Kinda lost on what I'm supposed to do in this game. I beat King Slime and Eye of Cthulhu, only because I looked them up on the wiki (otherwise wouldn't know how to summon them). I found the skeleton boss and the bee boss in the jungle but they both rape my asshole since my ice blade does shitty damage. How do you get better weapons early on? I often find blocks I can't destroy, what's up with that? Also somewhere I read that floating islands are a thing and that you should find them as soon as possible, but to find them I apparently need a gun which can be only found in chests (20 hours in and I never found one).
Basically I'm stuck, any tips Sup Forums?
Kevin Jones
Mine ore, smelt ore, get better stuff. Explore to find chests to find good shit.
Jacob Nguyen
Just burrow straight down next to your base and explore any cave you run into. Look for Wooden buildings in the caves to find chests. If you're not sure what a material can be crafted into, give it to the Guide. Some blocks require a good enough pick to dig, although some can be blown up. Floating isles are easy to find with a gravitation potion (I have no idea what you're saying about a gun in this context).
Adam Phillips
Get a gold / platinum / meteorite armor if you don't have one already
You can also farm the eye of chtulu and crimson or demonite armor
Try going after the eater of worlds now, or the brain of chtulu (depending on whether your world has corruption or crimson). You should forget about the queen bee and skeletron until you have 400 health.
Ian Wood
summon eater of worlds with 15 rotten chunks and 30 vile powder (6 vile shrooms) or brain of cthulhu with vertebrates and the crimson shrooms
Kevin Edwards
All of these. Constantly explore, mine, and look for more weapons/tools/resources. Also give all your materials to the Guide to see what you can make with it. Doing so tells you what kind of furniture is needed to make said item as well.
Jayden Morris
>I have no idea what you're saying about a gun in this context I read somewhere that there's a special ammo type for guns that bounces back and is supposedly the easiest way to find them
>You should forget about the queen bee and skeletron until you have 400 health I have 400 health and I still get destroyed
Ian Foster
Explore a lot, experiment with fishing, make yourself a happy little village. Find the Corruption/Crimson area, only one type spawns in your world, you'll know what they are, bring some dynamite or bombs. Break the orbs/hearts you see in the tunnels of those areas, but be prepared to fight a boss when you break the 3rd one. Exploring will let you slowly get better gear as you mine and find some good chests, the bosses can give pretty good loot too. Typical early progression is Eye -> Corruption/Crimson -> Skeleton -> Underground Jungle -> Hell
Parker Clark
Without spoiling, to get that ammo, break the floating orbs like I said There's a chance something will happen, and you'll be able to craft that ammo from the result.
Wyatt Sanders
Actually the only thing the Guide doesn't tell you is what kind of workbench is needed (unless there's been some recent update). In those cases check the wiki. Wiki is quite handy in most cases anyway.
Jack Campbell
Guide does in fact tell you what kind of furniture/crafting resource you need to make something.
Ayden Davis
Make sure to build the Apache helicopter if you haven't already
You'll probably want a joystick or HOTAS to help fly it
Nathan Murphy
pic related
Grayson Collins
there are NO fucking apache helicopters in terraria.
Ryder Jenkins
Well fuck me, never noticed that. Thanks
Juan Garcia
Then what is this?
Carson Williams
I see a blank image.
Asher Evans
To make early game more fun - sell useless ores (especially demonite/crimtane from farming Eye of Cthulhu) and buy bombs, they make exploring way more fun albeit a little dangerous. Combine them with slimes to get sticky bombs which are more fun. Get into alchemy and make a little flower garden from the planter platforms the dryad sells. Potions aid you immensely, light and spelunker is a must.
Nicholas Wilson
Yes there is. It's got really good physics.
Jacob Morgan
Just get some boss order list and wiki them
Levi Morales
A Robinson R-22
Cameron Hill
Want a good sword early on? Explore the overworld, looking for a single spaced hole going straight down, and follow it. It'll lead to a sword in a stone, which you can hit with your pick. I think if it's a blueish sword in the stone, you'll get the enchanted sword, which is literally the Master Sword. Of its not blue, you won't get anything
Wyatt Bailey
Also, if a weapon or an accessory says it's a material, then you should save it. Unless you know it isn't good for anything.
Grayson Bailey
It's kind of new, one of the 1.2s I think.
As others have said, mine and explore. 400 is your max for now, but it chamges later. Next boss is the Corruption/Crimson one, best way to go about it is to get explosoves and blast your way through the blocks to the Orbs. Break'em with a hammer. I'm gonna guess that you have Gold or Platinum gear by now, so that should be your next stop. Be careful, since brraking 3 spawns a boss. You might be able to handle it, but if you don't want to then try finding a Magic Mirror in underground Golden Chests, or an Ice Mirror in blue ones. You'll probably have a Goblin Invasion soon, once that's beaten you can find a new NPC underground who'll sell two extremely useful items, the Tinkerer's Workbench and Rocket Boots. Save up money for them.
Here's a list of good items to have before Hard Mode:
>Hermes Boots (Golden Chests) >Magic Mirror (Golden Chests, Ice Mirror do in Blue Chests are basically the same) >Lifeform Analyser (Sold by Travelling Merchant, EXTREMELY useful) >Metal Detector (50% drop from a rare spawn underground, another VERY useful item) >Stopwatch (TM) >DPS Meter (TM) >Radar (Wooden Chests) >Tally Counter (Drop from Dungeon, need to beat Skeletron to gain access) >Rocket Boots (From Post-Goblin NPC) >Water Walking Boots (Found in Underwater Chests, which are easiest to find in the oceans. Not guaranteed to be in them, may not be in world. Extremely useful for last Pre-Hardmode boss) >Obsidian Skull (Useful for the Underworld, made from Obsidian, have to have Corruption-Level pickaxe to mine, I think.) >Lava Charm (Golden Chests, may be from ones found lower down) >Cobalt Shield (Dungeon Chests, useful for early Melee Builds, VERY useful later on >Cloud/Blizzard/Sandstorm in a Bottle (Found in Golden/Blue Chests/ Underground Pyramid Chest, if a Pyramid spawns. Gives Double Jump, simple enough. Blizzard and Sandstorm give a bigger boost. >Aglet (Useful, keep one)
Camden Mitchell
>Anklet of the Wild (Jungle Chests, useful) >Shiny Red Baloon (Sky Island) >Golden Horseshoe (Sky Island)
Most all of these can in some way with another be combined at the Tinkerer's Workshop, leading to better items that save space.