I fucking hate video games (MOVIES) and you should too

i fucking hate video games (MOVIES) and you should too

If they were good games? Fine. He hasn't produced a decent title since... 2007? Ten years ago?

Funny thing is Kojima's games are still more like a game than media like Gone Home and Last of Us claim to be.

more like 2005

Why do people get so triggered over cinematic games?
>dude its supposed to be a game
So if they were called interactive movies would it suddenly be ok? Maybe the labeling is a little off but you shouldn't ignore quality entertainment because of that.

If his games were good, they wouldn't have story period. They could survive solely on their gameplay.

But if you were to ever ask someone to remove the story from an MGS game, the outcries and hatred you'd receive would be quite telling.

you'd get outcries and hatred from kojima as well

They already did this though. It's the shitpile known as MGSV.

>game 1
>contains gameplay
>game 2: the sequel
>suddenly 90% cutscenes
Hmm I wonder why people are mad lol

TLoU has more gameplay then any kojima game, kys memer