Looking back on Fallout 4

It's been a while since its release. What's your opinion on this game? Is it still worth buying, pros/cons, personal score, comparing with other Bethesda games etc.
(and try to bring solid arguments)

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I've only played Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Liked NV, 3 not so much, but was not impressed by either of them. Wanted to see if I should give up on the series for good or try Fallout 4.

Personally, the only thing I liked about it over any other Beth games is the combat mechanics. The shooting is actually decent, like a proper shooter. That said, everything else in the game is a huge disappointment. Exploration rarely yields anything interesting, plenty of lore-breaking and nonsensical shit even within the context of FO4 alone, a main quest that's only adequately long and does nothing interesting, faction quests are tedious and yields little reward, the DLCs are an atrocious waste of money, the RPG mechanics are severely dumbed down and, combined with the mediocre amount of choices and consequences that you can choose, results in most playthroughs being largely the same. The settlement building mechanics are interesting but, again, there's no reason for it because it doesn't lead to anything interesting save for being able to build your own town. There's nothing unique hidden in the settlement system at all.

It's just overall a big disappointment and feels more like a tech demo for them to showcase a few new mechanics than a proper sequel. Even the mods haven't been able to add much in terms of variety.

It's a fucking joke of an RPG and an even worse Fallout game. The only improvements are graphics (which isn't hard for a company that's reused assets from Morrowind) and at least an attempt at moral depth that fails due to shallowness.

Plus, outright ignorance of lore.

Same clunky engine, same boring gameplay. Only merit to it's name is a new fallout city and a new fallout story, both of which are very, very weak in this entry.

ill agree with this the shooting mechanics is the best its ever been almost a real shooter. however its still worse than stalker which came out before fallout 3. the weapon variety is disappointing and customization is a joke where one option is superior to every other. its still fun to stock up on ammo go kill shit, sell the loot to buy more ammo for your preferred gun then go kill shit in another area and repeat. the rpg elements are almost dead but the ingame rpg with lock on is fun to use.

You'll get more out of NV if you were a fallout fan before fallout 3 came out. Great game regardless though.

This was not a good game

Not really a fan of the series. I like the TES series a lot, but fallout is a very good series too, so I wanted to give it a try. I started out with 3, then shortly after tried NV. I think the factions were what made me prefer NV over 3, and the story which didn't feel as linear. But 3 wasn't bad either. I like good lore, writing, dialogue and characters with some depth. From what I hear though, 4 has very little of that.

>Is it still worth buying

only if you want a reskinned far cry game

I'd honestly take Far Cry 4 over FO4 any day.

So it's basically a good shooter sprinkled with the Fallout name and (altered) lore.

I fail to recognize any redeeming factor in this game. It's 100% shit with a few waifus sprinkled over it. They ruined pretty much everything that a Fallout game should have and focused on features that the game doesn't need.

The first half of NV is very linear actually. They just did a good job making it feel like the guard rails were down.

Try going to NV first thing, and you'll see how much the devs don't want you to do that.


that's a really nice way to say shitted on

I wouldn't say 'good' shooter, since it still has a multitude of bugs with collision, physics, etc. that would frustrate you. These result in sometimes being shot despite being in cover, being spotted despite being in cover, collision models being different from the visual models, and a lack of mechanics that makes it a good shooter, like being able to sprint in diagonal directions.

It's a decent shooter, in that the accuracy and damage calculations isn't as RNG as they were in FO3 and NV. You can reliably get into firefights without abusing VATS. If the game was held up against other dedicated shooters, even open world ones like FC4, it would be shat on hard.

I bought a used copy for 15€
played for couple weeks then re-sold it for 10€

if you compare to previous Fallout games, it's not as good
but it's not a bad game

An established nuclear family totally ruins the "do what you want" aspect of an open world sandbox RPG. A normal person won't wander around collecting scraps for crafting stuff and doing trivial fetch quests when their baby is at stake.

The enemy and loot system doesn't belong in Fallout. We're stuck with it just because some chump in the team liked Memelands so much.

Changing VATS was completely unnecessary.

Removing skills in favor of Skyrim-esque perks and a weird alliteration of SPECIAL was something nobody with a 3 digit IQ would ask for. Eventually you can increase all your SPECIAL to 10, you can achieve every essential perk with the same character. SPECIAL requirements of perks are inconsistent.

Every quest consists of raiding an area, killing everything and looting something an NPC asked you to. Synths are a retarded ass concept, "Father" is a retarded ass concept. Flying power armors is a retarded ass concept.

Fallout 4 is the kind of game that is designed with pure cynicism, Beth's only motivation was mass appeal and profit.

And it won't get any better.

So Fallout 4 is trying to be both Borderlands and FarCry, but failing at both, and butchering its own identity.

its a good shooter when compared to fallout 3 and new vegas. for a shooter released in 2015 its barely acceptable.

>Is it still worth buying
I assume you mean is it worth buying YET
I asked it like six months ago and got a "wait another year" response

think at this point its got all the official updates and dlc its going to get. if you havent bought it now just wait for the complete edition or pirate it and the dlc

still no complete edition wtf tod you faggot

too much content, got bored

>What's your opinion on this game?

Are there any sex mods yet? If not, the value of the game is zero.

What's funny is that the shooting mechanics were actually outsourced to id software.

Any source on that?

The settlement building, shooting mechanics, and mods were neat.

Beyond that, the game itself as a whole is somewhat disappointing.

it's garbage
it's fun as a "shoot and loot" game but if that's what you want you'd be better off playing borderlands or something
the story is so bad that the more you think about it the less sense it makes
the side quests are few and far between, and they are arranged in a way that you have little meaningful choice as to how you resolve them (sucking the fun out of replays)
it's also only related to the fallout mythos in name only, sharing very little in terms of lore with previous fallout games (a lot of things were retconned in fallout 4 solely because the writers don't care about the lore and wrote things as if fallout 4 is the first fallout game)
if you can get it for five bucks it's worth checking out but otherwise it's a complete mess

His reasoning is retarded but I did like that FO4 let you just walk away from a conversation like an autistic asshole.

>Story is a fucking joke
>Dialogue is shit
>Graphics are muddy with combat is cheap
>It's a generic game, riding the Fallout logo
>You could get fucked over for cheaper with a dildo

In short, it's hot garbage. If you're an autonomous casual who doesn't see anything wrong with Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you "might" get by with this game, but the game is severely lackluster, barely holding out on the settlement builder DLC, and had it not been for Reddit, then the game would have tanked, and the team would've been disciplined or Bethesda would have even hired a more competent team. The game had the graphics of Skyrim, and the plot of fifth grader, brittle with ADHD and insecurity issues basing a lifestyle from ABC Family, and an "Open World" where you can walk from one side to the other before finishing a number 2 steak combo from Taco Bell. Fallout 4 was buggy from the release, and when people finally got through the broken start, they, then, realized how shallow, repulsing, and unpolished the game truly was. The Witcher III set the bar, but Fallout 4 couldn't meet the standard.

Fallout 3 was alright, New Vegas was solid as is the Original Fallout, and Fallout 2 had the best Plot, by far, and quality isometric gameplay, definitely a title worthy of being the face of the RPG genre. If you want to play a modern game, however, then look for a different series, because Fallout is a dried up Oasis.

At least they got Doom right

I haven't played this since Nuka World was released. Did the modding scene grow or die since then?

Fallout 4.
If you enjoy role playing at all, don't even bother.
If you enjoy dicking around and shooting shit, Fallout 4 is definitely the game for you.

I'm gonna go against the popular opinion to say I really enjoyed it.

The main story.... Isn't the best. I'll admit it's the weakest Fallout story so far, *but* there's a lot of nice little human elements in the side stories and companions to make up for it. Piper is my waifu. Nick will always have your back.

Honestly, where the game becomes very enjoyable is in the mechanics. Play survival mode, don't fast travel everywhere like an NCRfag, put effort into your settlements, mod it the hell out (some of the mods are great).

It's not for everyone, but I like it. Then again, I'm a massive fag for loving the idea of the Lone Wanderer dying! at the end of Fallout 3.

If you're looking for a better RPG go with Fallout New Vegas or Pillars of Eternity or something. If you're looking for a better shooter, go with CSGO or whatever shooterpeople like. If you're looking for a better mod-game, go Skyrim. BUT, Fallout 4 is IMVHO a good game, a great game. Not the best game in the world, but very enjoyable.

It gets so fucking boring so quickly. Once you beat the main storyline there's nothing to really do since it becomes a generic open-world Bethesda fuck fest.

I'm pretty sure they just had id Software guys advising them, not directly working on the shooting mechanics.

Visuals and combat gameplay are very good, but the story is awful and the world largely feels sterile and themepark-ish. The lack of roleplaying elements is the worst offender though.

Thanks Todd


I know it's not even correct but that's what I think. I like them all a lot.


i.e. not outsourced

Mods literally fix it. Would recommend buying it on sale though unless you are really in need of something to play.

Lack of decent story but passable game play with survival mode. Graphics, dialogue are a joke compared to older fallout games. World is large enough to keep you busy though.

Without useful mods 5/10

With useful mods 7/10

Only EVER consider buying the DLC on sale.

it's a glorified action adventure game with decent shooting mechanics.

Other than that It's shit rpg/fallout game.

Locations were shit
Vaults were shit
Fractions were shit
Choices shit

playing it on survival made it better.

Fallout 4 is a fun open-world shootemup. It suffers from being a mile wide and an inch deep, nothing matters in the same way nothing in Skyrim mattered. Dump all your SPECIAL in INT so you level up faster cause you can't specialize, there's no level cap. They improved on a couple things, the companions are more likeable, the shooting is better, crafting is better. Settlements are tacked on and clearly a last minute thought.

>The shooting is actually decent, like a proper shooter
It's worse than shooters decade ago.
Somehow even worse than new vegas

forgot to add: Bethsoft totally fucked up modding, making it a pain in the ass to just use nexus. They did this to try to force you to ise their shitty mod site. Dick move Todd.

>FO4 let you just walk away
It didn't.
It was NOT a valid dialogue option, it just stopped or reset the conversation, without the NPC acknowledking you ever walking away.

>scrap a few desk fans
>have all the materials needed for water purification machines
>scrap an oil can or two
>make perfectly working generators to power them
>infinite water healing items
why didnt your dad in fallout 3 just throw away a few fucking fans to clean all the water

But it's totally doable. I made a Luck 10 character with no other redeemable qualities. Her goal was to hit NV because peoole always told her she was Lady Luck herself. She got into NV after destroying the shitty casino outside, and donned the gambler's outfit and became the richest person in New Vegas.
Good play through, and I only killed three things.

The game is a hot heap of trash. I wanted it to be good, don't know why I got hyped. I'm done with Bethesda.

Because, chucklemonkey, the purifier in 3 is trying to purify an entire fucking seaboard

The ones you make in 4 syphon and purify some water to make it bottleable and drinkable, it doesn't improve the overall quality of the water it is in.

I hate that game but at the same time I love it, there is some kind of charm to it, can't explain it.

>the purifier in 3 is trying to purify an entire fucking seaboard

You mean the ocean that the total amount of fissible material ever mined on Earth can't possibly turn as toxic as it's portrayed to be? And purify it of the super-heavy radioactive end products that sink to the bottom due to water being extremely light in comparison?

>The main story.... Isn't the best. I'll admit it's the weakest Fallout story so far,
How can it be worse than F3?

No. The fucks making FOSE quit and went to work on one for Skyrim Remastered instead.

You don't even need 10 luck to do it

Nope, but it was better that way.

It's a average game, but terrible fallout game. They stripped out a lot of the good shit from previous games. (Different ammo types, skills, shoehorned in a voiced protagonist and 4 dialogue options at all times.) Also retconned a bunch of lore.

Do not buy the dlcs unless you get them on sale. They're awful. Far harbor is basically point lookout 2: electric boogaloo, and nuka world is Bethesda trying to shoehorn in a evil choice since they had none in the base game. Automatron let's you build robot companions and has a small questline and the rest are shitty extra settlement stuff that a modder could have easily made.

Its a fun game but just barely average

What is worst is that they tried to appeal to the RPG audience and the casual audience, so instead of having one good game that focuses on one aspect, we get a terrible RPG and a mediocre action shooter

I would've prefered if they ditched the RPG elements and just made cutscenes because this game really needed them

Still waiting for a GOTY edition of some sort. To those who played it: is the stroy better or worse than F3?

Better but that's not saying much

It also handles final battles better than any other 3D FO game

>Hoover Dam's armies consist of 10 dudes
>The Enclave is apparently made out of 20 dudes and Liberty Prime takes care of 19 of them for you

If there is something i still remember having a lot of fun with in FO4 was the BoS assaulting the Castle and taking Liberty Prime away from the BoS as the Institute

>price has barely dropped

Is a pacifist run possible?

No, the game has forced boss fights (AKA: Kellogg and the Courser)

There is no pacifism option, which is why i don't bother with charisma

Well fuck that. What kind of RPG is this?

Is not an RPG. If you look at FO4 on steam and on some review sites, they have removed the RPG tag from it.

Its an action shooter with RPG elements (Leveling up, XP, Perks which are just number tweaks). There is just an illusion of choice here, all conversations are made for you to fall back into the same loop of "Kill, loot, return" which makes some conversations akward as fuck since there is no back and forth, is just a character explaining shit to you and you just react to it

Let me put it this way, if you enjoyed FO3 then this may be GOTY for you, if you enjoyed NV more then i suggest you stay the fuck away from this

It's still garbage, all they did was improve the combat to mediocre FPS levels while being three steps back on everything else

Fucking despicable and asinine that when the series started I think it was Brian Fargo that said something like he "Wanted to show the world and communities in a post-apocalyptic universe rather than make a game where you shoot a better plasma gun" and now that is exactly what is fucking happening

>Is it still worth buying
It was hardly worth the pirate tbfh

I've enjoyed NV and Pillars of Eternity, anyone can recommend some good RPGs to me? I really want to play a good one

the sad thing is that I want to play something similar to fallout 4 or say oblivion, but not made by the retards of bethesda.

I noticed they added an actual survival/hardcore mode. I pirated it at release but the survival mode then just meant everything had even more health and stimpacks weren't instant.
Is it any good or is it still shit?

Pirated it, played it, admittedly had some fun on the first playthrough after installing a few dozen mods to fix the worst of it.
But there's zero replayability.
Every playthrough is pretty much the same.

I have 600 hours in New Vegas and still replay it now and again, but on FO4 every playthrough is the same.You pretty much pick the same perks, go the same route, have the same dialogue, and the only roleplay-aspect is if you're SARCASTC or not.

Bullet spongey tedium

Thanks. Is the base building still finickity as h*ck to get things to go where you want them to? Does adding defences to a base do anything yet? When I played no matter how many walls and turrets you placed, they wouldn't do anything if you weren't physically at the settlement if it got attacked.

Don't even bother they don't patch the game anymore and they expect the modders to do everything

Nothing in this game works without a mod that allows it to do so

Also if you want a settlement to be attacked while you are not there you are required to not have defenses which is retarded

>within an hour of getting out of the vault you have a set of power armor, minigun and have already slain a deathclaw
i never even finished the game, but i feel like the pacing of it is already wrong

Don't know why but I found the game quite comfy and managed to get 300h into it.
Don't think I will be replaying it in anytime soon as it offers very little replay value.
The dialogue is shit, gameplay is pretty good but the rpg elements sucks.
Ýou can't just say fuck it and kill everyone.
You can't decide not to help the minutemen and leave them to die.

Option 1: Easy
>Go through Hidden Valley towards the area with the centaurs.
>Run up the rocks to the left and jump over the fence.
>Head up the path to Black Mountain.
>When the path loops back around jump down the rocks.
>Hold W or press the auto-walk button.
>Point camera vaguely north.
Congratulations, you are now in New Vegas!

Option 2: Medium
>Either tag Lockpicking or have enough Perception that you can pick an easy lock with Mentats.
>Go into the school house in Goodsprings.
>Pick the safe's lock.
>Take the Stealth Boy.
>Follow the path out of Goodsprings towards Sloan.
>Activate Stealth Boy.
>Sneak past deathclaws.
>Point camera vaguely north.
>Hold W.
Congratulations, you are now in New Vegas!

Option 3: Ultradeath Mega Nightmare
>(Recommended) Use the glitch where you cripple your legs by jumping off something and then load a quick save in the same frame to get 1.5x speed.
>Run north from the cemetery.
>By running as high up the side of the valley walls as you can you avoid the cazadors because they can't reach you.
>Pray to God they don't murder you when you have to change sides whenever there is a turn in the valley.
>Hopefully you made it through the valley alive.
>You are now in the National Park.
>Point camera vaguely east.
>Hold W.
>Aggro Cook-Cook and have him incinerate you.
Congratulates, you are now in New Vegas!

Three alternate paths to New Vegas. Two of them are very easy to achieve.
You will also be super underlevelled when you get there because the developers clearly intended you to take the Primm > Nipton > Novac > Boulder City route.

If you've seen every episode of South Park and don't mind turn-based jrpg combat, Stick of Truth is decent, if a bit simplistic when it comes to the actual gameplay. It's also Obsidian's least buggy game.

I liked it. But it is not a good Fallout game. Also Hancock.

4/10 looter shooter

Somehow not as good as fallout 3.

>thinking either that power armor or minigun will get you anywhere

You can still easily get fucked up by the Deathclaw and the armor won't carry you very far

Tyranny? It's also made by obsidian, though It isn't as good as PoE. It's short but does have quite a bit of replay value.

>For the people, by the people

pretty decent honestly
Better than 3, but not even close to NV, imo.

>Fallout 3
>scramble around the ruins of D.C. at a slow pace while pursuing an engaging (albeit roleplay inhibiting) main quest and struggling to survive

>New Vegas
>scramble around a desert wasteland at a slow pace while pursuing an engaging and roleplay-friendly main quest and struggling to survive

>Fallout 4
It feels like a fucking Borderlands game. The cartoony color palette, the zany weapon design, everything.

It's autistically fun.

Try 15 minutes (^:

if you can get it for 5 or 10 bucks, it's worth it. the gunplay is better than 3 or nv and crafting weapons is cool. everything else is worse than 3 and nv.

>It feels like a fucking Borderlands game
Hey there fag Borderlands games are fun

It's a shit RPG, a shit Fallout game, and an alright survival/shooter game with mods. Story is shit, but the gunplay and power armor make it at least fun for a few hours. If you have autism, building settlements can also be pretty fun.

>an alright survival/shooter game with mods
so a shit game without mods?

It's a garbage like every other 3D Fallout.

did those dudes die from like exposure to radiation?

wait what are the useful mods?

It's an okay building simulator.
It's not a good Fallout though, nor is it a good rpg.
I see it as "DayZ/Rust" singleplayer

>not picking option 3 and using the overpowered as fuck weapons you get at the start from the dlc packs
>not using the overpowered grenade launcher to rape the cazadors
>not collecting all the bounties so you have a shit ton of money at the beginning of the game

I think it had a lot of great ideas but they either weren't fully fleshed out or were poorly implemented from the start.

The game doesn't try to do much in the way of making Fallout more interesting and is content with it just being a game about looting familiar landmarks and fucking off with the rest. Some of the locations are great but don't have anything to do more than spelunking. The game even throws you into a raider Fight Club and instead of a side quest they just all bumrush you, die, and you get a free companion.

Companions were watered down compared to New Vegas, but still a step in the right direction compared to 3's shitshow.

New perk/special system isn't as terrible as I thought it would be, but it does rob from the nuance of the system a little bit and makes minmaxing too effective.

Factions were garbage, but it's bethesda

"not picking option 3 and using the overpowered as fuck weapons you get at the start from the dlc packs"
>playing on very easy