>He doesn't main an Uchiha
He doesn't main an Uchiha
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Would you rather be edgelord Sasuke, Cringelord Naruto, or fucking useless (Sakura).
>He still keeps up with Naruto
Who are the last two on the right?
really makes you think
Sakura's a shit mother.
One of them is definetly Shisui.
The other one is Kagami maybe?
i think is just the idiot doing the manga
>Naruto artist is literally so gay, he drew a whole clan of gay bishonen emo boys he can fap to
>adult people watch this disgusting shit
Jesus Christ.
Who? I don't remember them.
>maining easy mode characters
That's how you know you're playing against a shitter
He was the Uchiha who worked under the Second Hokage.
I can't believe I remember this shit lol.
I main Rock Lee all day erry day.
I technically do I guess, as I love playing as goofy Tobi.
Jesus what the hell is up with those heels?
So many newfags main Uchiha. It's pretty easy to kick their ass and harvest their Sharingans, despite the uncommon drop rate.
He was Tobiramas cover, "I can't be racist against Uchihas, I have a Uchiha friend!"
He doesn't accept Jashin as his lord and savior
naruto sucks.
I can't remember any character's names, but when the one eye leader guy was trapped in a bubble by the bandaged guy with the big steel sword... if they could have kept that theme throughout the series, it would have been an amazing anime/manga
It's kind of ironic that the Uchiha presented as the ultimate edgelord at the start ended up being the least edgy Uchiha other than his best friend.
I want to marry Mitzuki
Eat shit niggerposter
I fucking love Naruto, fight me
I haven't played storm since 2. They have like no combos in the latest one. I'm pretty sure there used to be a combo when you held left or right while mashing circle.
I understand making the game fair and all but it just doesn't feel fun at all. Maybe it's because I'm a casual to the series.
>he doesn't main rukia
>>He doesn't main an Uchiha
>The biggest bunch of homosexuals in the series
I main blue outfit fireball jutsu PTS Sasuke
reminder that Naruto ended 4 years ago
>3 million episodes
>Keep hitting filler after filler and stop around 120 episode
They could have condensed that shit and they know it, holy fuck that series.
I still can't believe Orochimaru got away with literally everything.
Guy spent entire series as Ninja Mengele and personally responsible for killing the 3rd Hokage, but since he helps out at the final battle he's pardoned and his kid is even allowed to attend Ninja school with everyone else's kids.
>He mains Uchiha's
>I'm pretty sure there used to be a combo when you held left or right while mashing circle.
That's all the combos in all the games
Implying that wasn't his master plan all along.
Wow this is fucking horrible. The whole outfit is just ugly.
reminder that naruto ended on the pain saga and literally everything that came after it stopped being naruto
easy money my dude, it annoys fans but rakes in the cash
who are the four literally whos in the background?
I main black outfit fireball jutsu kirin sasuke
Akatsuki Tobi is dope as FUCK in Revolution when you play him awakening mode
>Not maining coolest character
Shisui being the coolest uchiha, as always.
Every single other Uchiha is shit. Itachi is tolerable due to association.
Reminder that naruto shippuden was never naruto and naruto ended after chuunin exams arc
It hurts to admit how right you are. Sage Mode and the half-body Susanoo is where their powers should have peaked.
People can still be powerful without Sharingan hax
No, there's only all circle, Up circle and down circle. That's the extent of the ground combos besides tilt and circle(which rarely hits). There used to be a side circle combo as well but it's cut out. I kinda wish they would make it have more combos at least.
Reminds me of how the latest dbz game is a piece of shit cause the combos are lame. Meanwhile bt3 and even b3 had tons of combos and techniques you could use.
>Orochimaru's cum-sleave
maybe in the future there will be a naruto-kai, like dragon ball z
Don't play that game with me man. I'm following Naruto since 2003 and to me it ended when Sasuke just couldn't get back home.
>They could have condensed that shit and they know it
No they couldn't, retard. The anime was coming out at the same time as the manga, the filler is because it kept catching the source material
>Kills entire clan
>7 in picture
friendship and forgiveness
Coolest Ultra Combo coming through.
Bitch please, we all know that Shikamaru is the patrician choice.
This is how I tell people how to watch Naruto when they ask me the best way to consume the series.
Watch original series. End it after Naruto/Sakura/Jiraiya have their mission.
Watch Shippuden, skip filler. End it right after Pain Arc, just assume Sasuke get's killed or something.
Watch Itachi + Kakashi filler.
Best naruto.
lets be honest, naruto ended after zabuza died.
it's shit
>half-body Susanoo is where their powers should have peaked.
That's fucking retarded.
>Madara wasn't dead
>Obito wasn't dead
>Sasuke was spared by Itachi
>Itachi murdered everyone so he lived
>Shusui committed suicide I think, that or he was hunted down by ANBU agents.
Not sure about the other two, I think they other two were killed by Itachi during the massacre.
half-body susanoo actually had a weakness, which was the bottom of the susanoo.
It was practically indestructible otherwise, which makes it overpowered, and the things that could beat it are also stupid like Kaguya hair
>maiming anybody other than the best fucking character
Gaara is acceptable too
>paper bomb spam
calm down
>kick Madara's ass so hard still confined to a wheelchair with a busted foot years later
>while living in the same village as the greatest medic and her apprentices
>also literal ninja Jesus is there
>plus tons of those OP Hashirama cells from the Zetsu clones
>still can't heal it
Playable wheelchair Gai when.
one next to shisui is kagami i think and the one next to madara is probably supposed to be izuna
Sorry, but I main the literal best character in the series.
>Actual character arc
>Likable and affable, yet evil and cruel.
>Redemption makes sense, villainy well explained
>Bio-assimilation, the coolest power set in any universe
>Perfecter of Based Tobirama's necromancy
>Was only defeated by the literal highest tier of Uchiha bullshit
>Arc was resolved without Naruto and he actually played off of another character believably.
Other two were long dead and shisui did kill himself to give itachi his eyes
gender doesn't matter when Orichimaru's involved
>He mains an Uchiha
Fucking disgusting
That's Deidara. Shikamaru is the slacker motherfucker who controls shadows.
Itachi > Madara > Sasuke > Obito
I remember when I thought Tobi was cool as shit. Turned out he was just an angsty teenager caught in a grown man/tree cell clone body.
I used to love Naruto before it took a major nose dive near the end. Earlier the power creep had been pretty subtle compared with Dragon Ball etc, Orochimaru which was an early villain was still considered extremely strong near the end. Then over a few dozen episodes everything blew up and it was all giant chakra beast and rinnegans out the pussy.
His paper bomb spam was OP in UNS3
you actually made me kek, naruto has fallen from the heavens where it once was.
>one piece aswell.
One of the most faggoty character in the series bro
Hanzo is the literal paper-bomb spammer.
RIP Nagato's legs
Captain save a hoe
he had some badass moves.
*blocks your path*
>I remember when I thought Tobi was cool as shit
He literally pretended to be retarded for ten years, that kind of destroys your chances of being ever considered cool
What did this guy even do besides make the reanimation technique? I only played the games and he just sort of seemed to tag along with his brother.
Literally Mr.Smithers.
>Tfw your own brother loves an Uchiha more than you
He basically invented the Shinobi way of life, and every novel ninja technique beyond spamming powers.
He made Hiraishin and killed Madara's brother with it, and he's the best at water jutsu
He was the creator of the Flash technique that Minato uses, also I think he was the original creator of the Rasengan. Minato just expanded upon the second's techniques and made them better.
Minato made the Rasengan, if you ignore Asura filller.
made the shadow clone jutsu and the teleportation technique that Minato does
thats a really ugly design
Killed a bunch of faggot uchias
2nd hokage best hokage
>implying he wasn't mystical as fuck at his peak
I though he was an alien or some shit. Him being Obito was so simple that you had already though about it and disregarded the idea for being stupid and obvious way before it was actually revealed.
Definitely the coolest guy in the show other than Hashirama
Ah I couldn't remember if he made it or the second made it, but I know that Minato used several techniques created by the second, or at least some of them.
> he doesn't main the best duo