I've been living under a rock in the last few years. is the witcher 3 a good game or a shitfest...

i've been living under a rock in the last few years. is the witcher 3 a good game or a shitfest? it always seems to cause huge arguments over here

it's mega-overrated and generic AAA console release, worshipped by plebeians who never got to play / couldn't play TW1.

It's good


You should play it if you have time and desire. Anyone who tells you it's the best game ever or the worst game ever is stupid or lying.

It's streamlined in the best way possible, for a streamlined game.
The graphics are pretty good considering it's from an indie dev.
All in all a good game, but not nearly to the amount that people milk it for.

It's a very good game

in what way is it overrated? i played witcher 2 and could tell they already casualized it down for the console peasant audience but it was still pretty OK game

Youre a fucking retard if you think thats the case. I myself have, and know many many others, that are fans of all 3

>i played witcher 2 and could tell they already casualized it down for the console peasant audience but it was still pretty OK game
I found it to be a gigantic downgrade AND a fucking slog to play. I literally don't want to ever touch it again.

TW3 is literally a mere TW2.5.

No, I'm not. I just have not let my standards drop to rock-bottom levels in the past decade.

It's like mix of AssCreed, DeS and Batman: Arkham -games. Up to you if that's a good thing to ya.