ITT: Games people won't admit that are secretly best in the series

ITT: Games people won't admit that are secretly best in the series

It was a bland Zelda clone with decent graphics for its time, hardly the best star fox game. That title goes to Lylat Wars

wtf I love Krystal now

>an extraordinarily shitty 3D Zelda clone
>best in the series

>action adventure game
>best game in a series of space shooters

Have you played Adventures recently? It's a mediocre Zelda clone at best.


I jacked off to Krystal, but I'm not proud of it.

>tfw 60fps remake never

>Zelda clone with worse combat, puzzles and backtracking
>General Scales fight was cut

It's an alright game, but it never should have been a Star Fox game.