Nintendo is doomed.
How the fuck can they recover once BotW is fully playable on PC, full resolution, 60fps and with absolutely no problems?
Nintendo is doomed.
How the fuck can they recover once BotW is fully playable on PC, full resolution, 60fps and with absolutely no problems?
Other urls found in this thread:
Any hopes for a Switch emulator to be up and ready for Mario Odyssey?
Not everyone has a dedicated gaming computer to run the emulator.
Next question.
As long as you buy a copy of the game I don't see a problem with emulating it. But people who are putting in time and effort to support an emulator so they can illegally play it are pretty shitty.
Also you realize there's a zero percent chance of 60fps right?
>free to enter
>just get a $350 CPU and donate to CEMU like a good goym!
oh yeah PCs capable to run Cemu cost 0$, right right
With how quickly emulation tech is progressing, and seeing how much money CEMU is getting...
>$35k a month and rising
Yeah, you better believe it. We're gonna see another patreon go up for a Switch emulator any day now, mark my fucking words.
>Not everyone has a dedicated gaming computer to run the emulator
If you can afford to drop $300 on a child's toy, you can afford a little more to buy a PC. You can build a really good computer for $600 nowadays that's capable of running just about anything.
I wasn't aware Sup Forums had so many console cucks.
>implying most normalfag gamers actually play video games other than Counterstrike and Dota on the PC
If people are gonna play Zelda, it'll be on the Switch
>Not everyone has a dedicated gaming computer to run the emulator.
supposedly you can emulate it with a $800 rig no problem
considering that an $800 rig will easily last you till 2020 that's hell of an investment. particularly if you're not into weeb games and don't have to buy a PS4
The physics are tied to framerate. Running the game at 60fps makes it run faster.
The Wii U is not even manufactured anymore and Nintendo won't release new games on it.. Everyone is getting Zelda on Switch instead of Wii U.
Cemu won't make a dent on Nintendo profits or strategy, don't be delusional
>$300 mini-computer that only plays nintendo games
>$80 for the controller
>$20 for a screen protector
>$180 for 3 games
>don't forget the amiibos, goyim!!
Yeah wow, it's almost like technology costs money!
>pc cucks so desperate for games that they literaly spent $3000 just to play a tablet game
Holy shit, i am so glad I didn't fall for the mustard race.
This has to be bait, right? The supposed GOTY I hear all of these Nintenbtfos praise to high heavens is locked at 30fps? I refuse to believe we've fallen so far from the light of God.
If they had just made another home console I would have skipped getting it, but I love the portability of the Switch. Getting to play BotW on the bus is worth the price for me. Even as someone who usually plays on a high end pc, I have no issues with 900p. I'd prefer 60fps obviously, but it's a stable 30 with the latest update which is fine.
>mfw I could play BotW on my PC right now if I wanted but I'm not going to simply because I don't think it looks very good
Considering how fast people are jailbreaking the thing, I don't think it would be long for someone to rip the OS and try emulating it
But it probably won't be able to 100% run Mario Odyssey within the first year of the emulator unless it is really fucking easy to program
Yeah 60fps would be better but don't be autistic
I still can't play it
>tfw compiling caches shaders 12856/16528
I'm still on cemu 1.7.3 so the game will still run like shit when I finally do. I can wait for updates though.
>fell for the wii u meme
>didn't buy a switch
>people who fell for the wii u meme like me are falling for the switch meme
>even though the switch's entire library is multiplat indie games and wii u ports
You are pathetic. Get a job.
I cant think of a single Open-World game that runs at 60fps on consoles.
>mfw I have a job
>mfw I just don't want to give nintendo money
>You can build a really good computer for $600 nowadays that's capable of running just about anything
I love it when people lie like this just to defend their shit. Pirate all you want but don't bullshit like that, to emulate at decent frames and the meme resolution you're going to need a PC that's at least close to $2000-3000, hell the CPU and Card alone will set you back 1k.
You know someone could just patch the game or make a code for that, right? There's 60 FPS codes/patches for plenty of games on other emulators.
mgs v
My PC is a literal nigger rig that I spent $550 a year ago and can run BoTW on Cemu at full speed.
> full resolution, 60fps
with what specs
OP is commenting like it's already possible. Very few games get patched to run at 60fps for Emulators.
GTA IV has a 98 on metacritic and it's 30 fps. Ocarina of time has 99 and runs at 20. I mean, I'd strongly prefer all games to be at least 60fps at this point, but it's just not the norm.
Your loss.
>Nintendo is doomed.
Exaggerating, but it's really bad for business yes.
Not anytime soon but definitely in the next couple of years.
So you'd rather buy a switch to play a couple of games than a computer that can play pretty much anything else? Nah. You didn't think this through.
Just because they're getting 35k/mo doesn't mean it's gonna progress the tech any faster, buddy.
You didn't think this through.
BotW is the #1 reason to buy a Switch right now, and for most people, it's the only reason. I doubt anyone wants to buy a Switch just to play BING BING WAHOO 1UP either.
Nice blog
Mobile poster detected.
You didn't think this through.
Falseflagging or literally retarded, can't tell.
That's not how this works. The physics are tied to the frame rate, and physics are 90% of the game. Other games that have 60fps hacks almost always have huge issues as a result, and most of those don't rely on physics in the way that BotW does. Not gonna happen.
Post the specs then, fag
>the cpu and videocard alone will set you back 1k
the rest of the pc costs 2k somehow
Are you stoned on poisonous fucking grasshoppers or something?
Anons believe this man
I fell for both memes hard
I only ended up playing a handful of games on wii u
And the switch is already a million times worse. We're a month in and there's only Zelda. The only thing to look forward to is fucking mario kart 8 again, and thats a month away.
>$4 per slide
that tiny shit doesn't count as a slide.
>to emulate at decent frames and the meme resolution you're going to need a PC that's at least close to $2000-3000, hell the CPU and Card alone will set you back 1k.
if the cpu and vid card set you back 1k where does the other 2k come from? you need 3 28" monitors and a 4tb ssd array to emulate fast?
>have to put in work to play a videogame
meh, i'd rather spend the money to do things now.
>poor people on my Sup Forums
>t. guy who doesn't know how computers work
>make 60 fps patch
>divide gravity by 2
gee that sure was hard
Wow, nobody thought of that before. You must be a genius.
no, you're just a moron if you think this is a complicated problem
They'll recover once switch exclusives come out. Or monster hunter.
Picross Touch is the best mobile game. 500+ satisfying picross puzzles with fun pictures for each. Plus the sound effects are really nice for some reason.
It came out in fucking 1998
Which is exactly why the 60fps hack for OoT works so well. Glad great minds like yours exist.
If it's that easy, why do these problems exist? Just add an /2 into one line of code, right?
By having other games that aren't also on Wii U. Congrats, you can emulate a dead console they've already abandoned.
I posted in the wrong thread sorry
Based on how poor the specs of Switch is
I think the emulator is not so far away
>normies sharing legit CEMU + BOTW on Facebook
it's NOT legit! it got virus and horse inside!
Wait what? Is it fully playable at 30fps now?
like what?
BING BING WAHOO 1-UP is not enough of a reason to buy an entire console, fuckboy
Not the same guy but monitors, keyboard, mouse, fans, power, hdd, all that good shit
How well is the last console to use a Nvidia chip's emulation?
>Pay 700$ for a pc
>Run cemu for BoTW
>MK8, Spla2oon, Xenoblade 2 and Mario Odyssey releases
>Stuck with 700$ pc playing indies on steam
>Just add an /2 into one line of code, right?
Yes. If you are doubling framerate by two then just divide any speed that depends on it by 2.
There are tons of old games that still are locked at 30fps while emulated, it's not that simple.
Its okay that your pc does nothing but emulate games
>not open source
And that's how we got an humongous botnet while people kept giving us money. kek.
Which of course is just a simple switch. Why didn't anybody think of it before you came along?
I built a pc that cost 700 burger dollars 4 years ago. Still rocking any game at 1080p 60fps.
It okay to be ignorant, just don't spread it.
Or he's just shilling for cemu as many other.
>So you'd rather buy a switch to play a couple...
You can't emulate the Switch, what the fuck are you talking about, Cemu is an emulator for the Wii U.
I'm pretty sure the single thread performance of even budget Pentium is more than enough for these emulators which tend to be very single core heavy from what I've seen.
I can literally go out right now and build a ps4 pro killer for exactly £400 which is about the price of a pro and can also run all Xbox games and Nintendo games by the looks of it now.
Do you have to reply every single post? Take a (You) for the effort, but this is cancerous as fuck.
I like guinea pigs
please reply to this post with pictures of guinea pigs.
Post specs and most played games then. I guarantee for that price you either stole parts or are lying.
Wow, Sup Forums continuously amazes me with how autistic the posters can get.
There are tons of games from the 80s and early 90s that run at 60fps, what's your point? The N64 and PS1 have notoriously bad framerates because they prioritized visuals because 3D being the selling point at that time. It's not like old games have low framerates and new ones have high framerates, it's about priorities and the general public want pretty games more than they want smooth framerates.
Not even the nintendo DS emulator is flawless atm, not even the ps3/wii U emulators are good yet lol
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""free"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" emulator
>implying people making over a quarter million dollars a year off of patreon would risk everything to infect you with a botnet
kek, if you open source cucks are so great why did it take a literal decade for dolphin to be in a playable state? why is the open source wii u emulator decaf complete shit?
This is such shitty abit but the irony is you dumb fucking morons are serious with it. It's like saying a movie is automatically shit if it isn't IMAX or 3D or a music album is shit because it's not using the latest techniques in studio production. Kill yourself you fucking retard.
hey friend you wanna show me botw running on your pc?
Terrible bait. I can pick up a rx 480 and Pentium combined for only £200.
they haven't even been invented yet you fucking idiot
woah there console peasant. no need to be so angry that 30fps lock is standard for consoles
>implying you're playing anything modern on that
if a movie ran at 10 fps every time the main character entered a village or more than 2 actors were on screen or if the movie ran at 2 fps if he entered a foggy forest i would be within my rights to complain.
Not going to happen in another 10 years.
Movies already run at only 24fps, the norm really should be alot higher.
I wish it was so easy, but until we see a Switch emulator Nintendo will do just fine mate.
>people won't buy a Switch for a first party Mario game
man Sup Forums lives on another world sometimes, swear to god
A better comparison would be people saying a movie is shit because it has no cutting edge cgi effects
by the time it's at the quality you're saying, new games will already be out and they'll be making money off of those
You've done nothing but given some nerds some money to reverse engineer you some scraps
Here's a video with a weaker gpu in modern games. It still runs games very well.
I just bought a haswell i5 prebuilt with 8gb ram for 170 bucks at fucking goodwill and put a power supply and an rx460 in it, barely spending 350 for a computer that can run literally anything i download at a very playable framerate and 1920x1080 with some tweaking, OH AND I DIDN'T HAVE TO SPEND 70 MORE DOLLARS ON ONE GAME, 80 FOR A CONTROLLER BECAUSE I OWNED ONE FROM A DIFFERENT MACHINE THAT WAS COMPATIBLE ANYWAYS, AND I GET A SCREEN MORE THAN 6 INCHES WIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also bought a wii u with that same money because i bought a machine that can fucking emulate.
0.6/10 for making me reply
By making an emulator of a console that's already been replaced for a game that has already sold well over a million units?
One pays for development cycles. The other are a bunch of IP thieves
>at a very playable framerate
That said way more than your rant. Computer is a piece of shit, heard you loud and clear.
Jesus fucking christ, just buy things