Does anyone on Sup Forums unironically like this character? She's a drug head and doesn't do anything positive in the story. Her relationship with Max is basically having her help pay off her drug debt with the option of stealing donations for handicapped people. She's got a nasty attitude and fools around with gun she stole from her step dad (who's actually the only one who is actively investigating what happened to Rachel, the only other person Chloe seems to care about besides herself). It was pure poetic justice when that bullet ricocheted into her and the way I see it the whole story was for Max to realise that Chloe was a worthless piece of shit who should have died. Boohoo her perfect dad died in a car crash, that's no excuse.
Does anyone on Sup Forums unironically like this character...
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dude weed lmao
The game is shit and people only like it because they want to fuck the characters.
We are all connected on a deeper plane of existence
Nah, it's pretty comfy and the characters are entertaining. The only character I'd want to fug is Dana, who is actually a slut anyway.
chloe is literally an angsty 17 year old
you CANNOT tell me you didnt know one growing up
>Nah, it's pretty comfy
I hate this meme
Try playing it. It really has a nice easy going pace for most of it. Something to relax with and it has a bit of replay value as well.
She's older than that, and she's a criminal.