DaS > BB = DaS3 > DeS >> DaS2

DaS > BB = DaS3 > DeS >> DaS2

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Objectively correct. Well done.

The only reason you rate DaS1 so highly is because it was the first souls game on PC. The boss fights are mediocre at best in the first half, and the second half completely shits the bed both in connectivity, atmosphere but level design as well.

Did you even play DeS?
DeS = BB > DS3 = DaS > DS2

>first half of DaS1
T. Drakesworder

Do you know how to read? The bosses were mediocre at best, the world and level design in the first half is the best its ever been in the series. That doesn't change the bosses - or the fact that both BB and DaS3 have better gameplay than 1.

he probably summoned every boss as well


I love the coop aspect of the series and unlike the autist spergs on Sup Forums that can't afford to pay for things I don't only experience the game via single player.

DS2 had the most consistent coop so it's where I ended up spending most of my time after the nightmare of "SUMMONING FAILED" that DS was.

Each game is fantastic though. I'm regularly being summoned for the Demon Prince bossfight these days.

Pretty weak reasoning just so you can believe there aren't people who prefer X over Y

I've played the game and series more than you ever will, I can fucking guarantee that to you.

agreed. DaS is definitely the best offering. The rest aren't terrible, just not as good as DaS

>tfw started playing a day ago
>tfw got stuck on capra demon and lost the will to play



Tenchu 3 > Tenchu > Tenchu 2 > DS > BB

Objectively I would say BB/DS3>DS1>DS2>DeS
Personally I would say DS1>DS2>BB>DeS>DS3

But who cares anyway? All are great games, and we have this thread 20 times per day.


That's why you take the key as your starting gift user

Avoid the Capra entirely. His room is shit.

he becomes a regular enemy later on but he's shit without his safespace

BB>DaS>Nioh>Let it die>DaS3>DeS>DaS2>Lords of the fallen>Salt and Sanctuary

I was dropped on my head as a baby a few times yes.

No, they're right. The game is very much meh tier in the first half.
The first half bosses are so easy that it's incredibly boring, not difficult in any way.

Most people here probably rate DaS so high because it was their first time experiencing the hype of souls games.

For the millionth time it is BB>DaS>DeS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS2&3

This is objectively correct the entire argument ends here

Aquire isn't From and Way of the Samurai is way more similar to Souls games than Tenchu ever was.


Good choice lads.

no it ended at the first post. DaS > BB forever.

Which game is better to play as a Hunter and which game is better to play as a Pyromancer? Between these two DS1 & DS3

>second half completely shits the bed both in connectivity, atmosphere but level design as well

and also literally

How can anyone tout DaS as the best? It's a half finished game. You must have a very low opinion of the series if it is in your number 1 spot.

DeS>BB>King's Field 4>DaS3>DaS1>DaS2

stay delusional and stop samefag defending op

my nigga

From owns the property and a lot of their team worked on Tenchu.

I played in release order, but skipped BB, so I'll omit it.
>with nostalgia:
Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Demon's Souls
>without nostalgia:
Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls

Is anyone else feel up with all the BB shilling? The game is literally built for Tumblr-browsing steampunk loving Dr. Whovians and it doesn't deserve to be along with the rest of them.


You clearly played DeS last

DAS3 is the single greatest video game ever made.

I played Demon's Souls first. Not even nostalgia can make that game better than any of the others. Being a lesser entry doesn't mean it's a bad game, though, unless you happen to be a memespouting retard that thinks DS2 is literally 2/10.

>played in release order
>rates DeS at the bottom in both cases
explain yourself

Chibi Souls all star game when?

I'm okay with this ranking, yes.

BB > DaS > DeS > DS3 > DS2

Everything else is debatable, but DS2 is unequivocally the worst Souls game, unless you're a PVP fag.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3

>new posts saying BB is better
>unique IP counts aren't rising.

Too easy
Too many brokenly good and/or easily obtainable items
Too much Izalith tier level design
Broken PvP system
Terrible performance even for a console game
Too many very important items gated behind MMO tier droprates (bladestone)

It's not a bad game at all but it's inferior to every other entry in every way.

>capra demon
i never understood why people though the was hard, just use a shield on the dogs and RB them and circle around capra demon with holding your shield and just attack from behind, i beat him with a rapier

The best games are non-sequels

So DaS, DeS, and BB. The order doesn't matter that much, but DaS2 and DaS3 above anything but each other is objectively shit taste

No, actually.
my taste>your taste

Tenchu 1 > 3 > 2

I liked Wrath of Heaven, but stupid cutscenes during boss fights kind of pissed me off sometimes, Onikage fights were bullshit.

Tesshu's campaign was GOAT though, a shame it was so short.

This. Probably the best PvP, but easily the worst PvE.

Incredibly close, but
DaSI = BB > DaSIII > DeS = DaSII

Does King's Field 4 really play like the Souls games?

BB=DaS1> I dont care >>>>>>>>>>>>>DaS2


There are plenty of reasons why it's not inferior. Just to name the two most cringey arguments you made:
>terrible performance
wew, every single souls game on ps3 struggled to that degree. That's not at all a fair comparison and the lag was not game breaking in any way.
>broken PVP system
You're must be incredibly bad at the game and/or have third world internet if you consider this.

DeS doesn't have meme mechanics employed by future souls games due to people being used to DeS

DeS has the best music
DeS had World and Soul Tendency mechanics which were awesome
DeS's multiple playthroughs make sense
Demons had plenty of great viable builds for PvP and the best/balanced Invading

Most of all, DeS has a proper story

This is the truth, all dark souls games other than the first one are unnecessary, and shit

Now that's a ranking

Last Raven>Silent Line>4>4Answer>Verdict Day>5>Nine Breaker>3>Nexus

I went and played it prior to Das2 coming out. You will be surprised at how many similarities there are, including characters being human, completing an objective, and then returning to find them hollow.

The world design was top notch in KF4, plenty of shortcuts and hidden content. You move very slow so I recommend removing the framelimit in emulation to increase movement speed when backtracking.

It's a solid game that I think Souls fan may even like if they returned to it, which I hope people do.

It was great to play as Onikage in multiplayer though. His combos were ruthless.

My friend got so pissed at me using him, he threw a PS2 controller at my head and said I was using cheats.

DaS2 > DaS1 (didn't play the others)

Ds1 had sorta a better world/uniqueness to many weapons, but the rolling/rolling animations were anime floaty garbage. Online was bad, and the game was poorly optimized. DaS2 Scholar looks great, co-op/multiplayer was far better, barring hexes, fun gimmick styles like the great shields combo, powerstancing, left or right handed weapons was also far better. The story felt a little less magical than ds1 and sone areas did feel a little short/outta place, like some enemies, but das2 for me was far better, especially the optimization of the game. Can run it on my craptop pretty well. Even better fashion.

>DaS2 > DaS1 (didn't play the others)

Opinion discarded.

DaS will never be better than BB considering Lost Izalith exists.

so i just came to the irithyll and getting my shit pushed in

im a dark souls baby but this is fucking retarded, those curved sword faggots drains my entire stamina if i block, i can roll like 7 times and still they spam their shitty spin attack that hits me 100 % of the time even when im rolling behind them

i have no idea what am i doing wrong

only time i can beat em is when i literally spamm attack and hope to got i hit them 1st

>Best music
No it doesn't.
>World and Soul tendency
I don't and didn't like these mechanics.
>Multiple playthroughs make sense
Because they don't in the other games...?
The game had one build: backstab fisher.

If you are a mouthbreathing memespouter that is upset I ranks DS over DS2: grow up and get fucked.

I don't have the other games/can't run em. Id get em if I could play em

Yes, I understand. Your opinion on the serie is still unimportant because of this.

>all these people with DeS near the bottom
Fuck you guys

>all these people disagreeing DaS1 is best
>When none of the other games had the awesome interconnected world that made DaS1 feel like an adventure.

>all of these people holding opinions I do not

Demon's Souls is still the best, prove me wrong?
I'll fight you

DeS > DaS > DaS2 > BB >>> DaS3


You should be asking: Do the Souls games really play like King's Field?

The answer is yes.

DeS > DaS > BB = DaS3 >> DaS2

This is correct

It's already been confirmed that BB is the best souls game and you cant disprove it

I only recently realized why DaS2 has retarded difficulty spikes and it made me realize just how fucking dumb the devs are.

2 over BB? Shittiest taste of all time lmao

Goddamn what happened to the fucking art.

More like

DaS = BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

DaS = BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2.

DaS3 = BB > DaS > DeS >>>> DaS2

DaS3 = BB > DaS2 > DaS

That's the fucking truth. DaS is still fantastic but you guys are delusional if you think that game is better than the sequels.

Now this is the correct opinion


I love dark souls 2 not only because it's a great game, but because seeing people rate it ridiculously low or incessantly complain about it is the easiest, most accurate way to tell who is a cancerous e-celeb posting undesirable. The game was hardly ever shit on until the YouTube "famous" mongs started whining about it.

Now that all the dlc is out

BB > DaS3 = DaS > DaS2 > DeS

Finally someone with good taste.

I think DeS and DaS2 are the worst Souls games but they're both still fantastic games. I think bosses are what the games do best, so I rate BB and DaS3 the highest with DaS1 sitting comfortably in the middle.

Lost Kingdoms >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DaS > BB = DaS3 > DeS >> DaS2

BB just felt bland. It felt like everyone had a dex build. I felt no reason to make a 2nd character. It just felt bland. It was fun, sure, but it felt just bad.

Dark Souls lore and story content is garbage. Mechanically Demon's very much does fall in last place, but the lore, story, and world of demon's souls is leagues above dark souls's mildly atmospheric garbage where everything is nebulous and deliberately vague so you can pull bullshit like "the fire brings everything together it warps space and time its totally all canon guys muh ages and muh souls".
The stories within each game are pretty alright, the histories of important figures, but half-assed continuity between the games and pretty much the whole latter half of 3 + the DLC just fucks the overall consistency of the dark souls universe

good to see someone has their head screwed on

Dark Souls 2 > Dark Souls 3

For three reasons alone

1)The magic system is genuinely good
2)The story is much better and more fulfilling than the fanfiction we got with DS3
3)Atleast Dark Souls 2 remembered to turn on FUCKING POISE1

Dark Souls 3 is a Bloodborne skin at best.

>1)The magic system is genuinely good

meh, magic is boring in every souls game desu.

>3)Atleast Dark Souls 2 remembered to turn on FUCKING POISE1

still turned out pretty good in 3 because you dont usually get interrupted after you start attacking with a big weapon anyways. some weapons also had weapon arts to "tank" the attacks.

>Dark Souls 3 is a Bloodborne skin at best.
Just way worse and with alot of copied material from DaS1.

Best taste Ive seen on this board so far, proud of you OP

To be fair. Dark Souls 3 steals so much from Dark Souls 1 that it just feels like a worse version of the first game in many places. Hell, it didn't even take the best things like stamina.