Name a better boss than this in the entire soulsgames.
Pro tip you can't
Name a better boss than this in the entire soulsgames
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Explain to me objectively why Gundyr is the best and not just yet another rehash of "le fast attacking human man" boss?
Why is he better than Allant, Gwyn, Gehrman, Gael, etc.
He is kinda easy even without parries to be honest
*hurrah for parries!*
deacons of the deep gg no re
>Explain to me objectively why Gundyr is the best and not just yet another rehash of "le fast attacking human man" boss?
>Why is he better than all these other le fast attacking human men?
Makes the neurons fire.
Gehrman is on par with him. Its a semi-humanoid with a weapon similar to one that you could have (with a similar moveset), no bullshit moves, and just badass in general.
Even Gwyn and Gehrman are better
the best bosses in Soulsborne are Ludwig and Orphan no contest
?????? That's exactly his point you stupid illiterate inbreed mongoloid. What makes him so different from the ten other bosses he mentioned?