poor people happy about their life choices and all but please inform us when the game runs at a decent framerate.

That emulator has got AT LEAST 2 years before it's ready for primetime.

All that money for choppy as shit gameplay


user pls,
do we really need this thread everyday?

(anyway this won't be fully playable until 2+ years later when they perfect the emulation)

>all you care about
You can play almost anything on pc. ps4 plays ps4 games and 12 ps1 games that they selected paying customers were permitted to play.


>>Silky smooth 2 fps on a i7-5930K
That's 1fps more than the PS4 version

>That FPS
>That texture
>That resolution

Yeah if you call 3fps and shitty ports "playing"

So framerate is not an issue now?

yeah man nice looks good

It was confirmed during /vint/ that Emulator threads and Shitposting "Masterrace" threads were done by thirdworlders. Specifically BR's.

Because they're too poor to afford a console.

Only a couple months ago it looked like an LSD trip in super slo-mo, things are advancing more quickly than I expected.

>brand new emulator for game that isn't even released in the US
you should be surprised it runs at all.

Enjoy the japs text then faggot

English text only available on Play Station 4 :-)

Pretty impressive improvement. Why has the PS3 emulator suddenly begun making such good progress recently?

What the hell is with the recent progress with emulators? I never really looked into them but there's a few games that have grabbed my attention.

The dev working full time and people being 'nostalgic' for the ps3

I'm surprised there's a PS3 emulator at all,
wasn't it's architecture complicated as fuck because of the cell processor?

thats cool and all but wheres the gameplay

No need to get butthurt, I'm just stating the obvious. It will take a very long time for this emulator to be able to run P5 at a stable 15+ FPS on a CPU that doesn't cost 500€+. Let's be honest here, it'll take at least a year or 2



t. sony

It's already playable...

Sorry, but 2fps is not playable.

I was actually thinking about getting a ps4 recently, If this gets emulated soon, I'll probably hold off on that purchase

>same performance as ps3 not relevant

>buying a ps4 to play a fucking ps3 game


Nah fuck that, that framerate is shit. I don't play games with shit framerate, that's fucking why I'm on the PC.

You'll probably just wanna get that PS4.

This thing is a LONG ways away from being ready for prime time.

Just play your backlog while you wait. I'm sure you have one. Everyone does.

How dense are you? You can speed hack the game to give an illusion of 60fps. Similar to what Botw emulated does. It's playable.


>Can play.

>you can play ps3 games at 20fps on top tier pc
I really regret buying ps4 now

It's not the same performance as PS3 user, it's literally 2-1fps, go past the intro sequence

>not aiming for accuracy

How pleb are you?

Well, I was actually gonna buy the ps4 for bloodborne, persona 5, and the upcoming spider-man game. I'll wait like 2-3 months and if persona 5 isn't emulated, I'll just buy the damn console.

With a speed hack it's better than a ps3.

never ever they said. PC STRONK

Breath of the Wild went from a slide show to 30fps in less the 2 weeks. Catherine was randomly dropped completely playable recently. You can't assume anything about emulators anymore.

It's not going to be emulated perfectly in 2-3 months. You'd have to wait at least a year.

Shit, I didn't expect it to run this well.

>Speedhack with 2fps
>better than a ps3

Alright, that's end of my argument

it's ps3 emulator anyway
and it will work like shit if you dont have new 2k$ pc

>Have ps3 but really want to play this with better graphics and shorter load times
>Only mildly interested in other ps4 exclusives

Fug, what do?

shit meant to link these posts
also you're right, I have a decent 20-30 game backlog to work on so I'll wait a couple months

ok still getting it in my ps4 might do the emulater for screenshots later

>all these sony shills

Face it, persona is lost to PC. Claiming it as an exclusive no longer works with the progress the emulator has made. neck yourself shills

>P5 emulated
>PS Now on PC
so there's literally no reason left to own a ps4?

they went from 200-300 dollars to 1k on patreon
I think the guy does it full time now

I've got a pretty decent PC. not $2k or anything but it can play most games on ultra settings. Anyway, I just don't wanna have to buy another console for 3 games. That's why I'm gonna wait for a couple months to see if it's emulated

not unless you want you know, ps4 exclusive games

but yes, buying a ps4 for persona is stupid, since you can get a second hand ps3 for cheap as fuck and play it right now

Holy shit that's working a lot better than I was expecting

RPCS3 is making strides

Crowd funding will work wonders

>Implying you need fps to play turn-based games

I fucking hate this board.

Why, user-kun?

B-but ps4 has sharper textures and faster load times.

>bayonetta 1 coming to steam
>bayonetta 2 making progress on emulator
>botw close to perfect on emulator
>persona only 2-6 months away from being perfect on emulator
>all the xbox exclusives playable day 1 in 60fps
>multiplatform games running better than ps4
>a library of thousands of older games that still run
>most of not all are free thanks to piracy
>people still buy a ps4

I just don't get bloodborne machine owners, ps4 is just a paper weight at this point.

the PS4 version runs at 60 fps tho?
and the pro version runs at 4k 60 fps

I genuinely hope crowdfunding becomes a regular thing with emulation going forward (more open RPCS3 and less closed Cemu of course)

Lie, you have no proof. It runs like shit

if you think normal people know know what a emulator is or how to use it then you are an idiot and dont most emulated games run like shit

It's just endless shitposting.

no it doesn't, both ps3 and ps4 are 30fps for persona


Am I the only one who wants P5 emulator because they got the collector's edition but no PS4 to play it on?

as long as normies exist there will always be a demand for consoles.

>and dont most emulated games run like shit
No? Only the ones that aren't finished and are being worked on. All the older emulators work fine.

Well, that's pretty much Sup Forums in general, isn't it?

I should have just got the $200 ps4 bundle on Christmas.

>that framerate
Funny how PC only elititst wont play anything below 60fps but will consider sub20fps playable when it convenient for them

It's called being excited about progress you faggot. Nobody saying they're going to play it in that state is serious

kek all the money they'll get now

but reviewers who played it say it runs at 60 fps

Funny how sonybros only point this out when their ''''''exclusives'''''' are running on other hardware

Nice fact you got there.

emulation is about capturing the original experience, sub 20s framerate is the way its meant to be played after all (only on PS4)

>BB on PS4 runs at 20fps
>P5 runs worse on PC than it does on consoles
>m-mustard race wins again!

Huh. So the NEVER EVER threads are all made by BRs?

I'm playing it right now, it certainly does not run at 60fps on base PS4

>He actually takes the blatant console/PC war shitposting seriously

How long have you been on this shit board?

Sup Forums is one of the worst boards about, at least from the boards that are intended for actual discussion.
Nobody expects to get decent thread going on Sup Forums or whatever, but Sup Forums is barely about videogames much of the time. And then you have people like OP making videogame related, but disingenuine threads like this starting another shitposting war.

did you also say this about botw?
>yfw it runs at 4k/60 after 1 month

you gonna get BTFO in may m8


delet this and fuck pcpeople!

t. ps4 owner

>implying the whole "MASTER RACE" shit is still being treated as a joke
Those days are long gone

>60 fps
>in any shape or form
Lying on the internet is not okay.

Yeah, I wish Sup Forums was better but I hear /vg/ is pretty good. Never really go on that board much though. Nobody ever really talks about games I like

And I also own Wii U, PC and tons of older consoles. God damn, I just want to talk about videogames without fucking goldenface shitposting.